Charlton Kings Local & Family History Society

Subject Index for Research Bulletins Nos. 1 to 65 (1979 – 2019)

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Abbotsdene (Raisey House), Cudnall St   33  19,29-30
Abbotsdene (Raisey House), Cudnall St   33  19,29-30
Abbotsford, Old Bath Road   50  17,18
Abercorn   29  42
Abingdon, Copt Elm Road   25  25
Abingdon, Greenway Lane   65  30,31
Abraham’s Messuage   37  2
Acomb House   41  3,5;   50  9;   54  9;   34  7
Adams Caravans   25  25-27
Advertisements of local businesses, 1957   41  38-39;   43  39-40
Aggs Hill   8  20;   9  49;   34  1;   37  2;   43  19;   58  28
Agg’s Hill   21  21;   27  3;   55  35
Agriculture   2  28-30;   4  7;   6  25
Agriculture – Agricultural Products, value in C16   9  5-6
Agriculture – Agricultural wages, C19   40  6
Agriculture – Cattle Troughs   57  52-53
Agriculture – Changes, 18th C   65  4
Agriculture – Changes, 19th C   65  7
Agriculture – Commons, Charlton Kings   18  17-20
Agriculture – Common Field, Ryeworth   51  17-19
Agriculture – Enclosure   1  16
Agriculture – Enclosure, 18th C   65  4
Agriculture – Enclosures (Ryeworth area)   51  17-19
Agriculture – Farm Inventory 19th C   65  6
Agriculture – Farming in 19th century Charlton Kings   54  9-10,12,14
Agriculture – Farming, photographs early C20   34  2-5
Agriculture – Field Names   54  6-7;   13  4;   15  7ff
Agriculture – Field Names, 15-17th C   28  1-4,26-27;   30  16-24
Agriculture – Field Systems   9  8-9
Agriculture – Ridge and Furrow   1  3, 19
Agriculture – Ryeworth Field   51  17-19
Agriculture – see also Mills   19  27
Agriculture – Strip farming, last days of in Charlton Kings   51  17-19
Agriculture – Strip fields & allotments, Ryeworth   55  37-38
Agriculture – Survey, Land Values   2  24-30
Air Raid Precautions WW2   51  56
Air Raid Wardens WW2   62  53
Air Training Corps (125 (Cheltenham) Squadron)   56  23-26
Alba Cottage (near Six Ways)   53  30
Alba Villa, Ryeworth   63  34
Alexanders Breeches   32  6
Alexanders Breeches – see also Pate’s Close    
Alexanders Breeches – Croft   32  6
Alexanders Breeches – Messuage   35  18,20
Alexander’s Croft (Nupend Croft)   15  17
Allers, nr Rodways Brook   54  42,44
Allotments   36  35;   38  29
Allotments (need for more, 1891)   53  60
Almshouses – see Poor Law    
Alpheys (field name; also Office)   48  7,8
Amberley, London Road   55  21-2
Anastasia Cottage   40  15;   41  33
Anastasia Cottage, London Road   5  30
Anceters Breach   32  6
Anchor (Public House)   18  41
Anchor, The: see Pound Cottage    
Ancient Messuage, The (Cudnall St)   46  1,2,4-5
Apprentices from Charlton Kings to City of Gloucester 1595-1700   49  59-60
Apprenticeship   9  34-36
Archaeology   1  3-4;   7  10-12
Archaeology in Sandy Lane area   53  4-7
Ark, The   13  26-27, 32
Ark, The (East End)   46  21
Arle Court   8  10;   9  7
Arle Grove   22  5
Arts & Crafts Movement   37  10-20;   49  50-52
Ashgrove Farm   21  35;   33  33;   34  7,18-24;   37  23;   39  23,26;   43  17;   57  53;   60  32
Ashgrove Farm, Cider Mill   6  52
Ashley   55  50
Ashley Beedle Messuages (Cudnall St)   46  1-3
Ashley Close   65  30
Ashley Cottages, Croft Road   44  20;   49  10,11
Ashley Firs   22  27;   26  17;   27  4;   41  35
Ashley Firs, Ryeworth Road   6  58-59, 61
Ashley House, Church Street   51  55
Ashley Manor   5  53;   7  16;   53  26,61;   54  42-47;   55  21;   56  29,31;   60  32;   62  8;   63  43
Ashley Manor – Court Baron Meeting, 1907   53  55
Ashley Manor – see also Manors    
Ashley Manor (originally The Oaklands, q.v.)   42  13;   44  37;   45  12;   49  18;   51  46;   55  12
Ashley Manor Boys’ School   60  41, 42
Ashley Manor Court   59  24
Ashley Manor Court Roll 1824   59  23
Ashley Manor Lodge   60  32
Ashley Place   24  25,34,35;   37  5,33
Ashley Rise   27  3;   48  19,21,23
Ashley Road   27  32;   48  19,38;   49  16-20;   37  18
Ashley Road, Beechwood   65  21
Ashley Road, Oakfield   37  18ff
Ashley Tithing   65  3;   50  58;   52  39-42
Ashley, Church Street   52  33,35
Ashley, Manor of   39  11;   41  20-21,37;   42  13,14,15;   43  14;   44  21;   45  2-4;   46  1,2,5,13;   46  14,31,36;   48  5, 24, 28;   49  8,56;   52  45
Ashley, Manor of – (Assheley Tithing)   47  14
Aston Villa, Lyefield Road West   50  52
Aucotts (Awcotts, Awcutts)   32  29-31;   34  21
Australia, emigration to   40  5-9
Avalon, Stanley Road   65  23
Avenall Ground (Avonhall, Avenells)   48  9,11
Avenals/Avenalls Parade   43  33;   46  1
Avens (or Avers or Havers q.v.), The   38  19,29;   43  22,23;   27  2,35
Avening, Cirencester Road   57  51
Avenue, The   8  29;   29  47;   54  48, 49, 54;   55  40
Avenue, The (formerly Claypits & Gong Furlong)   20  39;   21  22
Awcott(s) (Awcutts, Aucotts)   32  29-31;   34  21;   37  23
Awneldefurlong (? Arnolds furlong)   55  50
Back Cottage   37  10
Back Lane (East End)   39  24
Bacon Comb (field)   48  7,8
Bacon’s Combe   11  36
Badleton   26  32;   27  2,3
Bafford   2  3;   44  18-19;   46  4,13;   48  30;   49  8;   53  43;   54  37;   55  50
Bafford – Beadle Messuage   38  39;   43  3
Bafford – Brook   11  17
Bafford – Cottages   42  4,36
Bafford – Drainage   11  19
Bafford – Farm   10  20;   12  30;   13  35;   15  17;   39  6;   46  25
Bafford – Farm sale, 1811   41  36;   42  29-31
Bafford – Freeholds   8  29;   10  18-20;   15  10-18
Bafford – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  34,35
Bafford – Placename   8  20
Bafford – Tithing   65  3;   52  39-41
Bafford – Tithings   45  2;   47  14-15;   8  8, 20-21;   9  17
Bafford (Tithing)   24  23;   26  22,34
Bafford Approach   60  18
Bafford Cottage (see also Bafford Grange)   64  13
Bafford Croft (Bafford Lane)   52  34
Bafford Farm   21  5;   26  10;   32  1,8;   34  1;   48  5, 9, 12;   50  52;   51  43;   54  9;   56  34-37;   60  18;   65  4-6,10-13
Bafford Grange (34 Bafford Lane)   50  6-22;   51  51-53
Bafford Grange (formerly Bafford Cottage qv)   44  38;   47  35
Bafford Hide   39  11
Bafford Hide – Tithing, Development of   32  3-11
Bafford House   42  32;   47  35;   58  37;   64  13;   37  32;   49  23
Bafford Lane   42  30;   26  34;   32  3,6
Bafford Lane – Bafford Grange   50  6-22;   51  51-53
Bafford Lane (previously Bafford Street)   65  34,35
Bafford Malthouse   32  7
Bafford Mill   32  8-9,11;   56  34;   60  18
Bafford Smithy   32  10
Bafford Street (now Bafford Lane)   65  34,35
Bafford, Box Cottage   65  34,39
Bafford, Enfield Cottage   65  34
Bafford’s Paddock   26  22
Balcarras   60  47;   61  25;   62  15;   64  12
Balcarras – Strip Lynchets   9  8
Balcarras Brook   21  35-38;   22  12
Balcarras Cottage   52  56
Balcarras Court   39  25;   43  18;   52  51
Balcarras Farm   44  29
Balcarras House   21  35,36;   22  9;   64  30;   52  48-56
Balcarras House (Charlton Kings Hotel)   39  30;   42  36;   43  18;   46  36
Balcarras Lane   21  35,36;   22  5;   32  29,30;   34  13;   35  19;   37  3;   38  17;   39  24,25;   43  17,18,20;   46  1;   47  4;   49  56;   13  9,31;   14  19
Balcarras Lane, Gale’s   21  36
Balcarras Lawn   43  18;   44  28;   13  31;   52  51
Balcarras Road, Rossett   58  20
Balcarras, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Ballhey   22  7,9
Ballinger’s   38  3
Balls Hey   35  35
Balls House   21  35;   22  5-12;   35  35;   37  3
Band – Gordon Boys   60  43
Band – Mr James   60  43
Bank Cottage   30  13;   39  1
Baptist Chapel – construction   7  50
Baptist Church   12  42;   13  39;   15  27ff;   20  43;   22  35;   23  1;   26  28;   43  26;   48  36;   49  14;   60  39
Baptist Church – Photograph c.1910   36  22
Baptist Church – Schoolroom   43  22
Baptist Church – Sunday School   39  24
Baptist Church (see also Ryeworth Chapel)   53  3;   54  13;   57  29
Baptist Church Memorial Organ Fund   63  46
Baptists in C.K.   15  34-35
Bardowie, Sandy Lane Road   58  20
Bareland Field   22  9
Barelands   34  9
Barland(s), (The) (see also Bearlands)   38  26;   39  21
Barland(s), (The) (see also Bearlands)(meadow close)   45  13,16
Barley Mead   8  21;   54  37;   62  6
Barley Mead (field)   48  7,9,11
Barley Stream, The – see Southfield Brook    
Barn Piece (field)   48  11
Barneheye (le)   54  43,44
Barns Hay   15  27ff;   30  5
Barnshay   45  20-22
Barretts Hay (The Langett)   21  9
Barretts Hill   34  13
Barretts Hill, East End   64  13
Barrington Lodge (prev. Brierton House)   32  7
Barrington, The Chase   64  34
Barrowhope (see also Hopton)   34  40
Basfords (-Bassa’s Ford, = Bafford; Bafford holding)   32  3-5;   37  2
Bastin’s Piece   42  34
Baths – see Social – Gymnasium and Baths    
Batildon (Battledown)   55  52
Battens Close   39  2
Battledown   21  18;   24  40;   27  3;   29  37,42,45;   30  34,35;   31  27;   37  18;   40  3;   41  34;   47  31
Battledown – Battledowns Farm   47  17
Battledown – Estate, Demolition of Houses, 2001   45  28-31;   47  40
Battledown – Estate, Foundation of   47  16-23
Battledown – House, 1910-1940s   26  11-16
Battledown – Origin of name   58  30;   59  15;   27  33
Battledown – Roman remains   27  32-33
Battledown – see also Badleton    
Battledown – Stream (The Slad) draining Battledown Hill   49  16-20
Battledown – View of Cheltenham Cemetery   64  14
Battledown (placename)   8  20
Battledown Approach   49  44;   57  21;   58  21;   41  9
Battledown Approach Road   63  55,56
Battledown Approach, Glavum   65  50
Battledown Baker’s Bag, The   53  48-51
Battledown Court   57  44;   58  61;   61  52
Battledown Estate   48  19,38;   54  9;   55  8-18;   57  39;   58  21;   65  14
Battledown Estate (and Charlton Court)   63  46, 47
Battledown Grange   58  21-27;   63  55;   43  36
Battledown House   45  28;   47  17,19,20;   47  24,26,30;   49  41,43;   55  8;   58  22;   60  9;   65  50
Battledown Knoll   15  37
Battledown land   60  9
Battledown Lawn   57  39-46
Battledown Manor   52  33;   60  60
Battledown Manor (also The Knowle)   41  3;   43  23;   45  28
Cover, 8-18    
Battledown Priors   29  42
Battledown View (Oakley Road)   35  31;   53  48
Battledown Villas   57  40-46
Battledown(s) (The)   38  26;   45  9,13,16
Battledown, Birchley Road   63  55
Battledown, electricity supply, 1901   53  51
Battledown, Greenacres   50  53
Battledown, Mill Cottage   50  53
Battledown, Rose Orchard   50  53
Battledown, St Monica’s Home for Girls   63  55, 56
Battlemoor (Battens Moor)   23  21-23
Baunton Gables, London Road   50  52
Bawle Grove – see Arle Grove    
Beaches – see Beeches    
Beacons – Diamond Jubilee 1879   59  38
Bearlands – see also Barlands   39  33
Beater, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  12
Beating the Bounds, Parish   4  21
Beaufort Arms   46  1;   49  16;   10  6;   17  39;   33  10
Beaufort Lodge   54  11
Beaufort Place   55  21;   37  34
Beaufort, Croft Road   32  2
Beeches (Beaches, Breaches)   13  9;   15  16
Beeches Road   32  29;   37  23
Beeches, The   21  34,36;   32  1,2;   33  32-33,37,40;   45  26
Beeches, The – Children’s Playground (photographs)   30  36
Beeches, The – see also Meads, The    
Beechwood Villas   60  27
Beechwood, Ashley Road   65  21
Beedle Messuage   2  3
Beehive Inn   39  21;   44  29
Beehive Inn, Cider Mill   6  52
Beehive Inn, London Road   29  48;   34  1,25
Bell (The), Beershop, London Road   65  22
Bell, The (Beerhouse on London Road)   56  49
Bellacre   38  26;   45  13,16
Bellevue House, London Road   14  20
Belmont (Croft Road)   51  36
Ben Venue (Battledown)   47  24
Ben Venue (Greenacre), Stanley Road   49  41,43
Benbreach   44  25
Benbridge   26  22
Benbridge (land)   48  8
Beta, Lyefield Road   60  28
Betillyns   54  43
Beulah, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Bicknell (Field)   41  20,21,34
Bicknells, The   42  14
Bigamy   53  64
Bill Leonard Court   50  60;   51  60
Birchin – see also Birchinbrandyard, Birchyn   15  14,17
Birchinbrandhay   24  29
Birchley Road   24  40;   36  38
Birchley Road, Battledown   63  55
Birchyn, Birchynbrandyard   32  8
Bisbrook, Lyefield Road West   49  28
Bishop Benson Survey 1735   63  13
Bishop Hooper’s Visitation 1551   5  10,11
Bishop of Gloucester Survey, 1740   60  40
Black Horse Inn   61  50
Black Horse Inn (Rosehill Street)   17  33;   38  22
Blakemore   34  18,20
Blakemore (Close)   8  23-24
Blakemore(field) (Blackmoor)   46  6;   47  14
Blind Lane (later Croft Road, q.v.)   15  15,16;   41  21;   44  18-21;   49  8-11;   51  35
Blind Lane’s End   26  22,23
Blinkbourne, Lyefield Road West   49  28
Blue Boys, The – see St Mary’s Cottage    
Bobby’s Alley   6  31;   15  28;   19  21;   20  43;   38  9;   43  22;   49  56
Bobby’s Alley Lexham Lodge   7  50
Boer War   46  20-22;   49  45-49;   64  42
Bomb near Greenway Lane (WW2)   43  23
Book Review – “Troubled Waters” – Water Supply Controversy   55  18
Book Review – (The) Hole in the Ground (David O’Connor)   49  58
Book Review – A History of Charlton Kings   65  51-52
Book Review – Cheltenham Past and Present   57  60
Book Review – Cheltenham, History (Rowbotham & Walter)   51  59
Book Review – Cheltenham: A New History   57  59
Book Review – Cheltenham’s Lost Heritage (O C Bradbury)   51  59
Book Review – Charlton Kings Parish Rate Book, 1882 (Mary Paget)   51  59
Book Review – Charlton Kings Probate Records 16-1800 (Paget, Sale)   49  58
Book Review – Charlton Kings Tudor Wills (Tony Sale)   51  59
Book Review – Court Books, Manor of Chel. 1692-1803   57  59
Book Review – Gazeteer of Cheltenham   37  39
Book Review – Improving the Property (Mary Paget)   49  58
Book Review – John Burgh Rochfort — Preacher   53  3
Book Review – Leckhampton Court (Eric Miller)   49  58
Book Review – Lives Revisited (David O’Connor)   52  65
Book Review – Three Registers of Charlton Kings Electors (M Paget)   51  59
Book Review – Wartime Poetry Journal, A (E M. Roberts)   52  65
Borowehopis – see Barrowhope; Hopton    
Borrowes (messuage)   48  3
Bottle Shop – see also Somerset House    
Bottle-well   24  34
Boulton Villa   31  31-32;   32  33
Boundaries – Leckhampton (Beating the Bounds)   25  28-29
Boundary, Charlton Kingsi/Cheltenham, proposed changes, 1891   53  59-60
Bounds, Beating the   21  20-22
Box Cottage, Bafford   65  34,39
Boy Visitor   3  16-17
Boyne House   24  39
Bradley Road   7  51;   48  28,29;   49  11;   50  42;   52  35,36
Bradley Road, Golden View   50  42
Bramleys (on Newcourt development)   54  35
Branch Hill Rise (Road)   31  22;   60  18
Breach (field)   48  11
Breaches – see Beeches    
Breeches, Great, Little, Penny   33  37
Brentnor, Cirencester Road   37  33
Brevel Cottages   15  36;   43  22;   49  56
Brevel Terrace   13  39-41;   22  33,35;   27  50;   47  6;   29  16,20
Brevel Terrace (no. 1)   7  51
Brevel Terrace, Buckle Grange   5  64
Brevells – see also H+E2569orwood’s Close   32  5,6,11
Brevels (Brevills, Brevills-Hay)   15  16,35
Brevels Hay(e)   19  28;   22  33;   24  29-31;   27  1
Brevels Haye   29  4-23,28;   35  12;   36  42;   47  3;   49  56
Brevil Row (= Brevel Terrace?)   31  29
Breweries: records in GRO C 19-20   49  61
Brewery, Charlton Kings   34  40;   44  21
Brickfine Cottages   13  39;   43  22
Brickmaking   62  37-43
Brickmaking and Brick Works   10  39-47
Brickworks   23  23
Brickworks – see also Shops – Webb Bros.    
