The Local History Committee of the Gloucestershire (Rural) Community Council published a total 54 issues of its “Bulletin”, biannually, over a period a period of 26 years.

They contain a mix of news, notices, reports from societies and most importantly, short but generally well researched, articles on a wide range of topics relating to Gloucestershire local history.

All 54 issues have been digitised and are available to download here.

A contents list was only included from Number 13 onwards which is why the contents of the first 12 issues are not currently included in the list below.

Bulletin No. 1 – Spring 1960                             Download PDF (279 kB)

Bulletin No. 2 – Autumn 1960                             Download PDF (609 kB)

Bulletin No. 3 – Spring 1961                             Download PDF (552 kB)

Bulletin No. 4 – Autumn 1961                             Download PDF (655 kB)

Bulletin No. 5 – Spring 1962                             Download PDF (562 kB)

Bulletin No. 6 – Autumn 1962                             Download PDF (800 kB)

Bulletin No. 7 – Spring 1963                             Download PDF (631 kB)

Bulletin No. 8 – Autumn 1963                             Download PDF (779 kB)

Bulletin No. 9 – Spring 1964                             Download PDF (690 kB)

Bulletin No. 10 – Autumn 1964                             Download PDF (818 kB)

Bulletin No. 11 – Spring 1965                             Download PDF (746 kB)

Bulletin No. 12 – Autumn 1965                             Download PDF (782 kB)

Bulletin No. 13 – Spring 1966                  Top          Download PDF (674 kB)

Tribute to Dr. Griffiths by Elizabeth Ralph            Page  1
Local History Committee            Page  2
Schools Essay Competition, 1965            Page  2
The Countryside in 1970            Page  3
The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments            Page  4
News from Societies            Page  4
Adult Education            Page  5
Adult Education – Article 1: Gloucester Episcopal and Capitular Archives by Isabel Kirby            Page  5
Adult Education – Article 2: A Seventeenth Century Diary by Thelma Smith            Page  7
Adult Education – Article 3: Campden Lane by Henry Potts            Page  8
Excavations at: Upton by R.H. Hilton and P.A. Rahtz            Page  9
News from Museums            Page  11
County Records Office            Page  14
Book List            Page  15
Book Review            Page  16
Programmes of Local Societies            Page  16
List of Local Societies            Page  18
Change of Officers            Page  19

Bulletin No. 14 – Autumn 1966                  Top          Download PDF (877 kB)

News from the Societies            Page  1
Norman Conquest 1066            Page  2
A Stroud Centenary by Lionel Walrond            Page  3
Plaque at Brimscombe Port            Page  5
Applied Geology in the Cotswold Region            Page  6
Roman Discoveries in Gloucester City 1966 by T. N. Taylor            Page  7
The Severn Bridge by Irvine Gray            Page  7
Wage Freeze and Redundancy 1750 – 1850 by Christopher Cox            Page  
Frocester Court Roman Villa by H. S. Gracie            Page  12
The Girl I Left Behind Me: A glimpse of military family-life in the 18th Century by Thelma Smith            Page  13
Some Notes on the Newent Coalfield by D.E. Bick            Page  16
News from Gloucester Museums by T. N. Taylor            Page  17
Additions to Stroud Museum by Lionel Walrond            Page  17
News from Cirencester by Joyce Barker            Page  18
New Books in the Gloucester Libraries            Page  19
List of Documents Received relating to Cirencester Area by Irvine Gray            Page  20
Book Reviews            Page  20
Lecture Courses, Meetings etc.            Page  23

Bulletin No. 15 – Spring 1967                  Top          Download PDF (711 kB)

Grants towards Parish Histories            Page  1
Commons Registration (General) Regulations 1966            Page  2
News from Societies            Page  3
A Brief Account of Excavations of a Romano-British Villa at Farmington, Gloucestershire by P. E. Gascoigne            Page  5
Signals for Schools by Brian Smith            Page  7
Sandhurst Records Rediscovered by Mercedes Mackay            Page  9
Further Roman Discoveries in Bell Lane, Gloucester by J. F. Rhodes            Page  10
Excavations at Cirencester, 1966            Page  10
A Good Food Guide in 1770            Page  12
Prison Reform by Irvine Gray            Page  13
Historical Ordnance Maps by Irvine Gray            Page  15
Pamphlet Containing an Account of the Arrest of Mrs. Hues, 1810            Page  16
List of Principal Accessions in 1966 – Gloucestershire Records Office            Page  17
New Books in Gloucester City Libraries            Page  18
Correspondence            Page  19
Book Reviews            Page  20
Forthcoming Events, Lecture Courses, Meetings etc            Page  25

