Alfred George Compton was born on April 23rd 1898 (St Georges Day) He died 15th August 1985. He lived in Corse village, near Hartpury and was born locally. His Father was a baker and Alfred went on to build his own bakery which was called St Georges because, when busy digging the garden, he found a half sovereign with St George and the Dragon on it.
The Bakery still exists at Junction A417/B4211 (to Corse Lawn) Alf achieved Presidency of the National Association of Master Bakers in 1968.
Alf’s son Andrew was also a baker and lived a short distance away at his home, called Ambleside. When Alf retired he and Andrew swapped homes so that Andrew was on the bakery premises. Alf still liked to frequent the bakery after retirement. He spent a lot of time in the garden at Ambleside as he was a keen gardener.
Mr Compton served for 35 years on the Parish council at Corse. He collected the slides over the course of his lifetime. Alf’s youngest daughter said “Dad was interested in all local History and shared the slides at WI talks etc”. She did not think that his interest in the Mills sprang from the bakery connection
[Slides kindly made available for scanning by Alfred Compton’s grandson, Maurice Estop, via his granddaughter Mrs Rose Payne, Scanned by Dr Ray Wilson, Coaley.net]