Brickyard, Pilley   61  39
Brickyard, Shill’s   55  35
Bridge House (formerly The Hermitage, q.v.)   50  12,51
Bridge House (The Hermitage, The Elms)   24  21;   27  4
Brierton Cottages   39  6
Brierton House – see Barrington Lodge    
Brightlea   21  2
Brighton Buildings, London Road   61  17
Brighton Buildings, London Road (245, 247)   64  39
Brighton Cottage, London Road (No. 249)   63  19;   64  40-43
Brighton Cottages, London Road   42  18
Brixton Cottages   18  41
Brixton House – see (The) Grange    
Brixton House (later Church End House)   4  27
Brixton Place   56  52
Broad Acre, Glenfall   21  29
Broad Battle Downs   41  34
Broad Beach   34  18,20
Broad Ditch   34  21
Broadbreach   23  24
Broadcroft   15  28;   42  8,10
Broadseech   45  5
Broadway   50  58
Broadway, Worcs – see also Phillipps, Thomas in “Name” Index   12  1
Brockwell (field)   48  5,7
Brode Scherde   55  52
Brodecroft   52  57,58
Brodelesue (land)   50  55
Brook House (previously Broughton), Moorend Road   54  54
Brook Place   59  23
Brook Place, Brookway Road   59  24
Brook Villas, Brookway Road   59  24
Brooklands   46  11
Brookway   52  34
Brookway Drive   48  36;   49  25;   57  5,6
Brookway Lane   27  3;   38  17;   40  34;   42  6;   46  2,4
Brookway Lane (Brookway Road, Stew(e)’s Lane)   28  2,5-7;   31  11,13;   33  19
Brookway Lane (Stews Lane)   9  3,6;   14  18;   15  15;   17  5
Brookway Lane, Hamilton House (Villa)   59  47-51
Brookway Lane, Pear Tree Cottage   59  47
Brookway Lane, Wraxall House   59  47-51
Brookway Road   43  20,21,30;   57  5,6;   59  23
Brookway Road (Brook(way) Place)   23  42;   24  39
Brookway Road, Brook Place   59  24
Brookway Road, Brook Villas   59  24
Brookway Road, Lyefield Gardens   57  5
Brookway Road, Moreton Terrace   59  24
Broughton (later Brook House), Moorend Road   54  54
Brunswick House   64  13;   54  9
Brunswick House (also Glenure)   23  21,25
Brunswick House, Cirencester Road   62  3-12
Brunswick Villa   44  21;   62  6;   34  40
Brunswick Villa (Prinn Arms)   49  8
Buckle Grange, Brevel Terrace   5  64
Buckle Haven   7  53
Bucklehaven Almshouses   50  60;   51  60
Buckles Close   29  4
Buckles Row   29  16,20,23,27;   34  27;   37  6;   43  32;   47  4;   50  38-39;   51  54;   51  16;   53  31;   54  11;   15  28
Bull Acre   42  4
Bull Butts   33  35;   37  23;   44  18-19
Bull Hill   18  34;   19  27;   32  1,7,30,31;   38  1,29;   39  25;   43  29;   45  26
Bull Keys (Bulls Hays)   10  8,10
Bungalow (The), School Road   5  64
Bunyip, Australia: link with Charlton Kings   40  5-9
Burgess Lion Ointment   13  1-2
Burgesses Nurseries (Fuller and Maylams)   7  50
Burghill House (near Ashley Manor)   63  43-47
Buses   6  4-7;   7  41;   39  28
Buses, C19   54  15,16
Businesses: see Shops    
Butts, The   13  23;   43  2
Byttomes, The   8  23
Cables Mead   34  13
Caden (3 Okus Road)   48  27,28
California Farm   7  8;   39  25;   43  17,18;   64  13;   27  46,49
California Farm (Hill Farm)   34  5,7,9
Cambray Cottages   22  35
Cambray Cottages, Church Street   56  51
Cambreaches   45  4
Cambrian Cottage   47  3-8;   22  33-34;   29  16,20
Cambrian Cottage and Nurseries   15  53
Cambrian House   47  8
Cambrian Villa   29  16;   37  5;   47  4;   22  33-35
Cambrian Villa (Church Street)   51  55
Canals   39  33;   40  1
Caner Croft   54  47
Canterbury Villa   33  40;   34  26
Capel Lane   13  30;   46  6;   26  17;   34  15
Capel Orchard   23  33,35;   34  9
Capells, The   39  33
Captains Ground (Field)   48  11
Caravan Rally, Southfield Farm   49  25-26
Carriers   28  42;   35  29
Cartwright’s Homestead   23  34
Castle Barn Farm   43  17
Castle Farm   49  16;   55  10;   61  33
Castle Farm (Battledown)   47  31
Castle Field   48  3
Castle Field, Castlefield   22  5,7,9;   25  31
Castlefield   38  16-21;   41  4;   42  16;   46  9;   47  4,6
Castlefield Drive   63  10
Castlefield House   63  3-11
Castlefield Road   63  10
Castlefield Road (No. 25)   63  31
Castlefield(s)   8  24;   10  6;   13  9ff
Castlefields   39  22,26,28;   44  28
Castles, The (Close)   45  5
Castleton House   63  3-11
Castleton House – see Courtfield    
Castleton House (now Courtfield)   5  30
Castleton Villa – see Hilden Lodge    
Castleton Villa (Hilden Lodge)   49  62;   53  60;   56  30
Castleton, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Castlewell Green   22  7
Cat’s Hay   62  5, 6
Catshay   33  37
Catshay (Cattshey)   19  30;   23  21-23
Cavour Cottage, Horsefair St   24  25,35
Cawell (Cowell Lane)   55  52
Caylers Cottage, Spring Bottom   37  3-4
Cemetery   15  16,47;   43  28,29
Cemetery, Choice & Acquisition of Site   53  31
Census, 1676, Compton   60  40
Census, 1801   52  42-44
Chancel Park   55  42
Chancel Way   55  42
Char(e)lton Tithing   65  3
Charleton (Tithing)   47  15
Charlotteville (Cudnall Street) – see also Langton Lodge   45  32-33
Charlotteville, Cudnall St   33  19-28;   5  30
Charlton Brewery   34  40;   44  21
Charlton Brewery (Prinn Arms)   62  6
Charlton Church Post Office   60  35-38
Charlton Church Post Office, Robberies   60  36
Charlton Close   60  18
Charlton Common   18  17-20;   21  21;   45  4;   46  15,25;   48  12;   8  50;   16  55
Charlton Common – see also Mountain(s) Knoll    
Charlton Cottage   50  57;   41  28-32;   43  7-13,15
Charlton Cottage (Joyces)   35  12,35;   37  5,9
Charlton Cottage (Joyce’s)   19  21;   22  11;   26  34
Charlton Cottage (Joyces)   15  18-27
Charlton Court   57  29;   60  47
Charlton Court (previously Burghill)   63  45
Charlton Court Cottage   63  46
Charlton Court Farm   63  45, 46
Charlton Court Road   49  16;   60  47;   63  47
Charlton Drive   57  11
Charlton Drive, Eden End   57  12
Charlton Drive, Roman Hackle   57  11
Charlton Engineer Volunteers   53  34
Charlton Gate – Turnpike   33  9,10
Charlton Hill   60  17,18;   3  14;   34  6;   40  3;   43  29
Charlton Hill, Quarries   54  14
Charlton House   10  4,13;   11  24,40;   12  27,28;   26  43;   28  2;   31  11;   39  1;   46  1,2,4,36;   48  31;   52  16;   54  8;   55  19;   57  5,10;   59  23;   60  6
Charlton House – History   10  8-12
Charlton House Lodge   9  39
Charlton House Lodge (?= Charlton Park Lodge)   40  20
Charlton House, Spirax Sarco, WW1 Prisoners   63  41,42
Charlton Kings – C11&C12 land gifts to Llanthony Priory   45  2-4
Charlton Kings – C17 Survey (incl. closes, field names etc)   18  35-40
Charlton Kings – Early C20 economic state   21  16
Charlton Kings – Early history   54  5-7
Charlton Kings – Local Board Meetings, 1891   53  59,60
Charlton Kings – name of a Plantation   62  21, 23
Charlton Kings – Photograph from Church tower, 1973   34  27
Charlton Kings – Placename   8  20
Charlton Kings – Poor   45  14,16
Charlton Kings – Settlement Pattern   8  20
Charlton Kings – Social change in 19th century   54  8-16
Charlton Kings – The Village and other Poems   64  16-22
Charlton Kings – Tithing   15  10-19
Charlton Kings – View from Church Tower 1888   6  8
Charlton Kings (UDC)   61  3-9;   49  56;   36  28,35;   37  34;   16  31;   54  16;   20  1-3
Charlton Kings (UDC) – “History and Growth” (booklet)   48  36
Charlton Kings (UDC) – (in) activity of   48  30
Charlton Kings (UDC) – extracts from minutes, 1927-1935   50  52-54
Charlton Kings (UDC) – merger proposal with Chelt (1934)   50  52
Charlton Kings (UDC) – milk in schools   50  53
Charlton Kings (UDC) – overcrowding at Ham   50  53
Charlton Kings (UDC) – reports of meetings, 1903   49  35-38
Charlton Kings (UDC) – Council Hall   63  21-24
Charlton Kings (UDC) – Deliberations in 1907   53  31
Charlton Kings (UDC) – London Road Hall   56  18-22,26;   57  3
Charlton Kings (UDC) – New offices   36  38,39
Charlton Kings (UDC) – Offices   17  43,47
Charlton Kings (UDC) – sanitary matters   50  52-54
Charlton Kings (UDC) – Unauthorised stone quarrying   53  33
Charlton Kings (UDC) – Work in the 1930s   51  52-56
Charlton Kings (UDC), Council Yard, Horsefair St   5  31;   63  48
Charlton Kings (UDC), Council Yard, London Road   5  31
Charlton Kings (UDC), Employees Photograph ~1912   7  53, 54
Charlton Kings (UDC), Six Ways Council Hall   63  21-24
Charlton Kings (UDC), War Memorial   61  52
Charlton Kings (UDC), WW2 Billeting Official   62  49-52
Charlton Kings (UDC?) Local Board   48  39;   60  8
Charlton Kings Boundary, proposed changes, 1891   53  59-60
Charlton Kings Care Home (Park Grange)   54  34
Charlton Kings Common Walling Project   57  54-55
Charlton Kings Commons   18  17-20
Charlton Kings Hotel – see Balcarras House    
Charlton Kings Hotel, (Balcarras House)   42  36
Charlton Kings in 1588   52  39-41
Charlton Kings or King’s (The Apostrophe)   60  45-47
Charlton Kings Parish Rate Book   50  60
Charlton Kings Post Office   60  35;   61  39
Charlton Kings Village Redevelopment, 1970s   50  38-39
Charlton Kings: Relevant Documents pre-1700   39  11
Charlton Lane   21  22
Charlton Lawn   41  35;   43  14;   15  37-47;   19  26
Charlton Lodge   10  10;   12  26;   55  19;   60  6;   39  1
Charlton Lodge (Cudnall Street)   51  57,58
Charlton Lower Field   8  24,29;   9  37;   11  41;   41  21;   43  4;   32  10,12
Charlton Manor, Leasowe (The)   55  12;   61  51
Charlton Men, Muster, 1608   61  25
Charlton Mill   7  38;   15  7;   17  6;   28  2;   31  5,11;   36  38;   37  3;   38  21;   42  15-17;   43  21;   45  16;   46  1,2,39;   49  35;   52  16;   64  13;   27  3
Charlton Mill, Millers   21  13-14
Charlton Park   1  19;   2  7-11;   18  27;   19  21;   21  7,22;   23  25,30;   25  11,12;   26  23;   60  21;   60  28;   60  41;   60  43;   61  15, 17
Charlton Park – 1843 Estate Map   56  35
Charlton Park – Deeds relating to estate   39  11
Charlton Park – Eagle Gates   53  2;   56  6-13;   44  22-25
Charlton Park – Estate   52  5,7,9
Charlton Park – Estate Map reference   50  37;   51  4-5
Charlton Park – Estate Map, 1746   43  5
Charlton Park – Estate Map, 1811   45  11,14,16
Charlton Park – History, house & estate, owners   8  20-51
Charlton Park – Home Farm   46  16-18
Charlton Park – In the 20th century   55  39-42
Charlton Park – Stokesay Archive   39  10
Charlton Park – T.Robins’s picture   8  28
Charlton Park – Tenants, 1839   45  16-17
Charlton Park (also The Forden, Forden House q.v.)   8  61, 63;   9  3,32;   10  3,8;   11  28,40,44,;   15  15;   29  27,47;   31  11;   32  8,10,12;   33  38;   35  13;   42  28;   42  29-33,37;   43  4,38;   44  26,27;   45  4,23,33;   46  1,16-20;   47  8,33,36;   48  3;   50  29;   51  38,40,43,44;   53  43;   54  9, 48-54;   57  5,7
Charlton Park Estate   59  3-8;   62  16;   64  13;   65  4
Charlton Park Estate Internal Audit 1870   62  45
Charlton Park Estate Map 1843   62  45
Charlton Park Estate, Prinn Map 1811   62  41
Charlton Park Fields   1  3
Charlton Park Fields, Map   1  4
Charlton Park Fishpond   60  21
Charlton Park Gate   55  40;   8  32;   10  6;   43  29
Charlton Park Gate (No. 8)   62  9
Charlton Park Gate (Turnpike)   33  10,11
Charlton Park House – Home Farm   31  11;   36  32
Charlton Park House – Plan & Development   36  6-10
Charlton Park Road   1  3
Charlton Park Terrier 1843   64  4
Charlton Place   40  14,18-19;   41  33
Charlton Street – see Church Street    
Charlton Tithing   52  39-41
Charlton Tithing: – see also Charleton    
Charlton Villa   32  33
Charlton Villa (now Ashley Firs), Ryeworth Road   5  29,30
Charlton Villa (The Firs, Firsden, Ashley Firs), Ryeworth Rd   6  58-59
Charlton’s Tethingmans 1598   65  3
Chase (The), Barrington   64  34
Chase (The), Cyrene   64  34
Chase Avenue   13  30;   41  4
Chase Avenue, development   64  33
Chase, The   39  22;   46  9,12
Chase, The (East End)   27  42
Chatcombe Close   49  3
Chatsworth, Cirencester Road   51  43
Chelt, River   8  24,39;   9  37;   10  8;   11  11-18,24,;   13  31,33;   17  6;   21  22;   22  5;   23  29;   24  22;   25  31;   27  2;   38  17,22;   46  1,2;   60  22, 23
Chelt, River – Paths & streams   43  16-21
Chelt, River (Rungebourne)   34  13
Cheltenham & District Light Railway Co. – see Trams    
Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum   49  52
Cheltenham Lower Field   8  24
Cheltenham Manor- see Manors    
Cheltenham Manor Survey 1604   65  3
Cheltenham Park Hotel   60  17,18
Cheltenham Upper Field   37  3
Cheltenham, Painting by Thomas Robins   54  23
Cherington’s Farm – see Little Herberts Farm    
Cherry Orchard (Close)   9  21
Chesters Ground   34  9
Chestnut Avenue   51  43
Chestnut Row   26  34
Chestnut Row (aka “Bug Alley”)   51  54
Chestnut Terrace   27  50;   28  33-34;   30  14;   36  38;   38  38;   43  30;   56  52
Chestnut Walk   31  9-11;   54  33
Chicken Run, The – see Claypits Path    
Chillingworth Cottage, London Road   62  16, 17
Chosen House   31  11
Chosen House (Cirencester Road)   48  28
Church Cottage   30  5;   31  12-13;   37  2;   38  1-4;   39  32;   42  10;   54  12;   56  38-42;   16  30
Church Croft   8  35
Church End   8  29;   10  38;   13  10,35
Church End House, (previously Brixton House)   4  27
Church End Street – see Horsefair Street    
Church House   2  34;   3  58;   56  38-41
Church House, Old   11  42;   12  39;   14  10,25,26;   38  3;   42  4-7
Church Lane   38  3
Church Path   43  20,21
Church Path (Brookway Road)   57  6
Church Piece   9  40,47,48;   28  28;   31  31;   34  7;   36  38;   42  34-35;   43  24,33;   51  36;   56  52;   59  21;   4  37-39
Church Piece – Chapel   57  49-50
Church Piece, Endeavour, The   4  38 – 39
Church Piece, National School   5  63
Church Piece, Non-Conformist Chapel   5  63
Church St   60  35
Church St area – Jasmine Villa   22  33
Church St, Forge   32  2;   37  3,4,33
Church St, Hearne Villas (No. 3 Hearne Cottages)   64  44
Church St, Woodbine Cottage   52  27
Church Street   3  4;   19  22,36-38;   20  43,44-45;   21  32-33,35;   22  9,11,28;   22  33,35;   23  6;   26  28;   27  46,50;   56  38-42
Church Street – Almshouses   50  52
Church Street – Ashley House   51  55
Church Street – Cambrian Villa   51  55
Church Street – View ~1835   1  1
Church Street (Charlton Street, Crab End Way)   28  30-31;   29  14,27;   30  2-7;   31  5,19-21;   34  18,27;   36  38;   37  3,5ff;   38  1,8,38;   40  6,34;   42  8,9;   43  22,26;   46  21;   47  3,4,6-9;   48  25, 36,3 9;   49  8, 46, 56;   52  26-30
Church Street (Church End Street)   11  20,48;   12  32,33,40-42,;   13  35ff, 49;   14  1,19,21;   15  1,5,28;   15  32-34,53;   16  30,34
Church Street, Ashley   52  33,35
Church Street, Cambray Cottages   56  51
Church Street, Field Cottage(s)   11  48;   16  34;   19  36-38;   21  32-33
Church Street, Field Cottages   31  20;   28  30
Church Street, Forge, The   56  31,38
Church Street, Ivy Cottage   13  36ff;   47  9-12
Church Street, Linda Cottage   64  44
Church Street, Maners (shop)   48  36
Church Street, Milverton   31  20
Church Street, Milverton (The Roses)   52  23-25, 30
Church Street, Parish House   31  19-21
Church Street, Roses   31  20
Church Street, Vine Coffee Shop   48  36
Church Walk   7  38;   11  42;   17  31;   31  11;   42  15,16;   19  14-15;   27  3
Church Walk, Woodruff Cottages   31  11;   7  38
Churchend   38  1-5
Churchend – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  33,35,36
Churchend (Street)   19  19;   24  29
Churchend Close   29  24,25,26
Churchend House – see also Grange, The    
Churchend House (The Grange)   9  38;   14  20;   15  16
Churchend Meese   11  36,39,40;   24  33,36;   25  42;   26  41-43;   54  46
Churchend Street – see Church Street    
Churches Pitts (field)   48  7,8,9
Churchill Road Flood 2007   59  60
Cider Making   6  52-53,63
Cider making   43  6;   45  26
Cider Making, Ryeworth   5  37,38-40
Cider making, Ryeworth Road   5  37
Cider Mill   9  33
Cider Mills   6  52
Cider Press   7  55;   29  48
Cirencester Abbey   9  32;   12  1,43;   14  1,6,10,11;   16  43
Cirencester Road   1  18 – 19;   8  38,44;   9  3,6;   10  6;   11  23-29;   14  20-21;   15  15;   21  21;   23  25,41;   26  43,44;   31  9,11,13;   33  19,24,28,33;   38  29;   40  1;   41  1-3,4;   42  32-33;   43  30;   46  1;   47  33,34,35;   48  7,12,28,30,32;   49  8;   51  40-42;   54  33, 48, 49;   56  6-13;   57  5,7-11
Cirencester Road – Ash tip, infestation with rats   50  52
Cirencester Road – Old route   45  33
Cirencester Road – see also Up End Street    
Cirencester Road – The Wold (area of land near Croft Road)   49  9
Cirencester Road (No.107)   63  31
Cirencester Road (Nos. 166, 168)   62  12
Cirencester Road, “Old”   23  25
Cirencester Road, Avening   57  51
Cirencester Road, Brentnor   37  33
Cirencester Road, Brunswick House   62  3-12
Cirencester Road, Chatsworth   51  43
Cirencester Road, Construction 1826   60  18
Cirencester Road, Corona   51  36
Cirencester Road, Early Cottage   55  21,24,25;   36  36,38
Cirencester Road, Elton   51  40-43
Cirencester Road, Endcroft   51  42
Cirencester Road, Glenure   62  6-12
Cirencester Road, Glenure Court   62  12
Cirencester Road, Gowan Lee (also Lea)   53  33;   57  16
Cirencester Road, Laurentine(tyn)   65  11,12
Cirencester Road, Laurentyne   5  33
Cirencester Road, Maer Lodge   57  49
Cirencester Road, Nettings   65  11
Cirencester Road, re-routing   62  3,5
Cirencester Road, Savona   51  43
Cirencester Road, Station Cottages   51  36
Cirencester Road, Stoneville   59  40
Cirencester Road, Sunnymead   57  7
Cirencester Road, Thirlmere   65  28
Cirencester Road, Willesdene   52  56
Cirencester/Pumphreys Roads, Pumphreys   53  26
Civil Defence Group (photograph)   28  18
Civil Defence WW2   64  46
Civil War   12  28-29;   16  3
Clapham’s Corner   13  26-27
Claremont (Willy House), Haywards Road   57  24
Clay Pit Ground   20  38,39;   29  47
Clay Pit Ground (field)   48  7
Clay Pit Piece (field)   48  7,8
Claypit(s) Path (“The Chicken Run”)   8  29,32;   9  37;   10  6;   47  30;   54  54;   56  8
Cleave House, Lyefield Road West   60  35
Cleethorpe Villas, Lyefield Road   52  35
Cleeve House, Lyefield Rd West (later Chemist’s shop)   49  28
Cleevely’s Piece   42  34,35
Clifton Place, Ryeworth Road   50  28;   56  54-55;   43  22
Clock Tower Restaurant   62  14
Clofesho, Location; Church Council   39  37-39
Clyde Cottage, Ryeworth Road   43  22
Coach timetable, Cheltenham-Oxford & London, 1820s   46  9
Coffin Path   13  8-9,33;   38  19;   41  3;   43  19,20
Coins, 1684   49  44
Col(d)gate/Colegate Farm   20  23;   21  34;   22  5,9;   24  29
Col(e)gate Farm   31  18;   33  2;   39  21,25;   43  18,19;   44  30
Col(e)gate Farm – (Colesgate)   47  15
Colegate Farm   5  11;   9  8
Colegate Farm – see Colsyate    
Collum   43  4
Collum Close (field)   48  7
Collum Fields   48  8
Colpitate (land holding)   26  32
Colsyate (Colgate?)   19  40
Coltham   11  11,19;   12  23;   28  33;   29  36-46;   45  5
Coltham (Coldham) Field(s)   49  53;   51  17,27
Coltham Close   58  23
Coltham Cottages, Mill Lane   61  48
Coltham Field   10  8;   17  32ff;   19  24;   20  33-34;   23  36;   41  35;   43  34;   46  1,2
Coltham Field (s)   55  36-38;   57  39,43
Coltham Field(s) – Infant School   52  37,38
Coltham Fields School   4  33 – 35
Coltham Lane (also Hangman’s/Gallows Lane)   49  53,54
Coltham Lane (Hales Road)   46  1,2;   47  17;   57  39
Coltham Lane (Hales Road: q.v.)   17  32ff
Coltham Lane: see Hale’s Road    
Combe Lane   23  25
Combe’s Barn   46  4
Combe’s Close   35  18-19
Combreach (field)   48  7
Common Hill South (= Hartley Hill)   48  8
Commons, Charlton Kings   18  17-20
Compton Census, 1676   60  40
Coneygrey   43  4
Connell Piece (field)   48  11
Connellmore   9  37
Conway Cottage   37  5;   49  57
Conway House   41  3;   42  16
Conway House (The Close), London Road   7  55
Conway House Hotel   7  55
Conygeere or Conygree, Le   32  11
Coombs, The (land)   54  9
Cooper, London Road   64  44
Cooper’s Court   50  52;   13  37
Coppyns   50  46,48
Cop’s Elm (Coppe’s Elm)   43  14;   46  2,6
Cop’s Elm (Coppe’s Elm), Cudnall   41  35
Cop’s Elm (Copt Elm)   19  26
Cops/Copt Elm (house in Cudnall)   55  8
Copshed Close (Battledown)   41  35;   47  31
Copshedge Close   55  10
Copt Elm – see Cop’s Elm    
Copt Elm (Cop’s Elm)   15  36
Copt Elm Cottage   15  19
Copt Elm Road   6  4,6;   9  49;   13  4;   16  56;   17  30;   27  40;   37  34;   43  20;   48  36;   49  28,39;   55  8
Copt Elm Road – Creche   12  32,33,36
Copt Elm Road Area – History   7  38 – 40
Copt Elm Road, Abingdon   25  25
Copt Elm Road, Exleigh   52  65
Copt Elm Road, Ferndale   48  36
Copt Elm Road, Fernley   53  33
Copt Elm Road, Gloucester Villa   33  40
Copt Elm Road, Newlyn   7  54
Copt Elm Road, Newlyn Villa   26  34
Corn Trade, C14   32  27
Corona, Cirencester Road   51  36
Coronation 1953   59  39,40
Coronation, Celebrations for Edward VII’s   24  17-20
Corrody Agreement   1  5
Costume: Lady Russell’s Beetle Dress   54  24-30
CotswoId Mews   36  38
Cotswold Caravans   25  27
Cotswold Cottage, 74 Ryeworth Road   46  1
Cotswold Harriers   48  13
Cotswold Harriers (Hunt)   64  8
Cotswold Hunt   64  8,9