Bulletin No. 16 – Autumn 1967                  Top          Download PDF (1,019 kB)

News from Societies            Page  2
Gloucestershire County Library’s 50th Anniversary by E. E M T Hardwick            Page  6
County Libraries of the Past            Page  7
W. I. Scrap Books by Mercedes Mackay            Page  11
Some Notes on the Gloucester and Cheltenham Railway by David Bick            Page  11
Early Days of Boot Manufacturing by L. G. Harris            Page  13
Some Old Gloucestershire Families by Canon R. J. Mansfield            Page  14
Kingswood Abbey by Arthur Pritchard            Page  16
Extracts from the Parish History of South Cerney by F.E. Fenton            Page  18
Excavation at St. Oswald’s Priory, Gloucester by J. F. Rhodes            Page  20
Local History and the Press            Page  20
Gloucestershire and Canada by Irvine Gray            Page  25
Important Additions to Gloucester City Museums by J. N. Taylor            Page  26
Victoria History of Gloucestershire by C. R. Elrington            Page  23
New Books in Gloucester City Libraries            Page  28
Correspondence            Page  29
Book Reviews            Page  32
Forthcoming Events, Lecture Courses, Meetings etc            Page  36

Bulletin No. 17 – Spring 1968                  Top          Download PDF (771 kB)

One-Day Local History School            Page  1
Recording of Family Portraits by HGB            Page  2
News from Societies            Page  3
Retirement of Mr. Irvine Gray by A. B. Lloyd-Baker            Page  5
Schools Local History Study Competition 1967            Page  5
The Stratford to Moreton Tramway by Mercedes Mackay            Page  7
Medieval Records of St. Peter’s Abbey by Isabel Kirby            Page  8
Bristol Archaeological Research Group by Frances Neale            Page  9
The Business Archives of Estate Agents by Brian S. Smith            Page  10
Listed Buildings by Irvine Gray            Page  12
Bears in the Forest by R. J. Mansfield            Page  14
Local History and the Press            Page  16
Important Additions to Stroud Museum during 1967 by Lionel F. J. Walrond            Page  21
New Books in Gloucestershire County Library            Page  22
New Books in Gloucester City Library            Page  23
List of Principal Accessions in 1967 – Gloucestershire Records Office            Page  24
Correspondence            Page  25
Book Reviews            Page  26
Gloucestershire: A Local History Handbook            Page  29
Records Committee of the County Council 1952-1968 by HGB            Page  29
Local History Societies            Page  30
Forthcoming Events, Lecture Courses, Meetings etc.            Page  31

Bulletin No. 18 – Autumn 1968                  Top          Download PDF (412 kB)

Reports from the Societies            Page  2
Local History School            Page  4
A Short Handlist of Contents of Gloucestershire Records Office, 1968            Page  5
Recent Additions to Stroud Museum            Page  6
Antiquities at Olveston            Page  7
A Jewish Burial Ground in Gloucester by Gladys Davies            Page  8
Gloucestershire Tobacco by by Brian Smith            Page  9
Sir Isaac Pitman and Wotton-Under-Edge by J Colborn            Page  10
Some Gloucestershire Fonts by R J Mansfield            Page  11
Book Reviews            Page  14
Lectures and Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 19 – Spring 1969                  Top          Download PDF (312 kB)

Local History in Gloucester            Page  3
Reports from the Societies            Page  3
Schools Essay Competition — 1968            Page  4
Recent Additions to Gloucester City Museums            Page  5
Recent Additions to Stroud Museum            Page  6
Principal Accessions — Records Office            Page  7
Divine Magic by R J Mansfield            Page  10
Excavations On the Site of the Bell Hotel by H R Hurst            Page  12
Medieval Tiles from Breadstone by R J Maiden            Page  13
John Newton of Barr’s Court            Page  13
Book Reviews            Page  15
Lectures and Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 20 – Autumn 1969                  Top          Download PDF (318 kB)

Reports from the Societies            Page  3
Recent Additions to Gloucester City Museums            Page  4
A Water Wheel For Stroud Museum by Lionel Walrond            Page  5
Excavations On Gloucester City Defences            Page  7
Stones in the Dean by Rj Mansfield            Page  8
Some Churchwardens’ Accounts by R H Harcourt Williams            Page  10
The M5 and Archaeologists            Page  12
Book Reviews            Page  13
Lectures and Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 21 – Spring 1970                  Top          Download PDF (321 kB)