Cotswold Inn   13  27,32,33;   26  17;   36  38;   43  22;   64  40
Cotswold View – see Field Cottages    
Cotswold Volunteers (10th Gloucester)   64  9
Cottages, contents of (C17-18)   19  16-20
Council Housing   49  40;   51  55
Council School – see Schools – E2669Boys’ School    
Courland (Brookway Road)   57  16
Courland (Pear Tree Cottage)   14  18,19
Court Hay (see also Courthay)   9  21
Court House (New Court)   53  43;   54  32-36
Court House Close   46  26-28
Court House, The : see New Court    
Courtfield   25  31;   13  16
Courtfield House   63  6-11
Courtfield, (previously Castleton House)   5  30
Courthay   42  32
Courthay, Court Hay   9  21;   53  43;   54  32,33
Courtlands (on Newcourt development)   54  33,35
Cowell (Cawell) Lane   55  52
Cowell House   42  7,10
Cowell House – see Ivy Cottage    
Cowell House (Ivy Cottage)   24  38
Cowell House (Ivy Cottage, Cudnall)   10  10;   11  24-25
Cowell House, Cudnall Street   59  23
Cowell Lane   33  19;   46  5;   59  23;   11  23-29;   13  49
Cowell Orchard   33  28;   8  38;   11  23-29
Cowpit (Gate)   24  29,31
Cowpit(t) (field)   48  7,11
Cox’s Meadow   60  22;   21  11,13
Coxhorn Estate   62  16
Coxhorn House   62  32
Coxhorn(e) and Old Coxhorne   29  42;   34  6,9;   34  13-22
Coxhorne   21  19,28;   22  5;   23  21,30,31;   26  16;   27  4,46;   64  13;   8  24;   13  9,23,31
Coxhorne (House)   38  17,22;   44  39;   45  15-17,26;   46  1,5;   46  1,22
Coxhorne Estate   64  13
Coxhorne Farm   46  1
Coxhorne Farm, Cider Mill   6  52
Crab Bridge   21  35;   37  5
Crab Brook – see Hearne Brook    
Crab End   24  32;   26  34;   29  30;   30  3;   37  5ff;   43  14;   49  46;   51  54,55;   52  58;   56  30;   13  4,8,10;   15  28
Crab End Cottage   15  18;   37  8,10;   43  14;   47  38-39;   50  57
Crab End Way – see Church Street    
Crab End Way (also Church Street)   45  20,22
Crab Stones   37  5,7,8;   43  14
Crabb Way (also Church Street)   42  8,9,10
Crabbeway — see Church Street    
Craftsmen, Guild of Glos: papers in GRO, C20   49  62
Craig Mount, Harp Hill   53  11
Cranbourne, Ryeworth Road   61  9
Cranham Lodge   23  23
Crime & Punishment in 19th Century   51  20-26
Crime in 1907   53  32-33
Crime, C13   37  1-3
Croft (The), Sandfield(s)   49  9,10
Croft Avenue   27  35;   30  25;   49  8,9;   57  32
Croft Avenue (No. 4)   62  53
Croft Field   23  20
Croft Gardens   22  36;   49  39;   61  40
Croft Parade   49  8
Croft Road   5  33
Croft Road – Belmont   51  36
Croft Road (Blind Lane)   18  41;   19  30;   26  23;   29  25;   32  1-3,6,9,11;   34  40;   37  27;   49  8-11,39,40;   51  35;   52  35;   57  8;   15  15;   41  5;   42  8;   43  29;   47  33
Croft Road (No. 14), Malvern View   32  1
Croft Road, Ashley Cottages   44  20;   49  10,11
Croft Road, Beaufort   32  2
Croft Road, Hazledene   49  9-11;   50  42
Croft Road, Mayville   49  11
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Balcarras   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Beater   57  12
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Beulah   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Castleton   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Darwin   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Dunbar   57  12
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Firle   57  12
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Foy   57  12
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Gritmore   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Kapoude   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Krastale   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Lilifred   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Llannissa   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Mervyn   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Morley   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Murrayfield   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Pole Bank   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Robecq   57  12
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Sherwood   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, St Hilary   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Thirley   57  13
Croft Road/ Okus Road, Veldure   57  13
Croft, The   26  24,26,27;   29  25;   33  34,35;   42  4;   46  18;   48  3;   49  9,10;   53  31;   8  24
Crofte, The   27  2
Crossby’s Combs   43  34
Crown Inn   28  31
Cuba Villa, London Road   47  31
Cuddenhall Meese   46  2
Cuddenhall’s Meese   27  3
Cudnall   1  5 – 6, 19;   2  6;   28  2,26;   30  35;   31  27;   32  7;   33  11,23,24;   34  15;   37  3;   52  58;   61  25
Cudnall – Ancient Messuage   24  22
Cudnall – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  34-36
Cudnall – Placename   8  20
Cudnall – possible derivation   50  58
Cudnall – Post Office   47  34
Cudnall (Bank, Street)   19  21;   23  38,42;   24  25,38-39;   27  3
Cudnall (see also Cudnall Street)   38  17;   40  6;   41  35;   43  14,20,21
Cudnall (Street)   8  38,57;   10  8,9,10,11;   11  32-33,37-40;   12  26;   13  8,10,30,49;   15  15,36-37,42;   16  31;   17  5ff
Cudnall Bank and The Slad   46  1,2
Cudnall Beedle Messuages   11  23-29
Cudnall Mill – see Charlton Mill    
Cudnall Pitch   46  1
Cudnall St – no.2 – see Langton Lodge    
Cudnall St – no.4 – see Abbotsdene    
Cudnall St, Abbotsdene (Raisey House)   33  19,29-30
Cudnall St, Charlotteville   5  30
Cudnall St, Ivy Cottage   58  52;   59  22-25
Cudnall St, Milford Cottage   40  6
Cudnall St, Milford Place   40  6,7
Cudnall St, Morton Villas   54  17
Cudnall Street   41  35,36;   45  33;   50  58;   54  48;   55  19
Cudnall Street – Development of   46  1-6
Cudnall Street – see also Charlton Lodge   51  57,58
Cudnall Street Houses – reference   7  57
Cudnall Street, Cowell House   59  23
Cudnall Street, Milford Cottage   59  23, 24
Cudnall Street, Milton Cottage   65  22
Cudnall, Cop’s Elm (Coppe’s Elm)   41  35
Cudnall, Elborough Cottage   59  49
Cudnall, Langton Lodge   61  28
Cudnall, Millford Lodge (Cottage)   59  23
Cudnall, Millford Place   59  23
Cudnall, Raisey House   11  26
Cudnall, Ruby House   54  14
Cudnall, Six Ways, Turnpike, Map   5  53,54
Cudnall, Walters (House)   1  5
Cudnall, Wheeler’s   46  4
Cudnall’s Meese   11  37
Cudnell – see Cudnall    
Cultham Butts, Glenfall   21  30
Cunley   27  3
Cutham (or Cuttam) Butts   38  26;   45  13,14
Cuthambuttes   55  52
Cycle Accident, Battledown, 1908   63  55,56
Cyrene, The Chase   64  34
Daisy Bank   21  34;   46  16,25
Daisy Bank (Horsefair Street)   51  37
Daisy Bank (Leckhampton Hill)   9  37;   12  30
Daisy Bank, Leckhampton Hill   48  5
Dangersbryg   55  52
Darley House School, Cheltenham   63  25-28
Darwin, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Dead Man’s Penny   50  25,26;   51  60
Deeds   49  62;   50  54
Deeds – see also Wakefield Collection    
Deeds, C14 & C15   13  4-7
Deeds, Medieval   19  39-40;   23  26-29
Demesne Meadow (Cudnall)   46  2
Detmore   5  11 – 19;   6  32 – 39;   7  41- 47;   13  27-28, 32;   15  18;   19  10,20;   21  22-24;   25  37,39;   26  17;   39  22,28;   41  4;   43  18,20;   46  9;   54  9;   30  26-32
Detmore – Reminisences   5  24-29
Detmore Close   64  40
Detmore Cottage(s)   35  29;   39  21,23;   46  11
Detmore Field   38  19
Detmore, Map   5  15
Dextra, 100 Horsefair Street   26  41
Diamond Jubilee 1879   16  20;   59  37-40
Diamond Jubilee 2012   59  37,40
Disputes, riots and affrays   50  46-48, 55
Domestic Servants   60  27-33
Dowdeswell   11  21
Dowdeswell (Hill, House, Reservoir, Wood)   39  25,26;   40  1;   43  16,18
Dowdeswell End   23  29
Dowdeswell Mill   59  49;   10  6;   16  55;   39  33;   43  16,18
Dowdeswell Reservoir   12  30;   13  30;   14  38;   62  53;   64  40
Dowdeswell Viaduct   62  48
Dowdeswell Wood   19  40;   21  21
Drainage   21  35-38;   54  13
Dress, ladies’, for cycling   38  23-25
Drinking Fountain   60  14
Drinking Fountain – Restoration   58  54
Drinking Fountain (Holy Apostles)   47  31-33;   55  26-29;   57  3
Drinking Troughs   44  28
Dry Lanes   27  3,4
Dry Layes   45  5
Duke of York Inn   13  24,32;   26  18;   28  34;   38  22;   39  22,23,24,28;   43  20;   44  28,29;   46  9,11,12;   56  28,30;   57  29,53
Duke Row   39  24
Duke Terrace   13  24;   39  23;   43  20;   46  11
Duke’s Alley   26  18;   39  23,24;   41  3;   46  9;   31  28
Dunbar, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  12
Dunselme   56  52
Eagle Gates: see Charlton Park    
Ealingdene (Southwold Cottage)   18  32-34
Early Cottage, Cirencester Road   55  21,24,25;   36  36,38
East Court   19  40;   21  30-31,35;   22  10,11,34;   24  4;   30  14;   31  30-31;   37  4;   38  17,19,21;   39  24,34-37;   41  3;   44  28;   47  4;   48  31;   49  27;   51  33, 44, 46;   52  16;   54  8-9;   59  9;   60  28;   63  34, 38;   64  3-11;   64  13;   65  33;   8  59-60;   13  10,12-21;   13  31,33
East Court Villa   38  21,22
East End   30  14;   31  28;   34  13;   37  22;   38  16-22,29;   39  21-28;   43  14;   44  28-30;   45  16;   49  46
East End – Development, C19-20   46  9-12
East End – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  35,36
East End Cottages   46  11
East End Farm   3  51;   7  55;   37  23;   39  24,28;   46  9
East End Farm House   60  6
East End Farm, Cider Mill   6  52
East End Garage   46  9
East End Hall   60  8
East End Hall (Scout Hall)   21  16,18
East End Post Office   64  35
East End Road   8  24;   9  8;   10  6,11,36,50;   12  9;   12  22;   13  8-25,31;   14  1;   16  21;   19  21,40-41;   21  33,35;   22  5,10;   27  39;   39  21;   43  20;   46  1;   47  4
East End Road (Back Lane)   3  51
East End Road, Lemon Cottage   31  28
East End Road, Millward House   39  28
East End Road, Welldon   52  35
East End, Barrets Hill   64  13
East End, Lemon Cottages   62  26
East End, Wood’s Cottage (Over House)   51  54
Eastleigh   27  28
Eastleigh, Ryeworth Road   57  49
Eden End, Charlton Drive   57  12
El(l)borough (Cottage)   38  25;   43  3;   46  2,27,28
Elborough Cottage   19  20;   21  27;   27  21,22,33;   28  8;   35  12;   58  7;   17  5-29;   48  36
Elborough Cottage, Cudnall   59  49
Elborough’s Garden   54  32,33
Elcots Breach   50  56
Electricity – Arrival of, Charlton Kings   37  27
Electricity – Therapeutic uses of   36  39-40
Electricity supply, Battledown, 1901   53  51
Elm Cottage   47  6,8,39;   49  56;   51  29
Elm Cottages (Nos 1,2,3 Horsefair St), Hamlett’s Yard   64  44
Elm Field Cottage, Ryeworth Road   59  18
Elm House   64  12
Elm House (Elm Cottage)   37  5
Elm Villa, Six Ways (also The Elms; now Roadlands)   50  50
Elmhurst Cottage, Ryeworth Road   59  18
Elmore House   27  28,41
Elms (The) – Workhouse   59  37
Elms Break (on Newcourt development)   54  34
Elms, The – see Bridge House    
Elmwood (Haywards Road)   57  24
Elton, 153 Cirencester Road   51  40-43
Emigration   19  20,27-28
Emigration, C19   54  16
Emily Place   27  51;   42  35-36;   53  30
Emily Place (Horsefair Street)   49  40;   51  34-37;   52  62-64
Emily Place Cottages (Nos. 4, 5)   64  13
Empfield – see Hempfield    
Employment, Agreement of (1917)   57  47-49
Enclosure   1  16
Enclosure, 18th C   65  4
Enclosures (Ryeworth area)   51  17-19
Encroft – see Hencroft    
Endcroft, Cirencester Road   51  42
Endeavour (The)   7  51
Endeavour (The), Beer House   59  21
Endeavour, The   6  6, 60;   43  22
Endeavour, The, Church Piece   4  38 – 39
Endfield Cottage   26  34
Ends – see also: Church End, Crab End, East End, Moor End, Up End   8  20
Enfield – see Hempfield    
Enfield Cottage, Bafford   65  34
Erlyches   54  43
Evacuees in Charlton Kings, 1939-45   53  64;   52  31-36
Evacuees, WW2   61  3-9
Evelyn Close   50  60;   51  60
Ewen, The   46  1,2;   51  17
Ewens Farm   57  21;   63  47
Ewens Farm Estate   36  29;   49  16
Ewens Road   57  24
Exleigh (off Copt Elm Road)   52  65
Eyebreach (?= Highbreach)   44  14;   45  10
Fairford, Haywards Road   57  23
Fairmount Road   57  32
Fairview Cottage (no. 4) London Road   64  39
Fairview Cottage (no. 5) London Road   64  44
Fairview Cottages   39  21,23,24,26;   46  11,12
Fairview Row   46  12
Fairways (on Newcourt development)   54  35, 36
Fan Paintings   44  26
Farming in 19th century Charlton Kings   54  9-10,12,14
Farming, photographs early C20   34  2-5
Fern Cottage, New Street   55  55
Ferncliffe, Oakley Road   57  44
Fernclyffe (also Hornby, Temple Garth, q.v.)   45  30-31
Ferndale (Copt Elm Road)   48  36
Ferndale, Haywards Road   57  23
Fernley, Copt Elm Road   53  33
Feysams, The – see Pheasants    
Feysans, The (Bafford Holding)   32  6
Field ad – see Haywards Lane    
Field Cottage(s), Church Street   11  48;   16  34;   19  36-38;   21  32-33
Field Cottages, Church Street   28  30;   31  20
Field Farm (later = Southfield Farm, q.v.)   48  8
Field Farm (Southfield Farm)   48  11
Filchambreach (field)   48  7
Fir Tree Cottages   42  12
Fire Bell, Charlton Kings (on loan to Milestones Museum, Basingstoke)   49  32
Fire Brigade   5  31 – 34;   6  14, 62;   23  6-7;   26  10;   27  48;   32  2;   37  8
Fire Brigade – Photograph, c1901/2   33  16
Fire Brigade (and the bell)   45  17-20
Fire Station, Charlton Kings   44  19
Firle, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  12
Firs (The), (Firsden, Ashley Firs), Ryeworth Road   6  58-59, 61
Firs, The   41  3;   47  31
Firsbreak (Montrose), Stanley Road   55  13
Firsden, (Ashley Firs), Ryeworth Road   6  58-59, 61
Fishmonger – see Shops – Ewin’s    
Fivelands (Glenfall)   12  10-11
Flanchbreach (field)   48  7
Flaxley   8  24;   13  9,26ff;   30  27ff
Flaxley (Cottages)   38  17;   39  21,22,28;   46  9,11
Flints   1  3
Flood 1855   59  49
Flood 2007   59  60
Floodgate Meadow   13  33;   38  16
Floodgate Piece   25  31;   13  16
Flu, 1918, Spanish Flu   63  41,42
Fontenelle, Sandhurst Road   27  30;   59  35
Footes Hill   54  38
Footpath – Grendleford   47  14,15
Footpath – see Fox Footpath    
Footpath (Ryeworth-Greenway) Havers   51  19
Footpaths   43  16-21
Footpaths – Lyefield area   7  38-40
Footpaths – see also Strowdes Lane   35  35
Footshill   22  7
Ford at Spring Bottom   59  61
Forden Bank   32  12;   56  6-8;   8  20,31;   46  13,18
Forden Bank Road   10  6
Forden Brook – see also Lilley Brook   8  20,28
Forden Brook (Lilley Brook)   24  23
Forden Court   54  45,47
Forden House – see Charlton Park    
Forden House (The Forden; Charlton Park q.v.)   8  9,14-17;   9  28;   41  20;   44  25;   45  23;   46  5,6,15,16;   46  36;   47  36
Forden, The – Haules Close   8  23
Forden, The – Homeclose   8  23
Forden, The – The Byttomes   8  23
Forden, The – The Pulley   8  23
Forden, The (Charlton Park)   48  3;   52  58;   53  43,47;   54  9;   56  35
Forge (The), as an alehouse in C16 (see also Shops – Forge)   30  3
Fosset Green   13  28-30
Four Acres (field)   48  11
Fox (field)   39  25;   43  18;   44  29
Fox and Goose (Inn)   13  28,31
Fox and Goose Cottages   43  20
Fox Footpath   13  28
Foy, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  12
Fracknells (Frecknell)   34  18,20;   35  19
Frampton Flora, C.K. connection   19  25
Franklin (butcher)   7  41
Franklin, London Road   64  44
Freconhill   29  23,24
Freeman’s Brook   39  33;   43  17
Freeman’s Brook – see Poultbrook    
Freeman’s Ground   21  30
Free’s Hill Piece (field)   48  5,7
Frekenhall (land)   50  55
Fretherates   56  34
Frigmary Lane – see School Road    
Frogpittes   55  52
Furlong Field   38  19;   44  29
Furlong Names, Medieval   23  26-28
Furlong, Le (Little Herberts)   26  22,26,27
Furs(z)ey Leasow   8  23;   34  18,20
Further Drye Laynes   45  6
Gadshill Road   23  23;   43  28;   57  10
Gadshill Road, Glenroy   57  10
Gadshill Road, Humbly How   57  10
Gadshill Road, New Studland   57  10
Gadshill Road, Windyridge   57  10
Gale Rocks   26  22,26,27;   32  6;   35  16,19
Gale’s, Balcarras Lane   21  36
Gallows Lane (= Coltham Lane), Gallows Oak   49  53
Gallows Oak   33  8;   46  1,2
Garden Cottage (Moorend)   40  31,35
Garden Cottages   24  36
Garden Cottages – see Park Cottages    
Garden Requisites   25  27
Garden Road   33  32,35;   52  35
Garrets Hill Piece (field)   48  11
Garsons, Gressons (? – qv)   39  28
Garsons, The, Ham Lane (also Gassons)   31  28;   33  2
Gas Company – rivalry with Electricity Co.   37  27
Gatersmill (land)   50  58
Gaybreach   48  7
Gaybreaches (Geybreche)   45  2,4
GCHQ, Oakley, Royal Visit   61  46-47
Georgian Town (Party for Princess of Wales in 1815)   45  32-33
Ghosts   3  51
Gilbert Ward Court   32  1,6;   44  20;   49  8
Gipsies   27  49
Girl Guides, Photograph 1931   61  45
Gladstone Road   26  11;   27  50;   31  9;   42  30;   43  30;   52  35;   1  19
Glavum, Battledown Approach   65  50
Glencairn, Greenway Lane   27  30
Glendouran, Six Ways   65  31
Glendower, Oakley Road   35  31
Glenfall   9  8;   28  3;   33  2;   37  10-14;   60  9
Glenfall – Little Hern   21  29
Glenfall – see Cultham Butts    
Glenfall – see Home Ground    
Glenfall – see Ironmoors    
Glenfall (estate, up for sale in 1907)   53  33
Glenfall Estate   51  15
Glenfall Farm   59  35;   64  36;   21  34;   27  27,29;   38  29
Glenfall House   21  29-30,34;   27  35;   58  22;   42  19
Glenfall House (previoiusly The Glenfall)   12  2,8
Glenfall House (The Glenfall)   13  49;   15  54
Glenfall House (The Glenfall) – History and description   12  10-16
Glenfall Owner Correction   59  60
Glenfall Way   3  14
Glenfall, The   49  50,52
Glenfall, The (Gutterfall, The)   39  30,32;   41  37;   43  35;   44  13
Glenrise (now Homewood, Harp Hill)   53  48
Glenrosa – see also Glynrosa   56  28,31
Glenroy, Gadshill Road   57  10
Glenure – see Brunswick House    
Glenure Court, Cirencester Road   62  12
Glenure House   7  54
Glenure House – Origins and Owners   63  50
Glenure, Cirencester Road   62  6-12
Glenview (now Widecombe), Harp Hill   53  8-12
Glevum (Battledown Approach)   49  44
Gloucester Villa (Copt Elm Road)   33  40
Gloucestershire Millennium   54  4-7
Gloucestershire Regiment (in Boer War)   49  45-49
Gloucestershire RO Accessions relevant to Charlton Kings, 2000-2   49  61-62
Glynrosa   9  49;   29  4,27-30;   31  8;   34  27;   37  9;   47  3;   50  53-54;   51  56;   56  4
Glynrosa – see also Glenrosa   43  29
Glynrosa Road   29  4;   33  37;   37  38
Golden View, Bradley Road   50  42
Goldfinch   34  18,20;   38  26;   42  9,10;   45  13,15,16
Goldfinch Meadow   10  36
Goldwell   23  21-23
Goldwells Green   50  56
Gong Furlong   20  38,39
Gor(r)elIs Green   32  29-31
Gorse Cover   39  6
Gorulfe’s Place   54  42
Government, Local – see Charlton Kings UDC    
Gowan Lee (also Lea) (Cirencester Road)   53  33
Gowan Lee (also Lea), Cirencester Road   57  16
Gowldwells Grene   54  37
Grange (The)   64  12
Grange (The), Horsefair St   1  31 – 34;   2  22 – 24
Grange (The), Horsefair Street   62  53
Grange Cottages   51  54
Grange Field   29  4;   51  54
Grange Walk   9  38;   13  39-40;   15  28;   20  43;   22  33,35;   42  34;   43  22,23;   45  20;   48  36;   49  8, 56-57;   51  55;   29  14,20,25;   57  49
Grange, The (Brixton House, Churchend House)   18  41;   19  5;   27  50;   29  4,23-27;   35  18
Grange, The (Pageant, 1918)   39  20
Grange, The, Battledown   58  21
Grassy Leasow   46  4
Gravel Pit Cottages   38  16
Gravel Pits, East End   39  21,22
Gravel Pits, East End (see also Sandpits)   38  16-22
Great Beeches   42  9,10
Great Breach   29  4
Great Ewens   55  21;   57  21
Great Field   48  7,8,11;   47  40
Great Hencroft   43  4,5
Great Henlocks (field)   48  7
Great Log, The   47  31;   55  10
Great Summer Leasow   44  14;   45  10,11
Great Western Railway line through Charlton Kings   59  52-57
Greatfield   26  23
Greatfield Drive   12  30
Green Man – see St Mary’s Green Man    
Greenacre (Ben Venue), Stanley Road   49  41
Greenacres, Battledown   50  53
Greenhill   32  12
Greenhills Close   46  17
Greenhills Road   21  22;   24  23;   49  52;   10  20;   32  5;   46  16,17;   54  48,49
Greenhills Road – Placename   12  30
Greenway   37  3
Greenway Lane   6  31
Greenway – see Le Hays    
Greenway – see Log (Little Log Close)    
Greenway Cottage   13  48;   55  13
Greenway Farm   51  6,7;   55  10;   61  33;   27  4,26,27,28
Greenway Farm House   47  31
Greenway Lane   3  14;   9  8;   10  6;   11  19;   12  10;   13  48;   31  29,30;   33  2,13;   37  38;   49  16;   56  53;   65  30;   27  3,4,30,32,34
Greenway Lane – History, fields, finds (correction to Vol 51)   53  64
Greenway Lane – History, fields, finds by metal detector   51  6-16
Greenway Lane area – Metal Detecting   51  2, 6-16
Greenway Lane, Abingdon   65  30,31
Greenway Lane, Assault, 1896   65  28
Greenway Lane, Glencairn   27  30
Greenway Lane, Highgrove   65  21-33
Greenway Lane, Oaklands Farm   65  22-25,28
Greenway Lane, Stoneleigh   65  21
Greenway Lane, Wilson’s Farm   27  32
Greenway Lane/Road   38  29;   40  1;   41  3,20;   42  4,16;   45  16;   46  2;   47  19,31
Greenway Lane/Road – wrongly called Greenhills Lane   43  2,19,23′
Greenway Villa   31  27;   57  16
Greenway Villa, Six Ways   65  21,22
Grendleford – footpath   47  14,15
Gresford Lodge, Hales Road   37  34
Gressons (Garsons?)   39  28
Grevel   45  20
Grevill House   13  11
Grevill’s (Up End)   8  35
Grimes (Grymes) (Bafford holding)   32  3-5;   37  2
Grimes Hay   29  23,25,26;   37  2
Grindell’s Ford   15  17
Grindels Ford   2  3
Grindleford   32  7,8
Grindleford Lane   40  32
Grindle’s Ford   24  23,24
Gritmore, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Grove (The)   62  41
Grove Cottage   12  1,8
Grove Cottage, London Road (No. 251)   63  21, 22
Grove House   15  15,37;   28  26,27;   42  18;   46  1,2,6;   52  58;   60  31, 32;   27  2
Grove House (Cottage), Cudnall, Map   3  39-41, 55
Grove House, Young Ladies School, 1820   63  3
Grove, The   47  31;   55  10
Groveland Close   62  41
Guardian Court   54  54;   55  42
Gunners Breach   24  29,35
Gutterfall – see Glenfall    
Gutterfall, Gutter Herne   21  29
Gymnasium & Baths   19  11-12
Hale (Close)   10  8,10
Hales Road   21  21,22;   23  36
Hales Road (Coltham Lane)   12  22ff;   17  32ff;   29  37,42,44,45;   31  32;   33  8;   37  3,34;   47  17;   57  39,46;   38  17;   41  5,7,8;   46  1
Hales Road Approach – see Battledown Approach    
Hales Road, Gresford Lodge   37  34
Hales Road, origins of   49  53-55
Halesleigh, Haywards Road   57  23
Hall, School Road   60  43
Ham   3  5-18;   9  8;   11  19,40;   12  10,17;   13  9;   15  14ff;   16  11,55;   21  29;   22  10;   23  30,34;   28  1-4;   31  29,30;   37  2,3;   38  16,19,29;   40  5-17;   45  26;   62  36
Ham – 11,12th C land gifts to Llanthony Priory   45  2-4
Ham – Farm   8  35
Ham – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  33,35,36
Ham – Mission Hall   30  29
Ham – Placename   8  20
Ham – possible chapel – St Quintans   20  16
Ham – Scratcher Mill (cider)   6  52
Ham – see Schabe Brechs    
Ham – site for Church (Holy Apostles)   60  9
Ham – The Meadow (land)   45  10
Ham (or Ranels, Farm)   45  17
Ham Bridge   1  19;   3  14,15
Ham Brook   38  19;   39  25;   41  34;   43  19;   44  1;   50  11,58;   11  17,18;   27  2
Ham Brook Pub   7  55
Ham Close   46  35
Ham Cottage   31  28;   12  32
Ham Court   3  5 – 10;   20  5-27;   21  26-27;   22  31;   26  10;   27  29,30;   28  2;   32  10;   33  4,5;   35  12;   37  4;   38  29;   40  10;   42  6;   44  13;   45  5;   46  4;   47  29;   59  35;   13  8;   15  17
Ham Court (Ham Villa Farm)   54  9
Ham Dairy Farm   21  33;   27  25,26;   43  18,19;   44  13
Ham Dale   39  25,28
Ham Dales   21  33
Ham Days   43  19,20,21;   45  2
Ham Farm   39  25;   42  37;   43  19;   56  54
Ham Farm Lane   39  25
Ham Field   39  25
Ham Furlong   38  19
Ham Green   21  29;   38  19
Ham Green Cottages   30  13
Ham Hill   1  19;   7  55;   19  40;   22  5;   27  2,35;   38  29;   40  1;   43  19;   45  5,6
Ham Hill Farm   44  13
Ham Hill South   20  27-29;   23  43
Ham House   3  11 – 12;   4  22 – 25;   12  32;   33  1-3;   34  14;   42  36;   52  16;   60  5;   5  29,30;   40  24,25,29,30
Ham House School   3  11 – 12;   16  41
Ham Lane   38  19;   40  6,10;   43  21;   50  24
Ham Lane – see Garsons, The    
Ham Lane (see Ryeworth Road)    
Ham Lane, Garsons, The, Ham Lane (also Gassons)   31  28
Ham Lane, Garsons,(also Gassons)   33  2
Ham Lane/Road   33  2;   36  37
Ham Lea   33  3;   40  24
Ham Mill   31  29;   33  2;   38  19, 21
Ham Mission   57  51
Ham Mission Hall   30  29
Ham Orchard   38  19
Ham Pitch   12  35;   31  28;   38  19;   43  19
Ham Road, Orchards, The   28  18-20
Ham Square   38  29;   40  6;   41  3;   50  28;   53  62
Ham Villa Farm (Ham Court)   54  9
Ham(rne)   55  52
Ham, Mill Lane (metal detecting finds)   52  17-22
Ham, Natton Cottages   40  13,14,16-17
Ham, White House   43  18-19
Hambrook House   50  6-22;   42  16;   44  39
Hambrook Park Estate   50  9
Hambrook Stores   27  36
Hambrook Street   27  28;   41  3;   43  22;   49  46;   63  53
Hambrook Street – see Pudding Bag Lane    
Hambrook Street (No.7)   63  52-54
Hambrook Street (Pudding Bag Lane)   16  56
Hambrook Street (Puddingbag Lane)   53  32
Hambrook Street, Ryecroft   63  53
Hambrook Street, Tytherly   49  46
Hambrook Villa, London Road   61  28
Hamdayous   26  17
Hamdays Farm   38  21
Hamfield Cottage, no.3   37  33
Hamfield Cottages   50  53
Hamilton Cottage, London Road   47  34
Hamilton House   52  16;   28  5-7
Hamilton House (Villa), Brookway Lane   59  47-51
Hamilton Place   33  32;   36  38;   59  49;   62  39
Hamilton Street   9  41;   47  34;   59  49;   61  39
Hamlett’s Yard   64  39
Hamlett’s Yard, Elm Cottages (Nos 1,2,3 Horsefair St)   64  44
Hamlett’s Yard   6  3;   24  36-37;   51  54,55;   56  30
Hamletts Yard   34  2
Hamlett’s Yard   9  40;   12  33
Hanging Hill   34  18,20;   38  1
Hangman’s Lane (= Coltham Lane)   49  53
Harborde Lane   50  56
Hare Coursing   51  15;   52  22
Harp Field   53  8
Harp Grove   34  18,20
Harp Hill   10  6;   21  21;   29  42;   37  2,38;   41  9;   53  8;   58  28;   59  15
Harp Hill – see Widecombe    
Harp Hill, Craig Mount   53  11
Harp Hill, Rambling Views   53  11,12
Harpe, Le   30  35
Harpe, The (Close)   45  5
Harras Grove   35  13
Hartley Close (street)   48  7
Hartley Hill   48  8
Hartley Hill (Hartyhill)- see Charlton Common    
Hartley Mead (field)   48  7
Harwood, Haywards Road   62  26, 27
Haryotts Grove   29  23
Haughthornys   54  43,44
Haules Close (The Forden)   8  23
Haver(s), The   41  3;   43  22
Havers – see also Avens (Avers)    
Havers (footpath Ryeworth-Greenway)   51  19
Havers, The (Ryeworth Road)   56  53
Haw Breach (Holbeach)   34  13
Hawbeach   26  32
Hawbreach   45  4
Hawbreach (field)   48  7,11
Hawcutt – see Awcott(s)    
Hawthorn Cottage (Hawthorn House)   42  12-13
Hawthorn Green   42  12
Hawthorn House: see Hawthorn Cottage    
Hawthorn Orchard   42  12
Hawthorn(e) Villa   13  44ff;   42  13,14
Hawthorne Cottage   19  14
Hawthorne Cottage, Spring Bottom   5  59
Hawthorne Villa   18  5;   19  14-15;   23  1;   24  22
Hawthornes (Kings House)   1  16 – 17;   3  58
Hawthornes (King’s House)   10  17;   13  44;   15  18;   17  31;   18  5-15,17;   19  14-15;   24  22;   31  11;   35  12;   42  14-15,19-26;   42  27-29;   43  3;   45  25;   46  36;   48  36;   56  44-47
Hawthorne’s Green   11  49;   18  5
Hawthorns (cottages & land, Spring Bottom)   42  11-18
Hay’s (Orchard; Pickled; The Two Hays)   41  34
Haywards Lane   57  21;   62  43;   47  17
Haywards Lane (Field Road, Occupation Road)   29  37,42,44
Haywards Road   41  3;   43  36;   47  31;   57  21-25;   62  43;   52  35,36
Haywards Road Flood 2007   59  60
Haywards Road, Claremont (Willy House)   57  24
Haywards Road, Elmwood   57  24
Haywards Road, Fairford   57  23
Haywards Road, Ferndale   57  23
Haywards Road, Halesleigh   57  23
Haywards Road, Harwood   62  26, 27
Haywards Road, Haywards Terrace   61  48.49
Haywards Road, St Brandans   57  25
Haywards Road, Wellscot   57  23
Haywards Road, Willy House (Claremont)   57  24
Haywards Terrace, Haywards Road   61  48.49
Hazledene, Croft Road   49  9-11;   50  42
Headmaster, Council School   61  52
Health – (later C19)   54  13
Health – Bethlem Hospital   17  38
Health – Bill Leonard Court   50  60;   51  60
Health – Cemetery   15  16,47;   43  28,29
Health – Cemetery, Choice & Acquisition of Site   53  31
Health – Council Housing   49  40;   51  55
Health – Doctors   43  26-29;   45  33
Health – First Aid   5  36 – 37
Health – Flu, 1918, Spanish Flu   63  41,42
Health – Gymnasium & Baths   19  11-12
Health – Hospital, Bethlem   17  38
Health – Hospital, Lunatic Asylum   5  30
Health – Infant Welfare Centre   48  30;   49  23;   50  21
Health – Infant Welfare Centre, 1923-1980   36  27-30
Health – Infant Welfare Centre, 1923-1980 – Photograph   31  17
Health – Lunatic Asylum   5  30
Health – Mortality in Charlton Kings, 1891 & 1907   53  31,59
Health – Nuisances, Inspector of   37  34
Health – Nurses, District   18  31-32
Health – Nurses, District, Charlton Kings   49  21-25
Health – Nurses, St Monica’s Training College   58  26
Health – Nursing, C19   54  13
Health – Overcrowding   51  55
Health – Rubbish, disposal of   48  30;   49  1-5;   51  54
Health – Sewers and Sewage   51  54;   54  13;   11  10-20;   12  21-27;   18  41;   36  34-38
Health – Spanish Flu 1918   63  41,42
Health – Suicide, 12 Ways to Commit (Chelt. Chronicle, 1856)   51  58
Health – Uroscopy in Charlton Kings   42  31
Health (1891, 1907 and around time of WW2)   53  31,59,64
Health matters   49  37-40;   50  52-54;   51  55
Health, Board of   8  48;   16  29ff;   42  15
Health, Board of, 1890s   36  35-39;   37  34
Hearne (Herne), The   10  50;   13  16,31;   15  16
Hearne (The)   7  50
Hearne (The), (pasture, orchards)   64  3
Hearne Brook   8  24;   10  50;   11  17,18;   13  8-9;   14  1;   15  18;   18  11;   19  21,28;   21  35,36;   22  9,33;   38  22;   42  12;   43  17;   46  1;   47  3,7;   54  55
Hearne Brook (Crab Brook)   29  14,25;   30  2;   32  1;   33  33;   35  35
Hearne Flats   34  2
Hearne Road   13  31, 33;   21  28;   22  9;   38  17,21;   41  3;   45  26;   46  9
Hearne Villa   14  19;   34  18,25;   37  5,7,9,10;   40  34
Hearne Villas (No. 3 Hearne Cottages), Church St   64  44
Hearne, The   3  7;   21  6,35;   22  5-25;   23  43;   34  9,38;   35  35;   37  3;   44  13;   47  4,6,7;   48  31;   52  34,45
Hearth Tax Exemption List, 1672   41  18;   42  38
Hempfield (Empfield, Enfield)   47  15
Hencroft   42  7,8,10,30,32-33;   43  4;   44  21;   26  22
Hencroft (Encroft, Hempcroft)   8  29,35;   9  17;   12  40;   15  16
Hencroft (Hempcroft)   31  9,11;   32  11-12;   51  40,43
Hencroft (Hennecroft)   54  32-34;   55  49
Hencroft Lane   8  20,29;   9  22;   54  33
Henlock   26  22
Henlocks (field)   48  7,11
Herbert Villa   3  34;   60  43
Herbert Villa – see Orchard House    
Hermitage, The   50  9-12
Hermitage, The – see also Bridge House    
Herne (all refs) – see Hearne    
Herstreet   50  58
Hester’s Way (Charlton Park)   56  6, 8
Hetton Lawn   3  34-38;   6  47-52;   43  21;   44  35;   59  25;   60  31, 32;   62  51, 52;   65  46;   49  14
Hewens, Les   50  55
Hewins, The – farm at top of Rosehill Street   57  23
Hewletts Gate – see Turnpike    
Hewletts House   55  35
Hewletts Pike House (photographs)   33  13
Hewletts Reservoir   9  49;   10  6;   15  17;   33  2;   41  8,11;   45  3,33;   55  35
Hewletts Road   53  8
Hewletts, The   44  26
Hiatts Hill -see also Hyett’s Hill   38  26
Higginshay   44  29
Higgs Close   46  14
High Ridge (on Newcourt development)   54  34
Highbreach Lane East (also Windarse Lane, Sandy Lane)   48  8
Highbreach(es)   44  14;   45  6,11
Highclere, Sandy Lane   62  27
Highgrove, Greenway Lane   65  21-33
Hilden Lodge   31  28,29;   41  3
Hilden Lodge (Castleton Villa)   27  52;   49  62;   53  60
Hill Barn   34  18
Hill Farm – see California    
Hill Farm (later = Southfields)   48  5,8
Hill Ground (field)   48  11
Hill Ground, Upper & Lower   34  13
Hill Place (London Road)   51  55
Hill Spring (Piece)   25  1
Hill View   56  52
Hill View (Church Piece)   28  28
Hill View Cottages   46  11
Hillie Laines   26  22
Hilltop (beer house)   37  5
Hitchens, The   26  17
Hitching, Le   22  9
Hitchins, The/Hitchins Orchard   39  26,28;   43  18;   44  28-30
Hither Strouds (Holder’s Field)   32  29;   34  18,20,21;   37  23
Hoax in Charlton Kings, 1842   53  63
Hodcroft   30  3
Holbeach   34  13
Holbreachfield   47  14
Holder’s Farm   32  2
Holders Field   39  25,26,28;   43  18
Holder’s Field – see Hither Strouds    
Holder’s Messuage   37  2
Holebeche   19  40
Hollow Lane – see Horsefair Street, Little Herberts Road    
Hollow Lane (= drive to Charlton Park)   56  6,7
Hollow Lane (Horsefair Street)   51  35
Hollow Way (Horsefair Street)   55  50
Holloway (field)   48  7,8,11
Holloways Orchard   43  20
Hollybreach (field)   48  7
Holy Apostles   10  8,11;   16  41ff;   22  20,29,30;   26  1-9;   27  37-44;   47  19,24,25;   54  13;   55  19;   57  5,11,21,25
Holy Apostles – Arts & Crafts Processional Cross   49  52
Holy Apostles – Choir photograph c.1916   28  39
Holy Apostles – Choir photograph c.1945-9   33  36-37;   34  40
Holy Apostles – Church Council photograph, 1948   31  15;   33  37
Holy Apostles – Church Fountain   47  31-33
Holy Apostles – Church School   54  16,17;   57  24
Holy Apostles – Dramatic Society   31  16-17
Holy Apostles – Garden of Remembrance   49  13
Holy Apostles – Ham – possible site   60  9
Holy Apostles – Inscriptions & windows   41  23-26;   44  38
Holy Apostles – Millennium booklet   45  34
Holy Apostles – Millennium celebrations   49  13-14
Holy Apostles – Organ & font moved, 1891   53  61
Holy Apostles – Repairs, 1897   39  31
Holy Apostles – Ryeworth – possible site   60  9
Holy Apostles – War Memorial, discussions, 1921   38  36-37
Holy Apostles (Parish)   14  19
Holy Apostles Church   60  10-16;   60  24-26;   62  9, 11;   65  44-49
Holy Apostles Hall   61  8;   62  50
Holy Apostles Parish   60  25
Holy Apostles Vicar   60  54-59
Holy Apostles vicarage, London Road   60  54, 57
Holy Apostles, Memorial Plaque, WW1   60  3
Home Close (The Forden)   8  23
Home Farm (Lilleybrook)   39  6
Home Farm (of Charlton Park, later = Withyholt)   48  5
Home Farm, Little Herberts   6  9-25
Home For Girls, St Monica’s   58  25,26
Home Ground   34  13
Home Ground (Southfield Farm)   48  9,11,12
Home Ground, Glenfall   21  29
Home Guard   28  11-17
Home Guard – Photographs   28  15;   30  34
Homeleigh   27  28,29
Homestead, The (Old Ham Farm)   45  11,12
Homestead, The (on Newcourt development)   54  34
Homestead, The, 27 Ryeworth Road   47  31-33
Homesteades, Le   42  16
Homeville (Ryeworth)   56  55
Homewood (previously Glenrise, Harp Hill)   53  48
Homfurlong, Le   27  3
Hop(p)yard   38  17
Hopton, Borowehopis (holding in Bafford)- see Barrowhope   32  9
Hornby (also Fernclyffe, Temple Garth, q.v.)   45  30-31
Hornesteed Close   37  2
Horse Chestnuts, WW1   61  23
Horse Troughs   26  18
Horsefair Close   45  17
Horsefair St (Nos 1,2,3), Hamlett’s Yard, Elm Cottages   64  44
Horsefair St, Cavour Cottage   24  25,35
Horsefair St, Grange (The)   1  31 – 34;   2  22 – 24
Horsefair St, Longleat   6  9-12,19-20
Horsefair St, Mrs Somer’s Cottage   4  28
Horsefair St, Mrs Somer’s Cottage – Correction   5  64
Horsefair St, Pound House   5  64
Horsefair St, Veterinary Surgery   37  27
Horsefair Street   2  11;   6  8
Horsefair Street – see also E2958Shaftesbury House    
Horsefair Street – see also Emily Place    
Horsefair Street (also Church End Street, Hollow Lane, q.v.)   38  1-2;   39  22;   40  6;   42  7,32-35;   43  4,22,30;   44  21;   45  16;   47  15
Horsefair Street (Hollow Lane)   8  29;   9  39,41,47;   11  36;   12  40;   14  1,20;   15  15,16,28,30,;   16  30,34;   18  41;   22  37;   23  6,38;   24  25,32,34,36;   26  22,41-43;   27  39;   29  14,23;   30  2;   31  11-13,29,30;   32  4-5,10,11;   37  2,5,27;   49  8;   51  34-37;   52  62-64
Horsefair Street (Hollow Way)   54  44;   55  50;   56  38-42;   57  49
Horsefair Street (No.100), Dextra   26  41
Horsefair Street School   64  16
Horsefair Street School – Practices   3  24 – 28
Horsefair Street, Emily Place   49  40
Horsefair Street, Longleat   31  29
Horsefair Street, Marrion Cottage   43  30
Horsefair Street, Rosebank   60  28
Horsefair Street, Shaftesbury House (Cottage)   51  34,36
Horsefair Street, Shaftesbury House (Shaftesbury Cottage)   52  62-64
Horsefair Street, Somerset House   48  36
Horsefair Street, The Grange   62  53
Horsefair Street, UDC Council Yard   5  31;   63  48
Horsehill   23  24
Horwood’s Closes   32  6;   35  19-20
Hospitals – see Health    
Housebuilding in 19th century Charlton Kings   54  8-9,11
Household Goods   4  8-16;   6  25 – 29
Houses – see Individual House Names and/or Roads    
Houses, development of, in Charlton Kings   35  11-13
Housing post-WW2   41  4,5
Housing, poor quality   51  54-55
How Beach   38  19
Hudcroft (meadow close)   45  13,16
Humble Bee Row Cover   39  6
Humbly How Grove   35  13
Humbly How, Gadshill Road   57  10
Hunt, Cotswold   39  3,4,6,8
Hunting   10  1,2,12,13
Hunt’s Close   9  6
Hunts, The   8  29;   43  4;   31  13-14
Hutcroft   34  13
Hyetts Hill   34  13
Hyett’s Hill -see also Hiatts Hill   45  13,14
Iffley, London Road   58  7
Inclosure Lists, C16   39  11
Industrial Estate, Charlton Kings   60  17,18
Institute, C.K. – see Socal – Working Men’s Club    
Inventories – see also Wills   18  22-27;   19  16-20;   20  16-19
Irish Connection   16  9
Ironmoors, Glenfall   21  30
Islington Cottage   60  31
Ivy Cottage   31  20;   40  6;   45  24;   46  4,5;   59  24, 25
Ivy Cottage (Cowell House)   23  42;   24  38
Ivy Cottage (s)   52  23-25,29,30
Ivy Cottage, Church Street   11  20;   13  36ff;   44  48;   47  9-12
Ivy Cottage, Cudnall St   58  52;   59  22-25;   11  24-28
Ivy Place, Overbury Street   62  42
Jacob’s Ladder   41  3;   44  26
James Drove – see Strowdes Lane    
Japan, C.K. connection with   10  13-15
Jasmine Villa – Church St area   22  33
Jeffe’s Orchard   43  4,5
Jeffrey’s Itinerary (Travellers Companion)   58  28
Jesus College, Oxford   14  17-19;   16  41ff
Jireh Spa   53  30
Jocket(t)s   42  8,10
Joket’s (Jucketts, Yoket’s)   32  10
Jolly Admiral Beer House   59  21
Josh’s Oak   45  33
Joyces – see Charlton Cottage    
Joyce’s (Charlton Cottage)   15  18-27;   22  11
Jubilee Celebrations, 1935   34  32-33
Kapoude, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Keynsham   38  17
Keynsham Cottage   64  4
King William Way   44  22-23
Kings Ground   64  12
King’s Head   31  11
King’s Head (Public House)   18  41
King’s House – see Hawthornes, The    
King’s Mead   13  20
King’s Messengers   43  38
Kingsmead (Lane)   38  16-21
Kite Hills   24  29,35
Kitesbreach   35  16
Kitewell   34  18
Knapp (house & estate)   52  45-47
Knapp (The)   60  32;   63  8;   61  33
Knapp Estate   38  17
Knapp, The   1  18;   3  53;   10  50;   12  33;   13  9;   15  18;   21  28-29;   22  7,11,35;   23  21;   40  32;   41  3;   42  12
Knapp, The; Knapp House   34  15,18,22;   35  35;   37  2
Knappings   35  12
Knappings (Also Nappings), The   39  6;   43  28
Knappings, The   23  7-25,41;   26  46;   27  22
Knaven Hill (Knavenhill)   48  3, 5, 7
Knaven Hill Knap (field)   48  7,8,11
Knavenhill Bushes   48  3
Knavenhill Orchard   48  7
Knife-Edge   25  10
Knoll/Knowle, The (Battledown Manor)   55  8-18
Knowle, The (also Battledown Manor, q.v.)   45  28;   47  31
Knowly, pasture ground   41  34
Krastale, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Kyngesbecon Pasture   15  14,17
La Saint Union Girls’ Boarding and Day School   60  41
Laburnham Cottage   52  26, 27, 30
Laburnum Cottage   31  19-21
Lackington – see Leckhampton    
Lads Lane (Bayshill)   8  20
Lamplighter   32  2
Land – Holdings, C16   31  4-5
Land – Price, C18   31  13
Land gifts, C12 & C13 (correction of title of article in Bulletin 45)   51  33
Land Ownership, 1873 Return   62  45
Land Tax, 1715   46  32-36
Land Values, Lloyd George Survey, 1909   57  4-13
Land, Owners of Land, Return, 1873   62  17, 18
Langett, The – see Barretts Hay    
Langton Grove Road   27  39
Langton House   10  11;   55  19-20;   60  6;   60  25;   65  46
Langton Leigh, London Road   50  12
Langton Lodge (Charlotteville)   8  38;   11  26;   52  16,58;   53  61;   57  20
Langton Lodge, Cudnal1 (Charlotteville, Langton Villa)   33  19-28
Langton Lodge, Cudnall   61  28
Langton, The (Langton House)   36  13,14
Lannet, The (Cotswold Way at Dowdeswell Wood)   39  25
Laundresses   64  39-44;   54  12
Laundries   12  33;   19  21;   38  29
Laundries – At home   26  17
Laundries – Diamond Sanitary Laundry   38  39;   41  4;   43  30;   47  33,34;   49  8;   50  52;   51  56
Laundries – East End   39  22,26
Laundries – Miss Hampet’s laundry drying ground   49  57
Laundry   31  28;   32  7
Laundry – Building in Moorend   24  23,28;   27  51
Laundry – Diamond Sanitary (Paragon Laundry)   53  2,21-27;   54  12
Laundry Cottages   49  8,39
Laundry Lane   24  28;   26  10;   2  3
Laundry Lane – see Moorend Street    
Laundry Lane (also New Court Road)   47  34-35
Laundry Lane (New Court Road)   48  30
Laurels (The), London Road   65  21,29,30,33
Laurentine(tyn), Cirencester Road   65  11,12
Laurentyne, Cirencester Road   5  33
Laventie   33  32
Laverham Pasture   15  14
Lawbreaking, C16   50  46-48,55-56
Lawbreaking, C16 & C17   11  5-10
Lay Subsidy 1327   7  35 – 37;   31  5
Laye, The   45  10
Le Hays (Greenway)   55  52
Leach House, The   39  24
Leasow, Summer (field)   45  6
Leasowe (The), (Charlton Manor)   61  51
Leasowe, The (Charlton Manor)   55  12
Leather Mill Pitch   21  7;   42  17
Leather Mill, The   8  35
Leckhampton – Court   18  19
Leckhampton – Hill   18  17,20-22;   21  21
Leckhampton – Parish (Beating the Bounds)   25  28-29