Reports from the Societies            Page  3
Schools’ Essay Competition — 1969            Page  4
Recent Additions to Gloucester City Museums            Page  5
Additions to Stroud Museum by L W Walrond            Page  5
Principal Accessions — Records Office            Page  7
Wynter’s Coat by H W Drinkwater            Page  8
Bristol Castle Excavations            Page  10
Severn Salmon for the Apprentice by F W Baty            Page  11
100 Years of the Gloucestershire B.M.A by G Dowler            Page  12
Book Reviews            Page  13
Lectures and Meetings            Page  15

Bulletin No. 22 – Autumn 1970                  Top          Download PDF (357 kB)

Gloucester Excavations by H R Hurst            Page  2
Gloucestershire Exhibitions by J N Taylor            Page  4
Small Historic Houses by J T Smith            Page  5
Quarries, Mines and Stone Pits by J P Nelson            Page  6
18th Century Gloucestershire Inns by A Bailey            Page  8
Tewkesbury Founders Book by D Winkless            Page  10
Book Reviews            Page  13
Lectures and Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 23 – Spring 1971                  Top          Download PDF (378 kB)

Principal Accessions Records Office 1970            Page  3
Additions to Stroud Museum 1970            Page  4
The Medieval Bee House by W J Robinson            Page  4
Chartist Land Settlement at Snig’s End and Lowbands by Alice Hadfield            Page  6
Excavations at Crickley Hill by Philip Dixon            Page  9
Some Gloucestershire Round Houses by F W Baty            Page  11
Unique Finds At Wallbridge, Stroud by Lionel Walrond            Page  13
Book Review by Brian Smith            Page  15

Bulletin No. 24 – Autumn 1971                  Top          Download PDF (385 kB)

Schools’ Essay Competition 1970            Page  2
Recent Excavations In Gloucester by H. R. Hurst and J. F. Rhodes            Page  2
May Hill by F. W. Baty            Page  7
The Parish Constable by Robin Harcourt Williams            Page  9
The Crickley Hill Site by Mercedes Mackay            Page  12
Metal Detectors And Archaeology A Warning — Council For British Archaeology            Page  13
Book Review            Page  14
Lectures And Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 25 – Spring 1972                  Top          Download PDF (385 kB)

Principal Accessions Records Office            Page  3
Additions to Stroud Museum            Page  4
Schools’ Essay Competition            Page  5
Brass Rubbings by Nina Ruffles            Page  5
Catholic Record Society            Page  7
Cooper’s Hill            Page  8
Archives for Schools by Brian Smith            Page  8
Lost Town Charters of Chipping Campden by Brian Smith            Page  9
Excavations in the Stroud Area by Lionel Walrond            Page  10
Apple Juice and Cider by Olive P Johnston            Page  11
Book Reviews            Page  14

Bulletin No. 26 – Autumn 1972                  Top          Download PDF (358 kB)

Development At Stroud Museum by Lionel Walrond            Page  3
The Serlo Exhibition            Page  4
The Kingsholm Excavations by H. R. Hurst            Page  5
Memories Of A Lifetime by A. S. Warren            Page  7
The Cam Fulling Stocks by Lionel Walrond            Page  10
The Cotswold Olympick Games by Robert Brunning            Page  11
The Gloucester Cholera Epidemic by Heien Taylor-Sabori            Page  13
Book Review            Page  15
Lectures And Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 27 – Spring 1973                  Top          Download PDF (459 kB)

Schools Essay Competition 1972: Report by A. M. Wherry            Page  3
Prize Winning Essay -1: Extract From “Corinium” by G. E. Barker            Page  3
Prize Winning Essay -2: Extract From “A History Of Spring Park, WoodChester by E. C. Thobroe            Page  5
Treasure Hunting            Page  6
Woodchester Roman Pavement            Page  7
The Great Flood Of L606 by H.G.B            Page  7
St. Oswald’S Priory, Gloucester by H.H            Page  9
St. Oswald’S Priory, Gloucester: The History Of The Site by Denys Pringle            Page  9
A Lost Drive In The Cotswolds by J. P. Nelson            Page  11
City Museum, Bristol            Page  14
Book Review            Page  16
Summer Programmes 1973            Page  16

Bulletin No. 28 – Autumn 1973                  Top          Download PDF (362 kB)