Leckhampton Hill   10  4,6;   12  30
Leckhampton Hill and Access ~ 1900   64  42
Leckhampton Hill Riots, C20: papers in GRO   49  62
Leckhampton Quarry   46  25-26
Leckhampton, Charlton burials in   41  21-22
Leckhampton, reminiscences of childhood during WWI   43  30
Ledmore (Road)   38  19;   39  25;   43  19
Ledmore estate, development of   52  45-47
Ledmore Fields   33  4
Ledmore Road   21  28
Ledmore Villas   33  1
Ledmores, The   33  3
Lemon Cottage, East End Road   31  28
Lemon Cottages, East End   62  26
Lexham Lodge   7  40;   15  37;   56  21-22
Lexham Lodge (Teano House)   39  30,32
Leys, The   44  14
Library   54  3
Lilifred, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Lilley Brook   32  3-5;   35  16;   50  19;   54  48-54;   43  17
Lilley Brook – Bridge   23  25
Lilley Brook – Estate   25  12;   26  10
Lilley Brook – Golf Course   34  1-2
Lilley Brook – see Forden Brook    
Lilley Brook (Forden Brook)   19  21;   21  18,19,34;   23  23,39,41;   24  23;   26  21,24
Lilley Brook (Lilleybrook, Forden Brook)   8  20,24;   10  2,20;   11  18,21;   15  17
Lilley Brook Golf Course   9  8;   10  4
Lilley Brook House   10  1-5
Lilley Field   26  23,24
Lilley Grove   10  2;   39  6
Lilleybrook (Estate)   48  13;   46  25
Lilleybrook (House)   38  29;   39  32;   39  1-9;   42  30;   46  23,24
Lilleybrook Estate   56  35;   57  8,10
Lilleybrook Farm(house)   57  5
Lilleybrook Hotel   57  10;   60  17,18
Lilleybrook House   32  1,2;   33  33;   60  32, 33
Lilleybrook House, area of, early history   62  14
Lilleybrook Stream   60  17-23
Lilleyfield   51  17
Lilleyforde   50  56
Lime Pit Row   56  54
Linda Cottage   37  10
Linda Cottage, Church Street   64  44
Linden Lawn   33  1;   39  23,26;   46  11
Linden Lawn, London Road   3  56;   13  24;   17  44ff
Linden Lawn, London Road, (289,291)   63  21-25;   64  34
Lindley, Ryeworth Road   27  34-35
Lineover Wood   23  29
Lineover Wood Little   54  7
Lineover/Linover/Lynover Wood   39  25;   40  35;   43  16,17
Lisle House (Cheltenham)   46  24
Little Close   13  15-16
Little Comb (field)   48  11
Little Frecknell   35  19
Little Harbords (= Little Herberts)   49  10
Little Havord (= Little Herberts) Lane   44  19
Little Herbert(s)   42  36;   43  34;   44  21;   45  16
Little Herbert’s   15  15,16
Little Herberts – No.49   36  11-13
Little Herberts – Road (Hollow Lane)   19  30;   23  21
Little Herberts – see Furlong, Le    
Little Herberts (Harbour, Harbord)   31  30;   32  29,30;   33  32-35;   37  23
Little Herberts (Little Harbour, Harbord)   19  28-35;   23  20;   26  22
Little Herberts (Road)   49  2, 3, 8-10;   49  40;   51  55;   52  34
Little Herberts Farm   54  10;   56  49;   32  1,6;   33  32-35,40;   19  28,32;   21  25,34,35;   23  20,22;   26  18-31;   27  46
Little Herberts Farm (Lords’ Home Farm)   41  37
Little Herberts Lane – see Little Havord Lane   45  27
Little Herberts Road   43  29;   47  33
Little Herberts, Home Farm   6  9-25
Little Hern, Glenfall   21  29
Little Herne (Glenfall)   12  10-11
Little Hornfield   44  14;   45  10
Little Manor – see Ryeworth Farm    
Little Manor (Ryeworth Farm)   59  35
Little Owl (Public House, see also New Inn)   47  33
Little Pheasants (see also Pheasants, Veysons)   44  19
Little Pheasants Flats   15  16
Little Rowell (field)   48  7
Little Summer Leasow   44  14;   45  10,11
Llannissa, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Llanthony Priory – possible 12th C landholdings in Charlton   47  28-29
Llanthony Priory – recipient of land in Charlton and Ham   45  2-4
Local Board Meetings, 1891   53  59,60
Log (Little Log Close, Greenway)   12  10-11
Log, The (Le Logge)   31  29-30
Logg Lane   41  20
London Gate   10  6
London Gate (Toll on London Road)   53  64
London Inn   7  41;   53  62;   54  9;   56  57;   65  22;   36  41;   47  39
London Road   10  6,11;   11  49;   12  1,23;   13  14ff;   14  20;   16  31;   17  12-13,32;   17  38,43;   20  33-37;   21  7,21,28;   21  33,35,36;   22  7,9;   23  39;   24  38;   27  2,4,27,28;   27  45-46;   31  18;   32  29,30,31;   37  38;   38  17,19,21,29;   39  26;   40  1,32;   41  1-3,4,34;   42  16,17;   43  18,20;   46  1,9;   47  32;   49  16-17,46;   57  7, 22, 23
London Road – Bypass planned   33  2
London Road – Gas lighting   39  21
London Road – Old route   34  13;   35  19,35;   37  2;   42  12,18;   43  20
London Road – Six Ways   47  34
London Road – Turnpike (London Gate)   33  7-8,10-12
London Road (245, 247), Brighton Buildings   64  39
London Road (Early)   7  55
London Road (No. 249), Brighton Cottage   63  19;   64  40-43
London Road (No. 251), Grove Cottage   63  21, 22
London Road (Nos. 240,242,244)   59  11;   60  60
London Road (Turnpike)   1  18 – 19;   3  51 – 56
London Road 1787   63  3
London Road Construction   60  6
London Road Hall – see Charlton Kings (UDC)    
London Road, (289,291), Linden Lawn   63  21-25;   64  34
London Road, Amberley   55  21-2
London Road, Anastasia Cottage   5  30
London Road, Baunton Gables   50  52
London Road, Bellevue House   14  20
London Road, Brighton Buildings   61  17
London Road, Brighton Cottages   42  18
London Road, Chillingworth Cottage   62  16, 17
London Road, Conway House (The Close)   7  55
London Road, Cooper   64  44
London Road, Cuba Villa   47  31
London Road, Fairview Cottage (no. 4)   64  39
London Road, Fairview Cottage (no. 5)   64  44
London Road, Franklin   64  44
London Road, Hambrook Villa   61  28
London Road, Hamilton Cottage   47  34
London Road, Hill Place   51  55
London Road, Iffley   58  7
London Road, Langton Leigh   50  12
London Road, Linden Lawn   17  44ff;   3  56;   13  24
London Road, Mellington   52  45;   63  44,46,47
London Road, Mona House   65  19
London Road, Nelmes Row   64  13
London Road, Oak Terrace   45  16
London Road, Oak Villa   59  11
London Road, Oakhurst   50  52;   59  11
London Road, Oakleigh   59  11
London Road, Oxford Lawn   56  51
London Road, Oxford Place   63  39
London Road, Penstowe   63  44
London Road, Porturet Close   64  41, 42
London Road, Springfield House   58  19
London Road, The Bell, Beershop3   65  22
London Road, The Laurels   65  21,29,30,33
London Road, Tickle Bees (house name)   39  28
London Road, Trefaldwyn   63  19-23
London Road, Trenance   63  44,46,47
London Road, UDC Council Yard   5  31
London Road, vicarage, Ryeworth House   60  54, 57
London Road, Whithorne   52  33
London Road, Wren’s Nest, The (bungalow)   39  22
London Road, Wyesham   57  49
London Road/Sandford Mill Road corner (Wayside)   54  39
Long Furlong (Coltham)   51  27
Long Hay   45  6
Long Lands (field)   48  7
Long Piece (field)   48  11
Long Range/Rainge (almshouses, Church Street)   52  26
Long Rowell (field)   48  7
Longborough/Loughborough Place   56  31
Longleat   9  39;   40  35
Longleat House   56  50,52
Longleat, Horsefair St   6  9-12,19-20
Longleat, Horsefair Street   31  29
Lordsleyn (Lordisleyn)   15  14,15,17
Lordysmersh Pasture   15  14
Loughborough Place (see also Longborough)   24  39
Lower Combreach (field)   48  7
Lower Field   8  20;   48  3;   32  10,12;   39  32,33
Lower Field (Charlton Park)   26  23
Lower Ground (field)   48  11,12
Lower Highbreach (field)   48  7
Lower Pilford (field)   48  7,11
Lower Woodlands Farm   39  26;   44  28,30
Lowes Ground   34  18,20
Lucas Hay   29  25
Lucas Hill   19  27;   29  23;   34  18,20,21;   35  16,19
Lucas Hill, Great & Little   10  20;   15  16
Lucas’s Close – see Combe’s Close    
Lucres Wood area, early history   62  14
Ludmore (Close)   38  17
Lunatic Asylum   5  30
Lye Field   42  8;   43  4;   46  6,18
Lyefield   8  35;   9  3,6;   13  37,41,45;   19  36;   20  37;   26  22,23;   31  11,13,19;   32  11;   36  36
Lyefield – Cottage   26  10
Lyefield – Villas   20  39;   27  40,41
Lyefield area   4  2
Lyefield area roads   4  2
Lyefield Cottages   56  30
Lyefield Cottages, Mill Lane   61  48
Lyefield Gardens, Brookway Road   57  5
Lyefield Road   1  19;   6  32;   7  40;   39  26,28;   46  22;   48  35;   49  28;   50  52;   54  12;   57  7
Lyefield Road – Co-op grocery and butcher’s: original tiles found   49  28-34
Lyefield Road (East/West)   31  11;   37  9
Lyefield Road (East/West) – Chemist   28  35;   37  33
Lyefield Road (East/West) – Post Office   31  18
Lyefield Road Cottages   49  46
Lyefield Road East   27  39,50
Lyefield Road East, Brotherhood Hall   62  13
Lyefield Road West   60  35;   62  26
Lyefield Road West, Aston Villa,   50  52
Lyefield Road West, Bisbrook   49  28
Lyefield Road West, Blinkbourne   49  28
Lyefield Road West, Chemist   60  35
Lyefield Road West, Cleave House   60  35
Lyefield Road West, Cleeve House (later Chemist’s shop)   49  28
Lyefield Road West, DIY shop   62  26
Lyefield Road West, Veterinary Clinic   62  26
Lyefield Road West, Woodville   60  36;   62  26
Lyefield Road, Beta   60  28
Lyefield Road, Brotherhood Hall   61  8
Lyefield Road, Cleethorpe Villas   52  35
Lyefield Road, Fear’s shop (electrical etc)   50  52
Lyefield Terrace   62  12
Lyefield Villas (Pinehurst Nursing Home)   49  28
Lynch Lane   35  13
Maer Lodge, Cirencester Road   57  49
Malt Duty, C18   46  13-15
Malthouse (Bafford)   32  7
Malthouse Lane   24  28
Malthouse Lane (Moorend Street, Newcourt Road   54  33
Malvern View, No. 14 Croft Road   32  1
Manerium, Le (Bafford Holding)   32  7;   37  2
Manor of Ashley   5  53
Manor of Ham   3  5-10
Manorial holdings in Charlton Kings – see Ashley Manor, Chelt. Manor    
Manors – Ashley   18  5;   19  28,30-31;   21  28;   22  5,10,11;   23  20,24,30,42;   24  22ff,38-40;   26  21,23;   27  4,46;   28  41;   29  14,28,30,37ff;   30  2,26ff;   31  4;   32  10;   34  6,13,15,18;   35  35;   37  22;   61  24
Manors – Ashley – Freeholders & Tenants, 1557 & 1564   30  16-24
Manors – Ashley, alias Charlton Kings – Beedle Messuages   15  16
Manors – Ashley, alias Charlton Kings – Beedle Messuages+E3597   11  23-25
Manors – Ashley, alias Charlton Kings – Courts   13  9-11,17
Manors – Ashley, alias Charlton Kings – Origin   8  20
Manors – Ashley, alias Charlton Kings, Holdings, Lordship   8  8ff,23,46;   8  49-50;   9  6,7,40;   10  4,8,9;   12  28,36,40;   14  8;   15  35;   17  5ff
Manors – Cheltenham   18  17;   19  30;   22  5,11;   26  18;   27  2;   28  26;   29  14,20,37ff;   30  3,27;   31  3-5;   32  10;   33  35;   34  6,13,15;   39  11;   40  9-12;   44  13,18;   45  2,24;   46  1,2,5,13-15;   48  23;   49  8;   55  21;   61  24, 26
Manors – Cheltenham – Court Books   50  55-56
Manors – Cheltenham – Courts, Court Books   9  18;   10  9;   17  33
Manors – Cheltenham – Demesne Lands, C15 & C17   28  1-4
Manors – Cheltenham – Extent   15  7-18
Manors – Cheltenham – Freeholders, Tenants, 1557 & 1564   30  16-24
Manors – Cheltenham – Holdings   8  23;   9  17;   10  8;   11  24;   12  10,27,37;   17  5
Manors – Cheltenham – Steward   8  30
Manors – Cheltenham Court Proceedings, 1588   52  39-41
Manors – Cheltenham Court Rolls C14-C16   55  48-53
Manors – Cheltenham Nordens’ Survey   18  35-40
Manors, brief history and court procedures   47  13-15
Manors, Charlton Kings   54  42-47
Mansell House   10  5
Mansells (Little Herberts Farm)   26  27
Mansell’s Cottage (Withyholt)   8  29
Mansfield Place   37  35
Map – Ashley Manor, area of, c1887   63  43
Map – Avenue (The) and trees 1811   29  47
Map – Bafford area c1890 (?)   65  5
Map – Bafford Farm extent 1811   42  30
Map – Bafford Grange area 1923   50  19
Map – Bafford House area, sandpit 1885   47  35
Map – Bafford, medieval   44  18
Map – Bafford/ Lyefield area c1500   32  4
Map – Balcarras/ Sappercombe area ~1750   32  30
Map – Baptist Church area ~1403   15  28
Map – Baptist Church area ~1580   45  20
Map – Battledown area – Jefferys Itinerary 1775   58  28
Map – Battledown Estate 1859   47  18
Map – Battledown Estate 1885?   55  9
Map – Battledown Grange (Battledown Approach) 1921   58  24
Map – Battlefield/ Burghill 1878 (1886?)   63  47
Map – Beaufort Arms area 1836   40  18
Map – Beaufort Arms area 1880?   55  21
Map – Beaufort Arms area 1891   55  21
Map – Brookway Lane 1806   28  5
Map – Brookway Lane area 1885   28  6
Map – Castlefield area 1845   38  18
Map – Castlefield area detail 1845   38  19
Map – Charlottleville/ Cudnall St 1854   33  22
Map – Charlton House and Grounds 1883   10  12
Map – Charlton Kings 1828   60  46
Map – Charlton Kings Common (Lechampton Hill) 1886?   57  55
Map – Charlton Kings proposed railways c1840 (1897 map)   55  32
Map – Charlton Kings railway shown on c2000 map   59  55
Map – Charlton Kings railway, S. of Cheltenham, 1961 map   59  56
Map – Charlton Kings railway/ Dowdeswell area c1950?   59  54
Map – Charlton Mill Tithe Map 1848   21  8
Map – Charlton Park (part) 1746   43  4
Map – Charlton Park 1746   56  7
Map – Charlton Park 1746 (detail)   56  9
Map – Charlton Park area 2000   44  23
Map – Charlton Park development area 1960   55  41
Map – Charlton Park estate (part) 1843   33  28
Map – Charlton Park estate 1746   44  24
Map – Charlton Park Estate area 1888   9  4
Map – Charlton Park Estate Map 1843 (detail)   56  13
Map – Charlton Park Fields   1  4
Map – Charlton Park working sheet 1746   56  10
Map – Charlton Park working sheet 1746 on c2000 map   56  11
Map – Charlton Park working sheet 1746 on modern map   56  12
Map – Chase Avenue area 1885   64  33
Map – Chase Avenue area 1885 (1:500)   64  34
Map – Chase Avenue area 1923   64  34
Map – Chase Avenue area 1973   64  35
Map – Cheltenham Hundred (Manor)   54  6
Map – Cheltenham/ Charlton Kings proposed railways c1840   55  30
Map – Cheltenham/ Charlton Kings railway shown on 2002 map   59  52
Map – Chestnut Walk/ Church   27  51
Map – Church – churchyard extension (detail 1) ~1854   56  39
Map – Church – churchyard extension (detail 2) ~1854   56  42
Map – Church – churchyard extension ~1854   56  39
Map – Church – land south of, ~1800   29  25
Map – Church area – Tithe Map 1848   10  38;   11  36
Map – Church area 1806   44  20;   51  35
Map – Church area 1878   16  34
Map – Church area 1888   16  34
Map – Church piece, houses, ~1830   42  34
Map – Church Piece/ Provident Place 1885   9  48
Map – Church St 1806   15  30
Map – Church St 1848   15  31
Map – Church St area ~1835   13  37
Map – Church St layout ~1725   12  41
Map – Church St, Cambrian Nursery 1888   47  3
Map – Church St/ School Rd ~1900   15  1
Map – Church St/ School Rd 1848   13  38
Map – Church St/ School Rd jn 1938   37  7
Map – Church St/ School Rd jn. ~1830   29  13
Map – Church Street/ Lyefield area – 1811   31  10
Map – Church, houses round the church   38  1
Map – Church/ Chestnut Walk   27  51
Map – Cirencester Rd/ The Knappings 1806   23  22
Map – Cirencester Road at Croft Rd ~1910?   57  8
Map – Cirencester Road at Holy Apostles ~1910?   57  11
Map – Cirencester Road at Lilleybrook ~1910?   57  10
Map – Cirencester Road at Lyefield ~ 1910?   57  6
Map – Cirencestesr Road near Church 1866   51  41
Map – Cirencestesr Road near Church 1902   51  42
Map – Charlton Kings parish, southern area fields   9  11
Map – Charlton Kings southern area field names 1746   48  6
Map – Charlton Kings southern area field names 1811   48  10
Map – Charlton Kings western area ~1920?   48  4
Map – Coltham Field – 1777   20  34
Map – Coltham Field – Tithe Map 1848   20  35
Map – Coltham Field 1850   29  43
Map – Coltham Field 1863   29  45
Map – Coltham Field ownership 1850   29  44
Map – Coltham Field proposed railway c1840?   55  36
Map – Coxhorn Farm fields 1843   23  31
Map – Coxhorne Estate 1865   45  15
Map – Coxhorne House (land east of) 1866   34  8
Map – Coxhorne House (land south of) 1868?   34  19
Map – Coxhorne House area 1811   45  14
Map – Croft Road area 1885   44  21
Map – Croft Road area 1905   49  10
Map – Croft Road area 1923?+E5328   49  9
Map – Cudall St/ Cirencester Rd area 1825   11  28
Map – Cudall St/ Cirencester Rd junction   8  39
Map – Cudnall area 1923   49  17;   55  25
Map – Cudnall St area c1400   46  2
Map – Cudnall St at Brookway Rd c1885   59  47
Map – Cudnall St near Brookway Rd c1950?   59  22
Map – Cudnall, Six Ways, Turnpike   5  53,54
Map – Cudnall/ Battledown 1810   49  17
Map – Detmore   5  15
Map – East area of parish ~1700   13  21
Map – East Court – detail – 1885   31  31
Map – East Court ~1838   13  19
Map – East Court area ~1700   13  21
Map – East Court area 1806   13  14
Map – East Court area 1885   64  5
Map – East Court/ Gravel pits/Linden Lawn area 1886   13  22
Map – East End area – sketch ~1930+E3866   39  27
Map – East End area – Tithe Map 1848   13  18
Map – East End area/ Ham, Tithe map, 1848   46  10
Map – East End, Sappercomb, Dowdeswell area, fields   9  10
Map – East End/ East Court area ~1825?   13  16
Map – East End/London Road area ~1845   13  24
Map – Greenway Lane – ancient sites   27  32
Map – Greenway Lane/ Cricket Club area   51  6
Map – Greenway Lane/ Ham area 1838   51  14
Map – Greenway Lane/ Ham area, fields   9  9
Map – Greenway Lane/ Ham footpaths   41  20
Map – Greenway Lane/ Ryeworth 1838   51  17
Map – Greenway Lane/ Ryeworth 1888   51  19
Map – Grove House (Cottage), Cudnall   3  39-41, 55
Map – Hales Rd at Battledown Villas 1923   57  4
Map – Ham   40  16
Map – Ham – fields to north   28  4
Map – Ham – Mill Lane   52  17
Map – Ham 1848   40  10
Map – Ham 1954   44  1
Map – Ham Court – land and farm 1824   20  24
Map – Ham Lane/ The Orchards 1885   28  19
Map – Ham Villa – land and farm 1892   20  26
Map – Ham/ East End area, Tithe map, 1848   46  10
Map – Ham/ Greenway Lane footpaths   31  29;   41  20
Map – Hawthorns area ~1890   13  45;   42  25
Map – Haywards Road ~1920?   57  21
Map – Hewlett Rd at Stanley Rd 1894   53  9
Map – Hewletts Reservoir/ Ham proposed railway c1840   55  33
Map – Knapp (The)/ The Hearne 1919   22  15
Map – Knappings (The)/ Cirencester Rd 1806   23  22
Map – Leasowe (The)   7  34
Map – Ledmore estate 1953   52  46
Map – Lilly Brook – course of stream, shown on c1990 map   60  19
Map – Lilly Brook – stream at Moorend Rd on c1990 map   60  20
Map – Lilly Brook – stream at Sandford Mill on c1660? map   60  23
Map – Little Herberts – detail c1700   19  33
Map – Little Herberts (No. 49)   36  11
Map – Little Herberts area 1848 Tithe Map   19  29
Map – Little Herberts Farm 1848   26  19
Map – Little Herberts Farm 1885   26  21
Map – Little Herberts Farm 1888   26  19
Map – Little Herberts Farm fields 1848   26  26
Map – London Rd at Old Bath Rd 1923   57  42
Map – London Rd/ Hales Rd jn ~ 1900 ?   42  38
Map – London Road at The Knapp pre 1787   22  9
Map – London Road/ Capel Lane Tithe Map 1848   23  33
Map – London Road/ East End/ East Court area 1842   13  13
Map – London Road/ East End/ East Court area 1868   13  12
Map – Lyefield area – 1787   31  14
Map – Lyefield Road   7  39
Map – Lyefield/ Church Street area – 1811   31  10
Map – Lyfield Road East   4  2
Map – Moorend area/ Newcourt – 1691 and 1885   9  23
Map – Moorend House/ Pinetrees area 1870   40  30
Map – Moorend Road area ~1800   54  48
Map – Moorend Road/ Charlton Park area 1963   54  52
Map – Moorend Road/ Pinetrees area 1784   24  24
Map – New Court Rd – Laundry area 1967   53  21
Map – New Court Road area 1746   54  32
Map – New Court Road area 1843   54  33
Map – New Court Road area c2008   54  36
Map – Newcourt/ Moorend area – 1691 and 1885   9  23
Map – Oakland House – 1846   7  33
Map – Oakland House – 1887   7  34
Map – Ogilby Road Map 1675   59  16
Map – Okus Rd area 1900? and 2000   48  29
Map – Pilford Brickworks – geological survey 1903   10  41
Map – Pilford Brickworks – ground survey 1878   10  40
Map – Pilford Brickworks area 1884   10  41
Map – Prinn Estate (part) 1811   8  41
Map – Prinn Estate (part) 1843   8  43
Map – Railway east of Charlton Kings Station ~1960?   49  1
Map – Railway Map, Beaufort Arms area 1836   17  42
Map – Railway Map, Charlton Kings 1836   17  41
Map – Railway Map, Six Ways area 1836   17  42
Map – Railways (map references)   40  4,5
Map – Rivers and streams, Charlton Kings   11  12
Map – Roads   2  5, 9, 10;   3  51 – 56
Map – Roads through Charlton ~1750   1  18-20
Map – Roads, Lyefield/ Church area changes, 1827   42  33
Map – Roads, Paths around Ham   3  13-14
Map – Rosehill St building plots c1830   17  35
Map – Ryeworth Farm   27  5
Map – Ryeworth Farm area ~1900?   47  32
Map – Ryeworth Inn area ~1875   50  23
Map – Ryeworth proposed railway c1840?   55  37
Map – Ryeworth Road (area of No. 61)   56  53
Map – Ryeworth/ Hambrook area 1923   50  9
Map – Sandford Area ~1860   11  13
Map – Sandford Area 1776   8  19
Map – Sandford Mill 1901   21  13
Map – School Rd, area of School ~1870   15  19
Map – Six Ways area 1806   15  36
Map – Six Ways area 1848 Tithe Map   15  37
Map – Six Ways area 1885   65  24
Map – Six Ways area 1887   7  34
Map – Six Ways area 1903   64  41
Map – Six Ways area c1800?   17  13
Map – Six Ways Council Hall c2000   56  20
Map – Spring Bottom 1811   42  18
Map – Spring Bottom 1848   42  12
Map – Spring Bottom 1885   18  5;   42  11