Improvements At Stroud Museum by Lionel F. J. Walrond            Page  3
Earliest Charter In County Records Office by Brian S. Smith            Page  4
Edward Jenner — Physician by C. A. Reynolds            Page  6
The Last Duel In Gloucestershire? by H.G.B            Page  9
Excavations At Woodchester In L973 by Giles Clarke            Page  12
A Lost Drive In The Cotswolds by J. P. Nelson            Page  13
‘The Vineyard House’ At Over by P. E. Chandler            Page  14
Book Reviews            Page  16

Bulletin No. 29 – Spring 1974                  Top          Download PDF (312 kB)

6,000 Years Of Man — Archaeology In The Cheltenham Area by Kenneth W. Brown            Page  3
Unease At The Inn by F. W. Baty            Page  6
Cheltenham In The Eighteen Twenties Steven Tomlinson            Page  8
An Old Forest Manor by R. J. Mansfield            Page  10
The Last Duel In Gloucestershire by H.G.B.            Page  11
Old Olveston by P. Addis and R. Pitcher            Page  14
Book Review            Page  16

Bulletin No. 30 – Autumn 1974                  Top          Download PDF (561 kB)

Fair Enough by R. J. Mansfield            Page  3
Centenary            Page  5
Where There’S Smoke by A. D. Baty            Page  6
News From Stroud Museum by Lionel Walrond            Page  7
Medals Of The Gloucestershire Regiment by H.G.B.            Page  9
The 1874 General Election At Cinderford by Bryan C. Jerrard            Page  11
East Gate Excavations, Gloucester by C. M. Heighway            Page  14
Who Knows            Page  15
Gloucestershire History            Page  16

Bulletin No. 31 – Spring 1975                  Top          Download PDF (345 kB)

The New Cor1nium Museum by D J Viner            Page  3
Ladybellegate House by Margaret Rogers            Page  5
Notes from Records Office, Shire Hall            Page  6
The Gloucester Militia by H G Beard            Page  7
Archaeology in Gloucester by C M Heighway            Page  9
‘Hundred’ and ‘Tithing’            Page  9
The Mystery of Condicot Island by J P Nelson            Page  10
Brimscombe Port Bank by Brian Smith            Page  11
Items of Interest            Page  12
Book Reviews            Page  14
Lectures and Meetings            Page  16

Bulletin No. 32 – Autumn 1975                  Top          Download PDF (344 kB)

Toddington and the Tracys by Lord Sudeley            Page  3
Indexing a Local Paper by Joyce Barker            Page  5
Community House by Dr J E L Peters            Page  6
The Severn and Wye Railway by P Skinner            Page  8
Two Days in the Life of an Overseer — Supplied by Richard Barton            Page  9
Items of Interest            Page  11
Records Office Accessions 1974/75            Page  13
Book Reviews            Page  14

Bulletin No. 33 – Spring 1976                  Top          Download PDF (442 kB)

Mickleton Manor by Marguerite Darvill            Page  2
Toddington And The Tracys (Concluded) by Lord Sudeley            Page  4
Gloucestershire Heritage by Gloucestershire Federation of Women’s Institutes            Page  5
Over Bridge by Brian Smith            Page  6
Notes From The County Archivist            Page  10
Gibbon’s Travelling Companion by Russell Howes            Page  12
Archaeology In Gloucester by Carolyn Heighway            Page  13
News of the Societies            Page  14
Book Review            Page  16

Bulletin No. 34 – Autumn 1976                  Top          Download PDF (376 kB)

The Verderers’ Court            Page  2
Amateur Historical Research by Brian S Smith            Page  3
Stow-On-The-Wold 1476—1976 by W H Way            Page  4
Horses and Hot Pot            Page  6
Theatre in Cirencester and Other Matters in the 1800’S by Anthony Denning            Page  7
A New Volume of the County History by N M Herbert            Page  8
Arlington Mill Museum, Bibury by David Verey            Page  10
News of Societies and Items of Interest            Page  12
Book Reviews14

Bulletin No. 35 – Spring 1977                  Top          Download PDF (720 kB)

The Coming of Electric Light by A W Exell            Page  3
Albert Mansbridge by Walter Hawkins            Page  5
Gloucestershire and America by Brian S Smith            Page  6
Fa1rford Church by Edward Keble            Page  8
Historic Towns and Conservation by Donald Milner            Page  10
The Great Turnpike Mystery by J P Nelson            Page  12
News of Societies and Items of Interest            Page  14
Archaeology Notes by Carolyn Heighway            Page  17
Woodchester Roman Pavement by John Cull            Page  18
Excavation At Ashel Barn by T Swain            Page  18
Books Noted            Page  20