Map – Timbercombe area c1845   35  14
Map – Timbercombe area schematic c1845   35  15
Map – Turnpike road near Cudnall 1798 (reference)   33  19
Map – Turnpike Roads and Highways ~1850   10  7
Map – Turnpikes 1798 (Billings)   1  6
Map – Village Pump   4  18
Map – Vineyards Farm – Roman Site – plan   25  3
Map – Vineyards Farm – Roman Site location   25  2
Map – Whithorne House area 1848+E2607   39  33
Map – Withyholt area 1966   46  19
Map – Withyholt area, 1746,1811, 2000   46  17
Map – Withyholt fields 1843   20  38
1   1  3
Map 1843, Charlton Park Estate – reference to,   62  45
Map -Ham (ref to Prinn Map of 1811)   44  13,14
Map, 1836 Railway – reference to,   62  43
Map, Prinn 1811 – reference to,   62  41
Maple Drive   37  23
Marlborough Close   55  42
Marriage, Common Law   57  57-58
Marriages 1640 – 1812   4  29 – 32
Marrion Cottage (Horsefair Street)   43  30
Martyns (messuage)   54  43
Matthew’s Piece   23  21
May Grove   39  6
Mayvi1le   29  42
Mayville, Croft Road   49  11
Mead Close   44  14;   46  17
Mead, The (Close)   24  29,35;   26  27
Meade Plot   8  23
Meadow, The (land at Ham)   45  10
Meads (The)   59  6
Meads, The (Old Meads) – see also Beeches, The   29  14,25,26;   33  33,35
Measurements of land, Importance of precision in   56  31;   57  58
Medefurlong   15  14
Mellington, London Road   52  45;   63  44,46,47
Memorial Plaque, WW1, Holy Apostles   60  3
Memorial Plaque, WW1, St Marys   60  3
Memorials – St Mary’s Interior   5  40 – 51
Memories of Charlton Kings   63  31-33
Men and Armour   1  8
Merry Fellow   5  33;   6  31
Merry Fellow (Public House)   18  16;   19  21;   20  3;   21  14,35;   23  42;   27  50
Merry Fellow Inn   50  40-41;   52  29;   60  35;   64  39;   15  1-5,18;   47  39
Merryfellow Inn   32  2;   34  7;   37  5,7,8
Mersey Cottage   40  15
Mervyn, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Metal Detecting – Greenway Lane area   51  2, 6-16
Metal Detecting – Mill Lane   52  17-22
Middle Field   34  13;   38  17;   39  33
Middle Highbreach (field)   48  7
Middle Rowell (field)   48  7
Middlefield   13  9;   22  5
Middlemoor   10  8
Milford Cottage   23  42
Milford Cottage, Cudnall St   40  6
Milford Cottage, Cudnall Street   59  23, 24
Milford Place   23  42
Milford Place, Cudnall St   40  6,7
Military Survey of Glos., 1522   31  3-5
Militia and Volunteers (Military service in 17th to 19th C)   53  52-58, 61
Militia Services, Survey   2  14 – 20
Militia Substitues   6  62
Militia, N. Glos, legal papers C19   49  61
Milkwell   23  24;   25  10;   50  55;   54  37
Milkwell (Open Field)   9  18
Milkwell Lane   44  19
Milkwellfield   47  14
Mill Cottage, Battledown   50  53;   51  56
Mill Furlong   46  1,2
Mill Furlong (Open Field)   10  8,10
Mill Lane   38  19;   42  11,12,13;   43  19;   46  21;   27  35
Mill Lane – Metal Detecting   52  17-22
Mill Lane – see also School Road   13  39;   15  18
Mill Lane (Trigmerry Lane, School Road)   49  46,48,56
Mill Lane School(s)   3  19-21
Mill Lane Schools   54  12,16
Mill Lane, Coltham Cottages   61  48
Mill Lane, Lyefield Cottages   61  48
Mill Piece   52  45, 46
Millbrook Place   54  22
Millbrook Terrace   13  44
Millennium — Events and Commissions   49  12-15
Millers   21  13-14
Millford Lodge (Cottage), Cudnall   59  23
Millford Place, Cudnall   59  23
Mills – see individual mills: Charlton, Ham, Sandford, etc    
Mills in Charlton Kings – see also Sandford Mill   21  5-14
Millward House, East End Road   39  28
Milton Cottage   31  26,28
Milton Cottage, Cudnall Street   65  22
Milton Terrace, Ryeworth Road   38  28
Milverton (Church Street)   43  26-28,29;   44  38;   47  9-12
Milverton (The Roses)   13  38,46
Milverton (The Roses, Church Street)   52  23-25,30
Milverton, Church Street   31  20
Milverton, Roses, The   11  20
Miss Roche’s School   63  16-28
Mission Hall – Ham   30  29
Mission Rooms   14  39
Mission Rooms, Charlton Kings   65  11
Missisippi Pub   13  26
Mobleys (also Ivy Cottage, q.v.)   40  6,9-12;   45  24
Mollisfont Cottage   30  13
Mona House, London Road   65  19
Montrose (Battledown)   47  25
Moor End   53  26,38;   8  20,29
Moorend   2  3;   47  35
Moorend – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  33-35
Moorend – Malthouse   27  51
Moorend – Park   21  18-20
Moorend (Beedle Messuage)   24  22-28
Moorend Glade   54  54;   55  42
Moorend House   21  28;   24  23;   32  8;   34  15;   15  16;   40  30-35
Moorend House, Moorend Road   5  30
Moorend Lane – see New Court Road    
Moorend Park   2  5, 33;   40  35;   46  40;   48  31;   54  8, 48-54;   15  16
Moorend Park – War Hospital   57  18
Moorend Park Hotel   32  31;   50  52;   60  18
Moorend Park Mansion   60  18
Moorend Park Road   49  44
Moorend Park Road, Stadacona   49  44
Moorend Road   20  37;   24  23,24;   40  31,32,35;   42  32-33;   44  25;   46  16-19;   54  48-54;   55  40-42;   10  6
Moorend Road – The Chicken Run   47  30
Moorend Road Bridge   60  21
Moorend Road, Moorend House   5  30
Moorend Road, Ravensway House (Convent)   51  38-39
Moorend Street   24  23,24,28;   26  21,22;   27  50;   8  29;   9  17,22,28;   11  27;   14  6;   15  16,17
Moorend Street – see New Court Road    
Moorend Street (also New Court Road, q.v.)   40  30,32;   41  4;   42  7,8,32-33;   44  18
Moorend Street (Malthouse Lane, Newcourt Road)   54  33,48
Moorend Street (New Court Road)   49  8
Moreton Terrace   31  27
Moreton Terrace, Brookway Road   59  24
Morlands Drive   49  3;   26  46
Morley, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Morton Valence Piece   38  26
Morton Villas, Cudnall Street   54  17
Motcombe villas (Oxford Terrace)   51  28
Motor Cycle Scrambles, California Farm   43  17
Mottisfont Cottages   27  28,29
Mountain(s) Knoll (Charlton Common)   45  4
Mountain’s Knoll (field)   48  7, 8,11
Mourford Cottages, Ryeworth   36  38
Mrs Potter’s Field   25  31
Mrs Somer’s Cottage – Correction   5  64
Mrs Somer’s Cottage, Horsefair St   4  28
Mrs Summer’s Cottage – Correction   5  64
Mulberry Villa (Oxford Terrace)   51  28
Murrayfield, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Muster 1608   1  7-11
Muster, 1608, Charlton Men   61  25
Mustoe’s Yard, Six Ways   65  22,23,30,31
Names, Changes of   56  56-57
Nap and Pen, The – see also Knapp   34  15
Napoleonic Wars   52  11-16
Nappings (The), Charlton Kings   65  11
Nappings, The   33  33;   48  12
Nappings, The – see Knappings, The    
Nash Villa   64  13
National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 1   58  55-59
National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 2   59  41-46
National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 3   60  48-53
Natton Cottages, Ham   40  13-17
Nature Reserves   49  4-7
Naunton   8  24;   9  18;   9  41;   12  40;   32  8,9
Naunton (deeds pre-1700)   39  11;   42  9
Naunton (Field)   23  26-29
Naunton Field   9  37;   12  27;   14  10;   43  4
Naunton Lane   9  37
Naunton Park Road   9  37
Naunton Park School   57  24
Navy, associations with C.K.   13  48
Nazareth House   57  36-38,55;   60  42
Needles Butt   18  17
Needles Butts   46  14
Nelmes Row   13  32;   39  21,22,25,28;   43  20;   46  9,11;   51  54, 55
Nelmes Row, London Road   64  13
Nether House (East End)   19  40
Nether House (Nethirhowse)   43  14;   46  2,5-6
Nether House, East End   37  22
Nether Rodways, enclosed land   45  5
Netherhouse   8  8-9
Nettings, Cirencester Road   65  11
New Court   2  5;   8  20,21,24,35;   10  6;   11  28;   24  23;   27  33;   29  33-36;   31  9,11;   35  13;   48  23;   50  37
New Court – Architecture – supplement   36  2-5,9
New Court – Architecture, history, furnishings etc   9  11-32
New Court Road (Malthouse Lane, Moorend Street)   53  21;   54  33,48,49
New Court (Court House)   53  43;   54  32-36
New Court (House)   40  30,32;   42  7,8,10;   43  14,15;   45  16,23;   47  8
New Court House   5  30
New Court Road (also Moorend Street, Laundry Lane, q.v.)   40  30,32;   41  4;   42  7,8,32-33;   47  34-35
New Court Road (Laundry Lane, Moorend Street)   48  30;   49  8;   51  43
New Court Road (Moorend Lane)   2  3, 5, 11
New Court Road (Moorend Street)   31  9,11;   32  3ff;   35  18
New Court Road (New Court Lane)   9  17,28;   15  16
New Court Road (New Court Lane, Moorend St)   24  23,24;   26  21;   27  50
New Inn   6  15;   13  24;   49  11
New Inn (Little Owl)   18  19;   19  26;   23  20,22,37,39;   24  41;   27  48,49;   46  11;   47  33
New Inn (now The Owl), Cirencester Road   53  62
New Loons   34  6,9
New Street   1  19;   56  42;   38  1,3
New Street (New Road)   16  34
New Street Construction   7  1
New Street Cottage   9  41
New Street, Fern Cottage   55  55
New Studland, Gadshill Road   57  10
New Zealand, C19 emigration to   11  21-23
Newbury Cottage (Ryeworth)   56  55
Newcourt House   58  8, 37
Newcourt Park   54  35,48
Newland   37  3
Newlands   13  11
Newlyn Villa (Copt Elm Road)   26  34
Newlyn, Copt Elm Road   7  54
Newspapers in Cheltenham before 1914   55  43-45
Newspapers, References to Charlton Kings   53  31-34;   55  45,47
Nifnage (close)   44  19
Nine Lands   11  39
Noah’s Ark   30  14;   32  1;   38  21;   39  24
Nobby Hall’s   42  25
Nobby Hall’s Cottage   13  46
Noglins   48  3;   34  40
Noldemede, Le   47  14,15
Nordens’ Survey   18  35-40
North Field   48  5
North Ham Hill Farm   59  6
Northefeld (Northfield)   55  52
Northfield   18  5;   19  40
Northfield (Farm)   28  2;   34  1;   40  13,14,16;   44  13;   45  14,17
Northfield Farm   15  16;   16  55;   54  9;   58  37
Notherhouse (Nethirhowse)   52  57,58
Nuisances, Inspector of   37  34
Nulandfield   47  14
Nupend (Street) – see also Up End   23  20,21
Nupend Croft (Alexander’s Croft)   15  17
Nurseries – see Shops    
Nursery Cottage   47  7
Nursery Cottages   30  13
Nursery Field (Charlton Park)   8  35
Oak Cottage   5  31
Oak Terrace, London Road   45  16
Oak Villa   35  31
Oak Villa, London Road   59  11
Oakeys   34  6
Oakfield   21  18,19
Oakfield, Ashley Road   37  18ff
Oakhurst, London Road   50  52;   59  11
Oakland Place   54  12
Oakland Street   24  38
Oaklands   5  52 – 62;   7  16 – 34;   32  34;   64  12
Oaklands (Whitefriars’ School)   12  43
Oaklands Farm, Greenway Lane   65  22-25,28
Oaklands, The   23  41;   22  33
Oaklands, The (Ashley Manor)   55  12
Oaklands, The (later Ashley Manor, q.v.)   42  13;   44  37;   45  13,16;   49  16-18
Oakleigh, London Road   59  11
Oakley (Okeley)   15  14,17
Oakley Cottage, Ryeworth   26  28
Oakley Road   29  42;   57  44
Oakley Road, Ferncliffe   57  44
Oakley Villas   26  28
Oakley, GCHQ, Royal Visit   61  46-47
Oakley, possible chapel   48  24-25
Occupation Road – see Haywards Lane    
Occupations 1608   1  8-11
Occupations, Charlton Kings, 19th C   62  40
Office (field name; also Alpheys) (Southfield Farm)   48  7,11
Ogilby Road Map 1675   59  15-18
Ogilby Road Map 1675 – reference to,   60  46
Okus Road   7  51;   48  27,28,29;   57  9
Okus Road – Caden   48  27,28
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Balcarras   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Beater   57  12
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Beulah   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Castleton   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Darwin   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Dunbar   57  12
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Firle   57  12
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Foy   57  12
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Gritmore   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Kapoude   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Krastale   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Lilifred   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Llannissa   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Mervyn   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Morley   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Murryfield   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Pole Bank   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Robecq   57  12
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Sherwood   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, St Hilary   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Thirley   57  13
Okus Road/ Croft Road, Veldure   57  13
Old Bath Road   21  11,22;   29  47;   31  11;   32  10,12;   33  8
Old Bath Road (Pilford Lane)   8  20,28,32;   9  37;   10  6,8,40;   12  22;   16  55;   56  6-8
Old Bath Road (prev. Pilford Lane, q.v.)   46  1,2,16-17
Old Bath Road, Abbotsford   50  17,18
Old Cherry Orchard   55  21
Old Coxhorne   21  34;   23  30;   43  20;   62  16
Old Coxhorne – see Coxhorn(e)    
Old Dole Farm   7  8,9;   34  2-7;   39  25,26;   42  29;   43  17,18;   45  14,16;   61  25;   65  6;   13  30;   16  55;   21  21;   26  17
Old Dole Lane   39  21,24,25
Old Ham Farm   35  12;   44  1-14,34;   45  5-12;   46  4
Old Ham Farm, (Homestead)   45  11,12
Old Sandy Lane, Sandshards   4  40
Oldhurst   29  25
Oldmead – see Noldemede, Le    
Omnibus – see Buses    
Oral History Interviews   38  28-30;   39  8-10
Orchard (Southfield Farm)   48  11
Orchard House   19  28;   21  32;   23  22;   26  31
Orchard House (Herbert Villa)   43  36,37
Orchard House (Wiggins, Herbert Villa)   33  35
Orchard, The (Copt Elm Road)   48  36
Orchards, The   38  19,29
Orchards, The (Ham Road)   28  18-20;   33  1-5
Orchards, The (Ham Road) – Photograph   28  20
Orden Fields   45  6
Ould Meade (?= Noldemede, Le, q.v.)   46  13
Over House   13  17-20,23-25;   43  14;   46  9,11;   47  4
Over House (East End)   19  40-42;   20  45;   21  35
Over House (Wood’s Cottage)   51  54
Overbury Street   62  36,38.39.42;   47  34
Overbury Street, Ivy Place   62  42
Owl, The (previously the New Inn)   53  62
Owners of Land, Return, 1873   62  17, 18
Ownership of Land 1873 Survey   64  12-13
Oxford Lawn   30  13;   36  38;   46  11;   46  9,11
Oxford Lawn, London Road   56  51
Oxford Place   37  34
Oxford Place, London Road   63  39
Oxford Terrace, London Road   51  27-28
Oxford Terrace, Wharfedale   51  28
Oxford Villas (No. 2)   60  31
Paddocke, Le   27  3
Parish   4  22
Parish Boundaries, Beating   16  55;   25  28-29
Parish boundary changes, 19th C, reference   4  22
Parish Clerks   15  51ff
Parish Council   16  29,31
Parish Council, Charlton Kings   63  48, 49
Parish Hall – see St Mary’s Vestry Hall    
Parish House, Church Street   31  19-21
Parish lands, accounts of trustees   38  26
Parish Magazine (St. Mary’s)   16  37
Parish Mission (St. Mary’s)   16  38
Parish Rate Book — see under Charlton Kings    
Parish Registers   10  30-34;   13  34-35
Parish, Beating the Bounds   4  21
Park Cottage   5  31;   43  4,5
Park Cottages   9  4;   14  6
Park Cottages (Garden Cottages)   32  11-24;   33  38,39;   35  1-12,18,19;   36  10
Park Grange (CK Care Home) (Newcourt development)   54  34
Park Lodge (Charlton Park)   8  61,63
Park Street   23  36;   51  27,28;   54  11;   57  49
Park Street (Upper Park Street)   9  39;   17  32
Park Street, Upper Park Street   28  31-32;   30  13
Partridge Breach, Great & Little   34  13
Partridge’s Mease   42  14
Partridge’s Meese – see Hawthorne’s    
Pate’s Close   32  6;   35  20
Path, Timbercombe   5  11
Pear Tree Cottage (Courland)   14  18,19
Pear Tree Cottage, Brookway Lane   59  47
Pellyns   19  40
Pen(n)y Howbach   19  40
Penny Breaches   19  30;   26  21,26,27;   35  16
Penny Breaches (or Breeches)   42  4;   43  34
Penstowe, London Road   63  44
Perry   5  38 – 39
Pheasant Close, Great & Little   15  16
Pheasants (Great & Little)   26  22
Pheasants (see also Little Pheasants, Veysons)   44  19,20
Pheasants, Great & Little   32  7
Piggy Lane – see Strowdes Lane    
Pigs, keeping in Charlton Kings   4  1-5;   29  30;   36  36,39
Pil(l)ford Lane – see Old Bath Road    
Pilford   48  3,8
Pilford Lane (later Old Bath Road, q.v.)   46  1
Pilford Lane (Old Bath Road)   56  6-8
Pill, River   9  37
Pilley   9  37;   31  27
Pilley Bridge   46  17
Pilley Cottage   28  32
Pine Trees (Moorend)   24  23
Pinehurst Nursing Home (Lyefield Villas)   49  28
Pinetrees   54  51,54
Pinetrees Estate   60  18
Pippins (on Newcourt development)   54  35
Pittesbreche   15  14
Plat or Plock (Close)   10  8
Poaching   18  22,41-42
Pole Bank, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Police   3  2-4;   5  34 – 35;   6  62 – 63;   49  61;   51  20,21;   52  29
Police Houses   54  17
Police Station   13  38
Police Station ~1850   7  50
Police Station, Charlton Kings   64  36, 38
Pooley, The – see Pulley    
Poolhay   10  8,10
Poor Law   16  28
Poor Law – Almshouses   13  37;   31  20
Poor Law – Almshouses – Bucklehaven   50  60;   51  60
Poor Law – Almshouses – Church Street   52  26;   50  52
Poor Law – Overseers   16  31;   17  38
Poor Law – Poor House, National School 1831 – see Schools    
Poor Law – Poor Rate Assessments, C19   32  33-35
Poor Law – Poor Rate, collection of   38  26
Poor Law – Poor Relief   1  22
Poor Law – Workhouse   1  21 – 30;   3  42 – 50;   31  20
Poor Law – Workhouse – Diamond Jubilee 1879   59  37
Poor Law – Workhouse – The Elms   59  37
Poor Law – Workhouse (Church Street)   52  26,37
Poor Law – Workhouse, Church Street   13  37
Poor Law – Workhouse, Charlton Kings   65  12
Population   5  11
Population & Housing, 1712   41  19
Population Charlton Kings, incl birth & death rates, 1890s   36  36-38
Population Statistics   53  31,59;   54  13,16
Population statistics, Charlton Kings   49  38;   52  42-44
Population, C.K.   10  34-35
Porteret House   47  31
Porturet Close, London Road   64  41, 42
Porturet House   50  49;   61  33;   65  14,15;   8  57;   55  11,12
Post Office – Charlton Church   60  35-38
Post Office – Charlton Church, Robberies   60  36
Post Office – Charlton Kings   60  35;   61  39
Post Office – Church St   37  9
Post Office – Cudnall   47  34
Post Office – East End   64  35
Post Office – Lyefield Road   31  18;   37  27
Post Office – Six Ways   47  34
Post Offices & postal services, Charlton Kings   51  32
Poultbrook   39  33
Poultbrook (Freeman’s Brook)   34  13
Pound   31  13
Pound Cottage   14  19
Pound Cottage (The Anchor)   31  11-13;   37  2
Pound House, Horsefair St   5  64
Pound Piece   20  45;   21  28;   48  8;   54  47;   13  11,15
Pound Walk (Vicar’s Alley)   14  19
Priests   4  15;   5  10-11
Primrose Cottage   4  38
Prince of Wales Inn   15  33
Prince of Wales Pub   48  36
Prinn Arms   32  10
Prinn Arms (Brunswick Villa)   49  8
Prinn Arms, Charlton Brewery   62  6
Prinn Estate – see Charlton Park    
Prinn Library, The (A Catalogue taken 1758)   53  46, 47
Prinn Map 1811, Charlton Park Estate   62  41
Priory, The (Voluntary Aid Hospital in Cheltenham)   52  52-53
Prisons   49  61;   51  23
Property Market, 1891   53  62
Providence Place   9  47-48;   45  17;   22  37;   56  28, 30
Pruens Row   29  14;   30  2;   37  5;   49  46;   51  54
Pruen’s Row   22  33;   27  46
Pruens Row   47  3
Pudding Bag Lane (Hambrook Street)   53  32;   16  56
Puddington Cottage, Ryeworth Road   59  18
Pulley, The (The Forden)   8  23
Pump, Village   4  17 – 18;   23  38
Pumphreys   44  20-21;   49  8
Pumphreys Cottages, House, Piece   34  40
Pumphreys House   44  21
Pumphreys Piece   44  21
Pumphreys Road   44  21;   49  8;   52  34
Pumphreys, (Cirencester/Pumphreys Roads)   53  26
Purnphreys Road   32  7;   33  40;   34  40
Quarries, Charlton Hill   54  14
Quarrying, Charlton Kings/Leckhampton   18  17,19
Quarter Sessions: Records, C17-18   49  61
Railway   6  61 – 62
Railway – Construction   21  35;   22  31;   23  39-40
Railway – Construction ~1875   7  51
Railway – Dowdeswell Viaduct   62  48
Railway – Express Trains through Charlton Kings   30  1
Railway – Station site, Charlton Kings   38  29
Railway – Station, Charlton Kings   28  17;   32  1;   33  33;   34  1;   60  17,18;   27  50
Railway Map, 1836   62  43
Railway Station ~1912   7  53
Railways – Chelt. & District Light Railway Co. – see Trams    
Railways – Charlton Kings   59  52-57;   62  48
Railways – E. Gloucestershire Railway   8  48-49
Railways – Great Western Railway line through Charlton Kings   59  52-57
Railways – History, Cheltenham & Charlton Kings plus map refs   40  1-5
Railways – Kingham Line, history after closure   49  1-7
Railways – Leckhampton Hill Branch   12  30
Railways – Leckhampton Quarry   46  25-26;   47  40
Railways – Misc records in GRO, C19   49  61
Railways – Original plans for local railways   17  38-42
Railways – Proposed lines through Charlton Kings that were never built   55  30-38
Railways – Signal-box, unauthorised activity in   42  4
Raisey House (Cudnall)   11  26
Raisey House, Cudnall – see Abbotsdene    
Rambling Views, Harp Hill   53  11,12
Randolph Close   55  42
Ranels   45  17
Rarity (cottage near Grange Walk area)   29  16
Rates, collection of   38  26
Ravensgate   8  20;   16  55;   34  6,18,20,21;   35  18,19,20