Bulletin No. 36 – Autumn 1977                  Top          Download PDF (601 kB)

The Clocks At St Mary’s Church, Dymock by R F Nash            Page  3
Bristol University, Extra-Mural Department, Local History Courses by J H Bettey            Page  4
Life in an Augustinian Abbey by Kenneth Povah            Page  5
Country Carriers, Cheltenham, 1880 by D H Aldred            Page  8
Records Office by Accessions 1975-76            Page  10
News of Societies and Items of Interest            Page  11
Book Reviews            Page  16

Bulletin No. 37 – Spring 1978                  Top          Download PDF (414 kB)

Northleach Prison and theCase of Charles Beale by R W Jennings            Page  3
Northleach Court Leet by T L Miles            Page  5
Severn Incident by C Jordan            Page  7
Hempsted Church by R P Smith            Page  8
Mining in the Forest of Dean by C Davies            Page  10
Gloucester’s First Fire Engine by S Porter            Page  12
Items of Interest            Page  14
Excavations at St Oswald’s Priory by C Heighway            Page  15
Book Review and Sonnet by G S Ward            Page  16
Books Noted            Page  16

Bulletin No. 38 – Autumn 1978                  Top          Download PDF (498 kB)

Tea-Time Happiness in Yesterday’s Promenade by Cyril Nicholson            Page  2
The Coaching Age in Gloucestershire by Russell Howes            Page  3
The Trial of Mary Read by Peter Griffin            Page  5
Tarlton Church by W Messam 7
History Along the Cotswold Way by Marian Barraclough            Page  10
Items of Interest            Page  14
Book Review            Page  16
Books Noted            Page  6

Bulletin No. 39 – Spring 1979                  Top          Download PDF (377 kB)

Old Braggs and Silver-Tailed Dandies by D. Bisgood            Page  2
Post In Gloucestershire in the 18th Century by R. Howes            Page  6
Duke Of Norfolk’s Lodgings by B. Drake            Page  9
A French P.O.W. in Cheltenham by R. Beacham            Page  12
Badminton Estate Archives            Page  12
Illustrated Cheltenham Guide by R. Beacham            Page  13
Items of Interest            Page  14
Books Noted            Page  15

Bulletin No. 40 – Autumn 1979                  Top          Download PDF (523 kB)

The Cheltenham Connection by G.V.S.            Page  2
Cheltenham Exhibition of 1854 by B. Rawes            Page  3
Banking in Gloucestershire by A. Foster            Page  6
Shirers and Lances by R. Beacham            Page  8
Newnham Parish Magazine by J. Kerr            Page  9
Bankruptcy at The Bull            Page  12
Gloucestershire Family History            Page  16
Stroud School of Art by J. C. Sollars            Page  20
Our Speaker for Tonight by E.L.            Page  21
Index. Issues 1—39            Page  23

Bulletin No. 41 – Spring 1980                  Top          Download PDF (477 kB)

Robert Raikes by Frank Booth            Page  3
The Lysons Family Connections With Rodmarton by W Messam            Page  5
Georgian & Regency Theatre in Cheltenham by Jenery Howard            Page  8
The Winter of 1740 in North Gloucestershire by Stephen Porter            Page  10
The Duke of Norfolk’s Lodgings (Part 2) by Miss B Drake            Page  13
The Three Choirs’ Festival by Christian Wilson            Page  15

Bulletin No. 42 – Autumn 1980                  Top          Download PDF (351 kB)

Demographic Trends At Minchinhampton by T. M. Neill            Page  2
The Francis Close Hall by Rev. Alan Munden            Page  5
Corrupt Electioneering at Gloucester, 1880 by K. P. Chappell            Page  8
A Regency Romance by Dr. Steven Blake            Page  14

Bulletin No. 43 – Spring 1981                  Top          Download PDF (343 kB)

Westgate Street, Gloucester by Barbara Drake            Page  2
Corrupt Electioneering At Gloucester — A Postscript by John Howe            Page  4
Who’s Who At Tewkesbury Manor, 600-1300 by Carolyn R. Timms            Page  8
The Cheltenham Connection by Tina Pulford            Page  12

Bulletin No. 44 – Autumn 1981                  Top          Download PDF (404 kB)

Ricardo & Rebecca at Stroud by Christopher Cox            Page  2
Cheltenham’s “Homes Fit For Heroes by R. Homan            Page  9
Notes on a Watch by B. Linnell            Page  12
The Bullo Pill Tramroad Railway by A. I. Brown            Page  13
John Garrison of Tewkesbury by B. Linnell            Page  18
Augustin Edouart’s Silhouettes by Roger Beacham            Page  19

Bulletin No. 45 – Spring 1982                  Top          Download PDF (376 kB)

Gloucestershire’s First VC by Henry Bunting            Page  2
Gotherington Reading Room and Village Club by Owen Stinchcombe            Page  4
J W Scott and Cheltenham’s Homecrafts by Robert Homan            Page  10
Blockley – Some New Perspectives by Bryan Jerrard            Page  13
Fact Or Fiction? by Ann-Rachael Harwood            Page  18

Bulletin No. 46 – Autumn 1982                  Top          Download PDF (370 kB)

The Public Records & Local History by Russell Howes            Page  3
The Bishop of Gloucester by R J Davis            Page  5
The Church of St. Catharine By John Jurica            Page  13

Bulletin No. 47 – Spring 1983                  Top          Download PDF (444 kB)

The Historical Manuscripts Commission and Local History by Russell Howes            Page  2
Whitley Court and the Snell Family, Upton St. Leonards by P. D. Griffiths            Page  5
Westgate Street Worthies by Barbara Drake            Page  8
The “Volunteer” Of Gloucester 1869-70 by John Mortimer            Page  10
Isaac Hillier Of Nailsworth 1797-1892 by M. E. H. Mills            Page  15
A Victorian Schoolmaster by Ann Wright            Page  18

Bulletin No. 48 – Autumn 1983                  Top          Download PDF (445 kB)

The Court Rolls of Upton St Leonards by John V Ruffell            Page  2
Jemmy Wood, Banker and Millionaire of Gloucester by Andrew Wood            Page  5
George Whitefield in Gloucestershire by R D George 12

Bulletin No. 49 – Spring 1984                  Top          Download PDF (348 kB)

The Kingscote of Kingscote by Arthur Kingscote Potter            Page  3
Banking in Gloucester by Natwest Bank Archives            Page  6
Gloucestershire Training College of Domestic Science by Ann Wright            Page  8
A Local History Society by Elizabeth Skinner            Page  14

Bulletin No. 50 – Autumn 1984                  Top          Download PDF (388 kB)

Corse Court C A Barrett            Page  3
The Non Conformists of Nailsworth by Betty Mills            Page  7
Rodborough Parish & thePoor Law by Christopher Cox            Page  11
The Mapping of Gloucestershire by John N Moore            Page  14

Bulletin No. 51 – Spring 1985                  Top          Download PDF (336 kB)

The Upper Severn Navigation by Barrie Trinder            Page  2
Early Roads in South Gloucestershire by John Milner            Page  6
The Lighting of Tewkesbury’s Streets by R J Lyon-Smith            Page  9
Rating Problems in Newent by Frances Penney            Page  11
Teacher Assessment in Gloucestershire Cl860—1880 by Ann Wright            Page  13

Bulletin No. 52 – Autumn 1985                  Top          Download PDF (433 kB)

The Enigma of Holloways by David Bick            Page  3
Historical Westgate Street, Gloucester by Barbara Drake            Page  6
A Luddite Letter, True Or False? by Christopher Cox            Page  12
Shovelling Out the Campden Paupers by Geoffrey Powell            Page  13
Keeping A Corner Shop in Gloucester by Marjorie Burden            Page  18

Bulletin No. 53 – Spring 1986                  Top          Download PDF (545 kB)

A Galaxy of Gloucestershire Astronomers by Brian Frith            Page  3
An Incident in Gloucester, 1791 by Barbara Drake            Page  6
Gloucestershire Gardens by John H Harvey            Page  8
Highnam Court Garden by John Chappell            Page  11
Painswick House Garden by Paul Edwards            Page  14

Bulletin No. 54 – Autumn 1986                  Top          Download PDF (498 kB)

John Berkeley, America’s First Iron Worker by Arthur Dunn            Page  3
Gloucester and Its Catholics During the Reign of King James II by Richard Barton and Brian Torode            Page  7
A Revolt Against the Rates in Minchinhampton by Cyril Turk            Page  12
Pioneers in Canada by Alan Baddeley            Page  15
Colonel Hallewell of Stroud by J C Sollars            Page  17