Ravensgate – Common   8  50
Ravensgate – Farm   8  35
Ravensgate (Hill, Lane, Mead)   18  17,20;   21  21;   24  31;   26  21,22,27
Ravensgate Common   53  33
Ravensgate Hill   43  17,18,29
Ravensgate Lane   1  18
Ravensway House (Convent, Moorend Road)   51  38-39
Red Lion   43  23
Red Wood   21  21
Red Wood Brooke (ground)   22  7
Reeves Field, Upper & Lower   55  40-42
Religion   4  6-8
Religion – Buried in Woolen   59  58-59
Religion – Carmelites   7  17
Religion – Catholic Community   60  39-42
Religion – Chapel – Arle   14  4
Religion – Chapel – Church Piece   57  49-50
Religion – Chapel – Ham – Mission   31  29
Religion – Chapel – Ham – Ryeworth   31  5-6
Religion – Chapel (Primitive Methodist) (Ryeworth Road)   50  23-26
Religion – Chapel Cottage (Ryeworth Road)   50  23-26
Religion – Chapel Cottage, Ryeworth   65  25
Religion – Chapel Cottage, Ryeworth Road   57  28
Religion – Chapel, Charlton   5  63
Religion – Chapel, Methodist   54  13
Religion – Chapel, Methodist – Church St   26  28
Religion – Chapel, Methodist – Ryeworth   26  28
Religion – Chapels – Anabaptists   63  13, 15
Religion – Chapels, Cudnall, Ryeworth, Church St   54  13
Religion – Cheltenham Parish Church   12  2,43;   14  1,6,10ff
Religion – Church, Prestbury   12  3,8,9
Religion – Churchwardens’ Accounts 1751-1801   4  19-22
Religion – Churchwardens, St Mary’s   61  25
Religion – Convent (Sisters of La Sainte Union, Moorend Rd)   51  38-39
Religion – Dissenters 1689-1852   63  12-15;   63  12-15
Religion – Evangelicalism   60  9
Religion – Glenfall Fellowship   49  14
Religion – Ham Mission   57  51
Religion – Ham Mission Hall   30  29
Religion – La Saint Union Nuns   60  41
Religion – Leckhampton – Church   18  27
Religion – Local Government (Churchwardens’ Accounts)   4  19 – 22
Religion – Maundy Service at Gloucester Cathedral (2003)   50  43-45
Religion – Methodist Chapel   54  13
Religion – Methodist Chapel, Ryeworth   65  25;   26  28
Religion – Methodists   63  13
Religion – Methodists, Wesleyan   5  63
Religion – Mission Hall – Ham   30  29
Religion – Mission Rooms   14  39
Religion – Mission Rooms, Charlton Kings   65  11
Religion – Non-Conformist Chapel, Church Piece   5  63
Religion – Nuns, La Saint Union   60  41
Religion – Oakley, possible chapel   48  24-25
Religion – Oxford Movement   60  9
Religion – Parsonage, Charlton Kings   64  12
Religion – Prayer Book (Esther Chandler ~1870)   65  17
Religion – Protestatism   60  9, 10, 11
Religion – Recusancy Acts   60  40, 41
Religion – Reformation   60  39, 40
Religion – Roman Catholic Relief Act 1778   60  41
Religion – Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791   60  41
Religion – Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829   60  41
Religion – Ryeworth Chapel   54  13
Religion – Salvation Army, Boys’ Probation Home   63  46
Religion – Salvation Army, Girls’ Home   63  46
Religion – Sisters of La Sainte Union   59  7
Religion – Sunday School   3  24
Religion – Sunday School Teachers   60  43
Religion – Sunday School Treats   37  27
Religion – Visitation 1551, Priests   5  10-11
Religion – Wesleyan Methodists   5  63
Religion – Wesleyans   63  13
Reminiscences   28  27,33,35,43;   29  33,48;   30  14;   31  18,28-29;   32  1-3;   33  1-5,32-34;   33  38,40;   34  1-2;   35  29-30;   37  27-30
Reminiscences – ~1900   6  1-7;   6  31,32;   7  50-53
Reminiscences – ~1920   6  9-25
Reminiscences – 1900   3  28-33
Reminiscences – 1900 (Vol 3) – correction   4  40
Reminiscences – 1920s-30s   26  15-18;   27  48-50
Reminiscences – Chapel people   45  26-27
Reminiscences – Childhood in Cheltenham, 1914-on   41  5-13
Reminiscences – Childhood in Charlton Kings, WW1 and after   43  29-30;   45  26
Reminiscences – Childhood in the nineteenth century   37  31
Reminiscences – Cirencester Road area before 1930   47  33
Reminiscences – Charlton Kings Characters   5  2-4
Reminiscences – Charlton Kings School   5  5,6
Reminiscences – Croft Road   49  11
Reminiscences – Detmore   5  24-29;   6  33-39;   7  41- 47
Reminiscences – East End and the village, pre-WW2   41  3-5
Reminiscences – East End, 1920s-30s   39  21-28;   44  28-30
Reminiscences – General Practice in Charlton Kings, 1930s-40s   43  26-29
Reminiscences – Leckhampton Quarry Railway   46  25-26
Reminiscences – Oral History Interviews   38  28-30;   39  8-10
Reminiscences – Ryeworth, early & mid C20   38  28-29;   43  23
Reminiscences – Schooldays in Charlton Kings   51  47-50;   52  60
Reminiscences – Schools   35  29;   37  27-30
Reminiscences – Schools – Charlton Kings   5  5,6
Reminiscences – Scouting   7  4-8
Reminiscences – St Mary’s Church Choir   38  6-11
Reminiscences of Charlton Kings   63  31-33
Reminiscences of Leckhampton, childhood during WWI   43  30
Reminiscences of Wartime   21  18,34;   22  2-5;   23  1-5,40,41;   25  40;   26  43-45
Reminisences – Leckhampton, childhood during WWI   43  30
Rents and Wages (Medieval)   15  7-18
Reservoir Inn   13  30
Residents in Charlton Kings, 1665   44  35-36
Return of Owners of Land 1873   62  45
Reynolds (Farm)   8  35
Reynolds Grove   11  36
Richard’s Croft Field   48  7
Ridge and Furrow – see Agriculture    
Rindburn – see Rungebournes    
Riot in Charlton Kings, C16   50  46-48
River Pill   9  37
Roadlands   27  4
Roadlands Lodge, Six Ways   65  30,31
Roadlands, Six Ways (formerly Elm Villa/The Elms)   50  50;   52  16
Roads   8  20;   10  5-7;   40  1
Roads – 1930s plans for new roads through Charlton Kings   41  1-3
Roads – Cirencester Road, re-routing   62  3,5
Roads – Gloucester to Coventry   59  17
Roads – Hales Road, origins of   49  53-55
Roads – Herstreet   50  58
Roads – Jeffrey’s Itinerary   58  28
Roads – Poem   4  41
Roads – Proposed closure of roads & footpaths, 1827   42  32-33
Roads – Sandshards, Old Sandy Lane   4  40
Roads – see under individual names    
Roads (General)   1  3;   1  18-20;   2  1, 3, 5
Roads (General), Map   3  51 – 55
Roads in Charlton Kings – “Roadway”   37  2
Roads in Charlton Kings – 1811   31  9-13
Roads in Charlton Kings – Cudnall   33  11,23
Roads in Charlton Kings – Improvements, later C19   33  23-24
Roads in Charlton Kings – London Road bypass planned   33  2
Roads in Charlton Kings – Old London Road   34  13;   35  19,35;   37  2
Roads in Charlton Kings – Old London Road, Balcarras area   21  35-37
Roads in Charlton Kings – Timbercombe   35  18
Roads, ancient   4  40;   54  7
Roads, Paths around Ham, Map   3  13-14
Robberies at Post Office, Charlton Church   60  36
Robecq, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  12
Robins Ground (field)   48  11
Robins’ Malthouse   38  39
Rodway closes   45  5
Rodway Green   21  29
Rodways   27  3,4
Rodways (Brook, Upper, Lower)   54  42, 44
Rogersland   37  4
Rogerslandes (Manor of Ashley)   8  13
Roman Catholic Relief Act 1778   60  41
Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791   60  41
Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829   60  41
Roman Hackle, Charlton Drive   57  11
Roman Site – Wistley Hill   7  10-12
Roman Sites   38  16
Roman Sites – see Vineyards Farm; Battledown    
Rome Cottage   54  12
Rooke’s (Bafford Holding)   32  6
Rook’s Meadow   34  18,20
Rose Coomb   54  9
Rose Cottage (Ryeworth Road)   43  22
Rose Cottage, Ryeworth   63  53,54
Rose Cottages   24  38,39
Rose Orchard, Battledown   50  53
Rosebank Cottages, Ryeworth Road   28  31;   36  39
Rosebank, Horsefair Street   60  28
Rosedale   31  13
Rosehill Street   17  32-37;   23  35,36;   38  22;   41  7;   54  11,17;   57  21-23,48,49
Rosehill Street, Waverley Lodge   17  32
Roses, Church Street   31  20
Roses, The (Milverton)   11  20;   13  38,46
Roses, The, Church Street — see Milverton    
Roseville   56  52
Rossett, Balcarras Road   58  20
Rossley (Farm, Manor)   39  26;   43  16
Rossley Manor   34  7
Rough Piece   48  8
Rouse Ham Farm   39  22
Rowell Ground (field)   48  9,11
Royal Gloucester Hussars   60  5
Royal Hotel   22  35;   27  50,51;   30  13;   38  4;   39  22;   52  29
Royal Hotel, (Horsefair Street)   56  48-52
Royal Hotel, The   2  12;   5  37;   6  1-2, 8
Royal Visit to Cheltenham   27  45-46
Royal Visit, Oakley GCHQ   61  46-47
Rubbish, disposal of – see Health    
Ruby Cottage   24  38
Ruby Cottage – House   24  38,39
Ruby Cottage – Place   24  38
Ruby House, Cudnall   54  14
Rudgedale’s (Bafford Holding)   32  6
Ruff Piece (= Rough Piece) (field)   48  7
Rungebourne – see Chelt, River    
Rungebournes   22  5;   23  29-35
Runsburn   34  13
Rut(e)s Close   39  33;   43  18,20
Ryecroft Cottages   28  32;   30  13
Ryecroft, Hambrook Street   63  53
Ryefield   47  14,15
Ryeworth   10  8;   11  19,21;   28  31-32;   30  3;   31  27;   53  60;   57  26,28,29
Ryeworth – Cricket Club – see Social   26  39-40;   27  33-34
Ryeworth – Cricket Club, /Whitefriars & Charlton Kings   51  7
Ryeworth – Methodist Chapel   26  28
Ryeworth – Oral History Interviews   38  28-30
Ryeworth – site for Church (Holy Apostles)   60  9
Ryeworth – Strip fields & allotments   55  37-38
Ryeworth – Temperance Tavern   59  18
Ryeworth (Field)   41  20,21,34;   42  14,16,18;   45  23,24;   46  1;   47  31
Ryeworth Field – area Enclosures   51  17-19
Ryeworth Chapel   54  13
Ryeworth Close   48  8
Ryeworth Coffee Tavern   14  39
Ryeworth Cottages   63  52
Ryeworth Farm   35  12;   37  2;   42  16;   46  21;   47  31,33,39;   65  29;   55  10
Ryeworth Farm (Little Manor)   59  35;   19  5;   27  2-28,32
Ryeworth Field   20  21;   27  2,3;   63  52;   37  3;   51  6, 7, 17-19
Ryeworth Football Club   56  22
Ryeworth House   5  37;   9  33;   43  6;   50  7, 12
Ryeworth House, Cider Mill   6  52,63
Ryeworth House, London Road, vicarage   60  54, 57
Ryeworth Inn   27  2,35,36;   28  31;   30  13,34;   31  26;   38  38;   43  23;   56  51;   57  27,29;   65  22
Ryeworth Lane   56  57
Ryeworth Road   6  31;   31  29;   38  19,28-29;   40  3;   41  3,20;   42  16;   43  21-23;   49  46,52;   50  23-26, 51
Ryeworth Road – Chapel   50  23-26
Ryeworth Road – Cotswold Cottage (No.74)   46  1
Ryeworth Road – Deeds of no 61   56  53-56
Ryeworth Road – Deeds of no. 74   43  21-22
Ryeworth Road – Lindley   27  34-35
Ryeworth Road – Milton Terrace   38  28
Ryeworth Road – No. 27   47  31
Ryeworth Road – The Havers   56  53
Ryeworth Road (also Ryeworth Lane)   27  34,35,36,41;   27  2,5,26,32
Ryeworth Road (Ham Lane)   3  14, 15
Ryeworth Road, Bakeries – Mills   33  2
Ryeworth Road, Chapel Cottage   57  28
Ryeworth Road, Chapel, Methodist   54  13
Ryeworth Road, Charlton Villa (Firs, Firsden, Ashley Firs)   6  58-59, 61
Ryeworth Road, Charlton Villa (now Ashley Firs)   5  29,30
Ryeworth Road, Cider making   5  38
Ryeworth Road, Clifton Place   50  28;   56  54-55;   43  22
Ryeworth Road, Clyde Cottage   43  22
Ryeworth Road, Cranbourne   61  9
Ryeworth Road, Eastleigh   57  49
Ryeworth Road, Elm Field Cottage   59  18
Ryeworth Road, Elmhurst Cottage   59  18
Ryeworth Road, Homestead, The   47  31-33
Ryeworth Road, Lindley   27  34-35
Ryeworth Road, Mill’s Bakery   6  31
Ryeworth Road, Puddington Cottage   59  18
Ryeworth Road, Rosebank Cottages   28  31;   36  39
Ryeworth Road, St Albans   53  60
Ryeworth Road, St Briavels   59  18
Ryeworth Road, Victoria Cottage   60  4
Ryeworth Schools   28  42
Ryeworth Villa   27  28;   52  33
Ryeworth, Alba Villa   63  34
Ryeworth, Chapel Cottage   65  25
Ryeworth, Cider Making   5  37, 38 – 40
Ryeworth, Homeville   56  55
Ryeworth, Methodist Chapel   65  25
Ryeworth, Mourford Cottages   36  38
Ryeworth, Newbury Cottage   56  55
Ryeworth, Oakley Cottage   26  28
Ryeworth, Rose Cottage   63  53.54
Ryeworth, Westmon Cottages   50  28
Ryeworth, Westmon House   57  26-28
Ryeworth-Greenway footpath – Havers   51  19
Ryfeld (field)   55  52
Sacred Hearts   51  38;   54  54;   60  42
Sacred Hearts – Golden Jubilee, 30 June 2007   54  31
Sacred Hearts – Millennium Doors   49  15,29
Sacred Hearts Convent   55  20, 40, 42
Salt(s) Farm   39  21,25;   43  20
Salts’ Farm   21  21;   23  35
Salt’s Farm, Cider Mill   6  52
Sandfield(s), The Croft   49  9,10
Sandford   32  9;   37  2
Sandford Field   8  20;   48  8
Sandford Hall   60  6
Sandford House   57  39-44
Sandford Mill   9  37;   12  27;   16  55;   46  2;   49  16;   60  22, 23
Sandford Mill – see also Mills in Charlton Kings   21  22;   26  22,32,33
Sandford Mill – sewage proposals   36  34
Sandford Mill – Sewerage proposals   11  15-18
Sandford Mill Road   21  11
Sandford Mill, Millers   21  13-14
Sandford Road   44  24,25
Sandfordes Mede   55  52
Sandhurst Place   64  41
Sandhurst Road   41  3;   42  16;   43  21;   56  57;   62  41;   64  40;   27  28,30
Sandhurst Road, Fontenelle   27  30;   59  35
Sandpit (Cirencester Road/ Lyefield Road)   7  51
Sandpit, New Court Road   47  34-35
Sandpits   48  30;   26  16-17
Sandpits (see also Gravel Pits)   64  40, 41
Sandshards, Old Sandy Lane   4  40
Sandy Lane   1  3, 18, 19;   2  3;   8  20,24,29,31,;   10  2,5,6;   11  28,44,;   12  30-31;   18  17,19;   20  37;   23  25;   24  23;   26  11;   29  47;   31  11;   32  3-5;   40  1;   42  30;   44  24;   46  15,25;   47  33,40;   54  48,49;   56  6-13;   12  30
Sandy Lane – Excavations in   53  4-7
Sandy Lane (also Highbreach Lane East, Windarse Lane)   48  5, 8, 12
Sandy Lane Road   34  11;   37  15;   60  18
Sandy Lane Road, Bardowie   58  20
Sandy Lane Road, Shiel   55  39
Sandy Lane Road, Trevallyn   58  19
Sandy Lane, Highclere   62  27
Sandy Lane, Windybrake   12  30
Sandy Lane, Woodend   12  30
Sandywell Park   20  21,23
Sanitary works see Health, Sewers    
Sappercomb(e)   26  23,26,27
Sappercomb(e) – Farm   21  34
Sappercomb(e) – Lane   18  3;   21  34;   26  18
Sappercombe   8  24;   39  25
Sappercombe Cottage   32  1;   37  23-26
Sappercombe Farm   32  29,30,31;   33  33;   34  20,21,22;   37  23
Sappercombe Lane   29  14;   33  32;   37  23
Savona, Cirencester Road   51  43
Scabnells   14  17
Schabe Brechs (close in Ham)   55  52
School House   13  39;   15  18
School Lane, Yew Tree Cottage   51  54
School Road   18  16;   19  14;   21  18,33;   23  44;   27  30,39,46
School Road – see also Mill Lane    
School Road – Thatched cottage in   46  36,37
School Road (Frigmary Lane, Trigmerry Lane)   11  20,28;   13  36ff;   14  37;   15  1,18
School Road (Mill Lane)   3  14;   6  31
School Road (Mill Lane) – Thatched Cottage   32  28
School Road (Mill Lane, Trigmerry Lane)   28  42;   29  14;   30  8;   31  11,19,27;   35  35;   37  5;   49  56;   52  26,30,33;   52  37,38
School Road (prev. Trigmerry Lane, q.v.)   42  9,12;   43  26
School Road Hall   60  43
School Road, The Bungalow   5  64
Schools   19  21-22;   52  31-38
Schools – 1900   3  28-33
Schools – Balcarras School   52  38
Schools – Board School   3  21
Schools – Boys’ Council School – Headmaster   1  35-36
Schools – Boys’ School   3  20-21
Schools – Boys’ School Photo – reference (p64 or 13?)   7  7
Schools – Boys School, Farming, WW1   61  21
Schools – Boys’ School, WW1   35  21-24
Schools – Boys’ School, WW2   37  30
Schools – Boys’ School, Charlton Kings   60  43
Schools – Boys’ School, Charlton Kings, during WW1   61  20-23
Schools – Charlton House   10  10
Schools – Cheltenham Grammar   33  1,4
Schools – Cheltenham Grammar School (see also Pate’s)   57  33,35
Schools – Church St Poor House   40  6
Schools – Charlton Kings Boys’   29  1-3;   30  7-10;   31  7-9;   32  1,25-27;   33  40;   35  21-24;   39  24
Schools – Charlton Kings Boys’ – (photographs, 1940s)   41  26-28
Schools – Charlton Kings Boys’ – Art teaching   36  19-21
Schools – Charlton Kings Boys’ – Photograph   35  26
Schools – Charlton Kings Girls – Photographs   33  14-15;   35  24,27,28;   36  41
Schools – Charlton Kings Girls’ School   60  43
Schools – Charlton Kings Infants   27  46
Schools – Charlton Kings Infants’ – photograph 1935-6   38  27
Schools – Charlton Kings Infants’- foundation stone laid by Sir F Ford   39  34
Schools – Charlton Kings Infants’- new classrooms   39  9
Schools – Charlton Kings Junior   57  32;   26  44
Schools – Charlton Kings School, 1962, Photograph   63  31
Schools – Charlton Kings schools – closure for epidemics   36  36,38
Schools – Coltham Fields   4  33 – 35
Schools – Coltham Fields Infants’   30  7
Schools – Coopers Charity School   3  18;   52  37
Schools – Council School, Headmaster   61  52
Schools – Curriculum, 1891   54  12
Schools – Education Act 1870   60  8
Schools – Girls’ and Infants’   3  20-21,30
Schools – Glenfall Primary   52  38
Schools – Ham House School   3  11 – 12;   16  41
Schools – Higgs Night School   60  8
Schools – Higgs School   4  36
Schools – Higgs’s Night School   3  21 – 23;   10  11;   19  10;   20  30-33;   52  37
Schools – Holy Apostles   30  7;   33  18;   4  37;   21  21,22;   26  1-3,9;   27  43
Schools – Holy Apostles Infants   41  10
Schools – Holy Apostles School   60  8,14;   49  13;   52  37,38
Schools – Holy Apostles School, WW1   61  23
Schools – Horsefair Street   64  16;   3  24 – 28
Schools – Infant School   60  43
Schools – Infants’, Cl 9   55  10
Schools – Infant’s, Photograph ~1910   5  63,64
Schools – Junior School Reunion, 2005   52  59-60
Schools – La Saint Union Nuns   60  41
Schools – Ladies’ Seminary, Charlottevi1le   33  21
Schools – Milk   50  53
Schools – Mill Lane School(s)   3  19,20-21;   54  12,16
Schools – Miss Roche   39  23,28;   13  30,32;   17  43-48;   33  1;   63  16-28
Schools – Mrs Arnott’s, Cambrian Villa   22  33-35
Schools – National School   3  19;   5  63;   11  46-47;   12  32;   13  39;   14  37;   15  19
Schools – National School 1831, Poor House   64  16
Schools – Naunton park   32  27
Schools – Naunton Park School   57  24
Schools – Night School – see Higgs Night School    
Schools – Pate’s Grammar School in 1920s   41  10-13
Schools – Pate’s Grammar Schools (see Chelt Grammar)   53  31
Schools – Pate’s Junior School   48  7
Schools – Poor House, National School 1831   64  16
Schools – Preparatory school, Cirencester Road   37  33
Schools – Private Schools   5  29 – 31
Schools – Reminiscences   35  29;   37  27-30
Schools – Reminisences – Charlton Kings School   5  5,6
Schools – Road Signs old and new   48  38-39
Schools – Rosehill St   22  33
Schools – Rosehill St School   4  33-35
Schools – Rosehill Street   17  33
Schools – Rosehill Street – Infants’ School   54  12
Schools – Ryeworth   28  42
Schools – School Road   23  1
Schools – School Road Infants’   32  1
Schools – School Road Infants’ – Photograph, c.1925   35  25
Schools – See also WW2 – Evacuees    
Schools – St Edward’s Senior School   60  22
Schools – St Edward’s School   48  38;   49  16-18;   51  39
Schools – Whitefriars   60  42
Schools – Whitefriars School   5  52-62;   7  17;   48  38;   56  14-17;   60  42
Schools – Whitefriars’ School (see also Oaklands)   12  43
Schools (see also under individual names)   53  59
Schools, 1820 Grove House, Young Ladies School   63  3
Schools, 1962, Photograph, Charlton Kings School   63  31
Schools, Ashley Manor Boys’ School   60  41, 42
Schools, Cheltenham, Darley House   63  25-28
Schools, General, Part 1 (History and Survey)   3  18 – 29
Schools, General, Part 2   4  33-37
Schools, General, Part 3   5  29 – 31
Schools, General, Part 4   22  33-35
Scouts – see Social    
Servants, Domestic   60  27-33
Seven Springs (Rifle Range/Shooting Butts)   21  17,21
Sewage   51  54
Sewage, Drainage   54  13
Sewers   11  10-20;   12  21-27;   18  41;   36  34-38
Shackbreach Meade   45  6
Shaftesbury Cottage   42  35,36
Shaftesbury House, Horsefair St (also Shaftesbury Cottage)   51  34,36;   52  62-64
Shakel’s Pike – see Turnpike (Hewlett Gate)    
Sheephouse Close   32  8
Sherborne Street   31  28
Sheriffs, High, C19-20   49  61
Sherwood, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Shiel (Sandy Lane Road)   52  9,10
Shiel, Sandy Lane Road   55  39
Shill’s brickyard   55  35
Shops   29  27
Shops – Adams Caravans   25  25-27
Shops – Advertisements of local businesses, 1957   41  38-39;   43  39-40
Shops – Arnott’s Nursery   49  56
Shops – Attwood’s   19  21;   20  3;   21  14;   29  27;   32  2;   37  9;   39  36;   13  33,35;   15  4-5
Shops – Attwood’s (shops in Church Street)   53  60
Shops – Attwood’s Corner   15  1-5
Shops – Attwood’s Stores   7  46
Shops – Bakeries   39  22;   41  4;   43  20,21,23
Shops – Bakeries – Mills, Ryeworth Road   33  2
Shops – Bakeries – Sims   32  2,3
Shops – Baker’s Shop   24  36-37
Shops – Barbers   22  28;   23  6;   27  50
Shops – Battledown Brickworks   49  18-20
Shops – Battledown Brickworks – Centenary Brick   57  56
Shops – Battledown Brickworks (see Shops – Webb’s Brickworks)   55  36,37
Shops – Battledown Brickworks (Webb’s Brickworks)   57  25
Shops – Blacksmith   23  38;   27  48;   30  2ff;   23  38;   27  48;   30  2ff
Shops – Bottle Shop   37  27;   48  36
Shops – Boulton, R.L., & Sons (Sculptors)   39  26
Shops – Bubb of Charlton Kings   39  36
Shops – Burgesses Nurseries (Fuller and Maylams)   7  50
Shops – Businesses in Charlton Kings, 1933   37  33
Shops – Butchers   41  3,4,39
Shops – Cambrian Nurseries – Discovery of C19 drains   38  22
Shops – Cambrian Nurseries – History (Telling & Coates)   47  3-8
Shops – Cambrian Nursery   37  6
Shops – Cambrian Nursery (Telling and Coates)   7  50
Shops – Caravan Works   25  25-27
Shops – Chelsea Building Society, Charlton Kings   60  17,18
Shops – Chemist – Lyefield Road West   60  35
Shops – Chemist’s – London Road, 1910 (incl. photograph)   33  31-32
Shops – Chemist’s – Lyefield Road   28  35;   37  33
Shops – Chemists’s – Lyefield Road West   49  28
Shops – Chinese Take-away   7  46
Shops – Church St   37  8,9,27
Shops – Charlton Kings businesses and addresses, 1933   37  33
Shops – Coal Merchants   38  38;   20  39
Shops – Coal Yard, Dale’s   4  38
Shops – Coates’ Nursery   21  35;   22  11
Shops – Coates’ Nursery – see Shops – Cambrian Nurseries    
Shops – Coffin maker   60  44
Shops – Cooke Garage, East End   39  28
Shops – Co-op   39  28;   37  27
Shops – Co-op (Lyefield Road): original tiles found   49  28-34
Shops – Co-operative Society   6  5
Shops – Cotswold Caravans   25  27
Shops – Dairies: Hillman records in GRO, C20   49  61
Shops – Dale’s Coal Yard   4  38
Shops – Dales Grocery   7  50
Shops – Dale’s Grocery (photograph)   30  7
Shops – Dale’s Shops   21  18;   22  28;   39  26;   41  39;   20  44-45
Shops – Diamond Laundry – see also Laundries   2  4
Shops – DIY shop, Lyefield Road West   62  26
Shops – Dowry Aviation, Dowty Group   55  13
Shops – Druggists   42  31
Shops – Ewin’s (Fishmonger)   20  43
Shops – Farrers Stores   39  22,28
Shops – Fear’s, Lyefield Road (electrical etc)   50  52
Shops – Forge – see also “Shops – Blacksmith”    
Shops – Forge (The), as an alehouse in C16   30  3
Shops – Forge (Viner’s, East End)   39  23;   45  20,22
Shops – Forge Newsagent’s (photograph) (see also Forge)   30  6
Shops – Forge, Church St   30  2ff;   32  2;   37  3,4,33
Shops – Forge, Church St – (Bafford)   32  10
Shops – Forge, Church St – Photographs   30  6
Shops – Forge, The   48  36
Shops – Forge, The, Church Street   56  31,38
Shops – Forges   26  11
Shops – Franklin’s (butcher, London Road)   37  27
Shops – Fuller and Maylam (Tree Nursery)   41  5;   47  33;   48  28,30;   49  11
Shops – Fuller and Maylams Nursery (Burgesses Nurseries)   7  50
Shops – Garden Shop, London Road   27  1
Shops – Gloster Aircraft Co.   15  47
Shops – Gloucestershire Dairy Company   50  52;   56  36
Shops – Greengrocers   41  4,39
Shops – Groceries deliveries, 1920s-30s   39  28
Shops – Grocers   60  35
Shops – Grocers – Wakefields   48  36,37
Shops – Industrial Estate, Charlton Kings   60  17,18
Shops – Magpie (clothes, Lyefield Rd, Co-op): tiles   49  28-34;   50  59
Shops – Maners (Church Street)   48  36
Shops – Martyn & Emms   14  35
Shops – Martyn & Emms, Sculptors   23  36
Shops – Martyn, H.H. & Co   15  47ff;   23  36,41-42;   26  11
Shops – Martyn, H.H., of Chelt. (sculptors): records in GRO   49  62
Shops – Middletons, Architects (work in Charlton Kings)   39  29-32
Shops – Milk Collecting   35  29-30
Shops – Milk deliveries, 1920s-30s   39  28
Shops – Milk, delivery round   27  35-36
Shops – Mills Bakery   39  22,25,26,28;   43  22,23
Shops – Mill’s Bakery, Ryeworth Road   6  31
Shops – Miss Home’s (Haberdashery, Church St)   37  27
Shops – Mustoe’s Yard, Six Ways   65  22,23,30,31
Shops – Nurseries & market gardens   54  11
Shops – Nursery, Church Street   31  20,29;   31  28;   37  5,6
Shops – Oldacres (corn chandler), London Road   33  32
Shops – Palmers   32  2,3
Shops – Pilford Brickworks   10  39-47
Shops – Sims (bakery)   32  2,3
Shops – Sim’s Bakery   56  48
Shops – Smith & Mann’s, Lyefield Rd West (formerly Co-op)   49  28
Shops – Smithy – see “Shops – Blacksmith” and “Shops – Forge”    
Shops – Smithy, Bafford   32  10
Shops – Spirax Sarco, WW1 Prisoners, Charlton House   63  41,42
Shops – Telling and Coates Nursery (Cambrian Nursery)   7  50
Shops – Undertaker   34  31
Shops – Undertaker, anecdote concerning   16  1-2
Shops – Undertakers   48  25
Shops – Uroscopy in Charlton Kings   42  31
Shops – Veterinary Clinic, Lyefield Road West   62  26
Shops – Veterinary Surgeons   18  1-4
Shops – Veterinary Surgery, Horsefair St   37  27
Shops – Wakefields   43  28;   45  20;   15  33
Shops – Wakefield’s (grocers)   48  36,37
Shops – Walker (baker and corn merchant)   7  41
Shops – Walker’s (baker & corn chandler, London Road)   33  32
Shops – Webb Bros, Coal and Coke, mid 20th C   65  42
Shops – Webb Bros, Tileries, mid 20th C   65  42
Shops – Webb Bros. Brickworks   42  38;   43  36;   44  38
Shops – Webb Bros. Brickworks (see also Battledown Brickworks)   41  3,5,6,13-17
Shops – Williams, Messrs Mark, & Co.   47  34
Shops – Wood Yards   21  1-3
Shops – Yangtze Chinese Take-away   60  35
Shops & other businesses, 1957   41  38-39
Shops and Businesses   48  36-37;   49  28,33;   52  30
Shops listed individually   43  39-40
Short Greenehall   46  13 -15
Short Rowell (field)   48  7
Shrublands   32  8
Shrublands Estate   60  18
Shrublands, estate   54  51,54
Shuts Lane   46  1,2
Six Acres (field)   48  11
Six Ways   6  4;   10  6;   17  43;   38  21;   39  26;   46  1
Six Ways – see Roadlands    
Six Ways Junction: wall remodelled   50  50-51
Six Ways, Alba Cottage   53  30
Six Ways, Council Hall, UDC   63  21-24
Six Ways, Glendouran   65  31
Six Ways, Greenway Villa   65  21,22
Six Ways, London Road   27  27,28,35
Six Ways, Mustoe’s Yard   65  22,23,30,31
Six Ways, Turnpike, Map, Cudnall   5  53,54
Slad (The)   55  25;   49  16-20
Slad Bottom   55  21
Slad, The, and Cudnall Bank   46  1,2
Sloper’s Highbreach (field)   48  7
Smithes (Messuage in Bafford)   32  10
Smithy – Bafford   32  10
Smithy – see “Shops – Blacksmith” and “Shops – Forge”    
Snellesplace   54  43
Social – Art Classes, 1891   53  61
Social – Baker Street Boys Brigade   59  40
Social – Band of Hope (temperance)   54  13;   22  33
Social – Band of Mercy (animal welfare)   55  46-47
Social – Benefit Club, Charlton Kings   54  14
Social – Benefit Society, Charlton Kings   29  31;   33  18
Social – Boys Brigade, Baker Street   59  40
Social – Boys’ Brigade, Gordon   33  5
Social – British Association for Local History   55  60
Social – British Workman (Club)   48  36
Social – British Workman, The   15  5,33-34;   54  13,14
Social – Brotherhood Hall   12  33;   13  45;   62  50
Social – Brotherhood Hall (Lyefield Road East)   62  13
Social – Brotherhood Hall, Lyefield Road   61  8
Social – Brotherhood, Charlton Kings   62  13
Social – Brotherhood, Charlton Kings, Photograph   63  15
Social – Brotherhood, The   27  48
Social – Buff Blowing (Children’s activity)   3  17-18
Social – Burrow’s Skittle Alley   59  21
Social – Change Ringers, Charlton Kings Society of   56  50
Social – Charlton Amateur Minstrels   9  43,44
Social – Charlton Athletic (Football Team)   26  16
Social – Charlton Kings – Social change in 19th century   54  8-16
Social – Charlton Kings Allotment Association   56  31;   57  58
Social – Charlton Kings Charity Estate   45  12-16
Social – Charlton Kings Local History Society   64  46-47
Social – Charlton Kings Local History Society – 25th Anniv.   50  3-4
Social – Charlton Kings Local History Society – 30th anniv.   55  3
Social – Choral & Orchestral Society   19  11;   22  29-30
Social – Choral Society   53  35-37
Social – Christmas cards, early C20   51  30-31
Social – Church of England Men’s Soc.: C20 GRO papers   49  62
Social – Club and Institute, Charlton Kings   62  53
Social – Community Players   49  12
Social – Concerts (and other entertainments), 1891   53  60-61
Social – Co-operative Women’s Guild   59  40
Social – Cooper-Higgs Charity   51  55
Social – Coopers Charity   3  18;   16  32;   26  10;   31  20
Social – Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club   39  21,22,26,28
Social – Cricket   8  55
Social – Cricket – Ryeworth Cricket Club   33  2;   37  38
Social – Cricket – Ryeworth Cricket Club – Photos, 1930s   30  11,12
Social – Cricket Club (Ryeworth)   26  39-40;   27  24,33-34
Social – Cricket Club, Ryeworth/Whitefriars & Charlton Kings   51  7
Social – Customs   3  16 – 17
Social – Cycle Accident, Battledown, 1908   63  55,56
Social – Cycling, early days of   38  23-25
Social – Cycling: GRO records of Chelt. Cycling Club, C20   49  62
Social – Entertainments   11  2-5
Social – Entertainments, C19   54  14
Social – Everyman Theatre: records in GRO, C19-21   49  62
Social – Fetes & Flower Shows, 1891   53  61
Social – Fetes, 1891 & 1907   53  34,61
Social – Flower Show   27  35;   37  29;   10  3
Social – Folk Dancing   9  38
Social – Football   8  52-54
Social – Football Club, Ryeworth   56  22
Social – Football Team, 1911-12   54  17
Social – Football Teams   19  22-24
Social – Foresters, Ancient Order of   53  62
Social – Friendly Society, C.K.   17  31
Social – Friendly Society, Charlton Kings   54  14
Social – Girl Guides, Photograph 1931   61  45
Social – Girls’ Friendly Society   44  31-33
Social – Girls Friendly Society. St Mary’s   61  17
Social – Girls’ Friendly Society   62  33,34
Social – Girls’ Friendly Society Folk Dance Team Photo   65  20
Social – Girls’ Friendly Society, visit to WW1 Battlefields   61  34-38
Social – Gordon Boys Band   60  43
Social – Gordon Boys’ Brigade   33  5
Social – Guardians, Local Board of   31  26,27
Social – Happy Circle   54  20
Social – Hare Coursing   51  15;   52  22
Social – Holy Apostles’ Association Football Club   27  44
Social – Horticultural Society   26  10;   27  47;   53  34;   32  1
Social – Horticultural, Poultry & Industrial Society   52  44;   51  44-46
Social – Hunt, Cotswold   39  3,4,6,8
Social – Hunting   10  1,2,12,13
Social – Library   54  3
Social – Magic in Charlton Kings   57  26-31
Social – Mandolin Group – photograph   3  31
Social – Martial Arts, College of (leases London Road Hall)   56  22
Social – Mothers’ Union (re photo in Bulletin 37)   42  40
Social – Motor Cycle Scrambles, California Farm   43  17
Social – Mr James Band   60  43
Social – Mummers   10  16-18
Social – New Year Customs   3  16 – 18
Social – Old Folks’ Teas (photographs)   31  22-23
Social – Pageant at The Grange, 1918   39  20
Social – Prices, 1940s   34  31
Social – Provident Coal Club   54  14
Social – Reading Association   16  29
Social – Rec, The   6  3-4
Social – Recreation Ground   27  46;   6  32
Social – Recreation Ground – Working Men’s Club   6  3-4;   59  37
Social – Remembrance Day Service   38  9
Social – Rifle Butts (Seven Springs) – photograph   39  19
Social – Rifle Club   19  12
Social – Ryeworth Football Club   56  22
Social – Scout Hall   45  26
Social – Scouts   61  20;   7  4-8;   20  3;   21  16-20;   23  40-41;   32  2,3
Social – Scouts – Bugle Group   7  8
Social – Scouts – Photographs   28  29;   30  34;   33  17
Social – Scouts (7th Cheltenham Troop)   8  2ff;   9  1-2;   10  11
Social – Scouts in Charlton Kings   57  17-20
Social – Scouts, Scoutmaster   62  26
Social – Senior Citizens’ Welfare Committee   54  20-22
Social – Seven Springs (Rifle Range/Shooting Butts)   21  17,21
Social – Sisterhood, Charlton Kings   62  13
Social – Sisterhood, The   43  26
Social – Society of Change Ringers   56  50
Social – Sports, Fetes & Flower Shows, 1891   53  61
Social – St Clair Ford Hall (Working Men’s Club)   56  58
Social – Stanton Room   54  3
Social – Suicide, 12 Ways to Commit (Chelt Chronicle, 1856)   51  58
Social – Sunday School Treats   37  27
Social – Sunday School Treats, St Mary’s   60  43-44
Social – Swimming Baths, proposed   49  35-37
Social – Temperance Movement   22  33;   54  13
Social – Temperance Tavern – Ryeworth   59  18
Social – Thirlstaine Club   55  20
Social – Traditions   11  43-45;   12  28-29
Social – Traditions – Buff Blowing (Children’s activity)   3  17-18
Social – Tudor Clothing   53  13-20
Social – Union of the Parish, Charlton Kings   65  12
Social – Whist & Draughts Clubs   19  12-13
Social – Woman seeks partner, 1829-style   51  26
Social – Women’s Guild, Co-operative   59  40
Social – Working Men’s Club   62  27
Social – Working Men’s Club Recreation Ground   59  37
Social – Working Men’s Institute   63  34
Social – Working Men’s Club   19  3-14;   21  17,18,39;   22  36;   23  41;   27  47;   39  30,32;   39  18,20;   45  32;   9  43;   10  45;   15  33
Social – Working Men’s Club (St Clair Ford Hall)   54  Cover, 14
Social – Working Men’s Club, Recreation Ground   6  3-4
Social Attitudes, Charlton Kings, 1841-1891   60  27-33
Social Change, 19th C   62  17
Social conditions, 1891   53  62
Solicitors: records relating to Charlton Kings in GRO, C19-21   49  61
Somerset Cottage   36  38
Somerset House (“Bottle Shop”)   24  32-36;   26  41,43
Somerset House, Horsefair Street   48  36
Somerset Place   13  39;   43  22-23
South Africa, Charlton Kings Field Names in   51  60
South Ham Hill Farm   59  6
South Hayes, Sandy lane Road   37  15
Southfield Brook   48  3;   10  20;   43  17
Southfield Brook (The Barley Stream)   26  22
Southfield Estate   39  2;   47  40
Southfield Farm   34  1,34,37;   48  3-14;   49  25-27;   54  9, 48, 49;   57  5,41;   62  45;   20  37;   2  24 – 30;   8  35;   10  2,46;   39  3,6,32;   44  13;   46  25
Southfield Farm – Caravan Rally   49  25-26
Southfield Manor/Southfield Manor Park   48  3,14
Southwold Cottage – see Ealingdene    
Spanish Flu 1918   63  41,42
Spirax Sarco, WW1 Prisoners, Charlton House   63  41,42
Sports – see Social    
Spring Bottom   6  32;   8  57;   10  6,50;   11  49;   13  8-9,33;   15  7;   17  30-31;   18  5;   19  21;   21  5,31-32,35;   23  6;   26  17;   27  2,3,50;   28  2;   36  38;   37  3-4;   38  17,21;   39  24;   42  9,11-18;   43  3,4,17,20;   45  23,24;   46  36;   49  35;   51  54;   3  54 – 55
Spring Bottom – Mill; Road   41  3
Spring Bottom – the spring   54  55-56
Spring Bottom 1905 Photograph   59  61
Spring Bottom c1885 Painting   59  61
Spring Bottom, Caylers Cottage   37  3-4
Spring Bottom, Hawthorne Cottage   5  59
Spring Bridge   62  36
Spring Cottage   32  8;   51  56
Spring Cottage (Bafford Lane)   26  34
Spring Lane   56  33
Springfield   13  16,33;   60  42;   23  39
Springfield House   25  31-35;   63  3-11
Springfield House (London Rd, on site of Nazareth House)   53  63;   57  38,55
Springfield House, London Road   58  19
Springhill, Six Ways   65  22
St Albans, Ryeworth Road   53  60
St Brandans (Haywards Road)   57  25
St Briavels, Ryeworth Road   59  18
St Edward’s Walk   55  42
St Hilary, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
St Jude’s Walk   55  42
St Martin’s Hospital (Cheltenham)   46  24
St Mary’s – Buried in Woolen   59  58-59
St Mary’s – Church   60  40
St Mary’s – Churchwardens   61  25
St Mary’s – Churchyard accident 1855   58  60
St Mary’s – Fittings   64  3
St Mary’s – Girls Friendly Society   61  17
St Mary’s – Stocks   63  48
St Mary’s – Sunday School Treats   60  43-44
St Mary’s – WW1 Burial with Military Honours   62  8
St Mary’s – 750th Anniversary   24  13
St Mary’s – Alleged Popish Practices, 1907   53  32
St Mary’s – Alterations in C19   44  37
St Mary’s – Angel statue   40  38,39
St Mary’s – Anglo-Catholicism   24  12-13
St Mary’s – Architectural Plan   24  2
St Mary’s – Bell-ringing customs   31  33
St Mary’s – Bells   8  56-57;   14  8,11,40,;   16  11-27;   17  48
St Mary’s – Bells, Bellringers   42  40
St Mary’s – Bible Class   19  22;   11  45
St Mary’s – Built 1190   29  23;   30  2
St Mary’s – Chairs, Theft of   39  10
St Mary’s – Chapelry of Cheltenham   32  11
St Mary’s – Chapelry, History   4  22
St Mary’s – Chaplains   23  26-27
St Mary’s – Choir   23  37-38;   24  10-12,13;   27  47;   38  6-11
St Mary’s – Choir, 1940 (update of photo in Bulletin XXIV)   37  35
St Mary’s – Church   18  1,28,29;   22  20;   24  1-16;   27  51-53;   39  29,31;   4  5-16, 22;   5  40-51
St Mary’s – Church Ales   42  5
St Mary’s – Church House   2  34
St Mary’s – Churchwardens’ Accounts (1751-1801)   4  19 – 22
St Mary’s – Churchyard   2  34;   14  27ff;   22  36
St Mary’s – Churchyard – attempted grave robbery, 1818   41  17
St Mary’s – Churchyard – enlarged in 1854   38  1,5
St Mary’s – Churchyard – headstones removed   44  40
St Mary’s – Churchyard – houses in vicinity   38  1-5;   39  1
St Mary’s – Churchyard – record of memorials   42  2
St Mary’s – Churchyard Extension, 1854   56  38-43
St Mary’s – Churchyard, misbehaviour in   33  6
St Mary’s – Clergy   24  14-16
St Mary’s – Coat of Arms (restoration)   42  2-4
St Mary’s – Communicants   5  11
St Mary’s – Consecration   12  1;   24  2
St Mary’s – Curate, 1532   31  30
St Mary’s – Curates, 16th C   4  15
St Mary’s – Curates, Priests   4  15
St Mary’s – Faculties, 1877-1908   38  30-35
St Mary’s – Furnishings   33  40;   39  10
St Mary’s – Graves and Monuments   10  13-15;   16  2-10
St Mary’s – Green Man   7  1 – 4
St Mary’s – Hall   1  26
St Mary’s – Hall (Parsh Centre)   60  43
St Mary’s – Harvest Festival, 1891   53  62
St Mary’s – High Church   60  11
St Mary’s – History   8  55-56;   9  32-33;   4  22;   11  44
St Mary’s – History – see also Cheltenham Parish Church    
St Mary’s – Interior Memorials   5  40 – 51
St Mary’s – Memorial Plaque, WW1,   60  3
St Mary’s – Memorials   26  39
St Mary’s – Millennium celebrations   49  12
St Mary’s – Ministers and Incumbents   10  20-30;   12  31-32;   16  43-54
St Mary’s – Mothers’ Union (photograph, 1935)   37  35-36
St Mary’s – Mothers’ Union (re in photo in Bulletin 37)   42  40
St Mary’s – Music   20  39-40
St Mary’s – Organ   27  50;   38  32
St Mary’s – Organ Blower   16  55-56
St Mary’s – Organs   14  24,39,46
St Mary’s – Organs & organists   29  32;   33  40;   37  32,33
St Mary’s – Outing (photograph, undated)   28  28
St Mary’s – Parish Centre (“Annie’s Room”)   51  29
St Mary’s – Parish Centre (St Mary’s Hall)   36  27,28
St Mary’s – Parish Magazine, March 1933   37  32-33
St Mary’s – Parish property   42  4-10
St Mary’s – Pew Rents   22  35,36
St Mary’s – Pewing, early C19   35  34
St Mary’s – Plate   24  3-4
St Mary’s – Remembrance Day Service   38  9
St Mary’s – Reredos   38  32
St Mary’s – Restoration   7  50
St Mary’s – Restoration by Middleton   38  30-32
St Mary’s – Restoration plans, C19   54  13
St Mary’s – Rights in Chancel & Churchyard   34  18
St Mary’s – Royal Arms   14  21ff;   16  33;   50  21
St Mary’s – Sanctuary for accused   37  2
St Mary’s – Screen (north transept)   38  32-33
St Mary’s – Services   16  35ff
St Mary’s – Sketch, 1830   45  1
St Mary’s – South Aisle & Porch   24  3
St Mary’s – South Gallery   49  12,29
St Mary’s – St David’s Chapel   22  12
St Mary’s – Statue (Madonna & Child)   52  16
St Mary’s – Sunday School   52  54
St Mary’s – Sunday School Treats   32  1
St Mary’s – Vestry   60  8
St Mary’s – Vestry (19th century)   54  8,16
St Mary’s – Vestry Books 18th C   6  39 – 45
St Mary’s – Vestry Hall   50  21;   7  1;   16  27-34;   56  19;   22  36;   36  35
St Mary’s – Vestry Hall Street (New St.)   1  19
St Mary’s – Vestry Meeting 1854   38  26;   31  32-33
St Mary’s – Vicarage   1  32;   4  22
St Mary’s – Vicarages   14  18ff;   40  34
St Mary’s – Window – “Raising of Jairus’ Daughter”   52  8
St Mary’s – Windows   38  34-35
St Mary’s Cottage   21  32
St Mary’s Cottage, Church Street   28  30
St Mary’s Cottage, Church Street (poss. = The Blue Boys)   31  20
St Mary’s House   44  40
St Michael’s Close   55  42
St Michael’s Court   54  54
St Monica’s Home For Girls   58  25,26
St Monica’s Home for Girls, Battledown   63  55, 56
St Monica’s Training College for Nurses   58  26
St Quintans   20  16
Stadacona, Moorend Park Road   49  44
Stall Grounds   55  10
Stanley Lodge, Stanley Road   65  23
Stanley Road – Ben Venue   49  41,43
Stanley Road, Avalon   65  23
Stanley Road, Battledown   49  41
Stanley Road, Firsbreak (Montrose)   55  13
Stanley Road, Stanley Lodge   65  23
Stannells Ford (meadow)   39  33
Stanways, Little, Lower & Over   39  33
Star Chamber Case, 1553   50  46-48
Starlight (name of a horse)   5  2-4;   7  8-9
Station Cottages, Cirencester Road   51  36
Steeles Alley   31  18
Steels Alley   38  19,21;   39  21,22,24;   41  3;   46  9,11
Steel’s Alley   13  17ff;   19  40;   26  16
Stew(e)’s House   28  5-7
Stews Bridge   9  6
Stews House (Brookway Lane)   42  6
Stews Lane   1  19
Stews Lane (Brookway Lane)   9  3;   14  18;   15  15;   17  5
Stocks   46  20;   51  20;   63  48-49
Stocks, village   4  17-18
Stone Cottage   45  22
Stoneleigh, Greenway Lane   65  21
Stoneville, Cirencester Road   59  40
Stoney Furlong (field)   48  3, 5, 7
Stra(w)fords Piece(s) (field)   48  7,8,11,12
Streets, Lighting of   48  36
Strip farming, last days of in Charlton Kings   51  17-19
Strouds (field name)   26  26,27
Strowd, The   8  24
Strowdes Lane (Piggy Lane, James Drove)   32  29-31;   33  32;   36  41;   37  23
Sturmy’s Cottage, Balcarras   62  15
Sturmys Cottage   52  56;   35  19
Sturmy’s Cottage, Balcarras   26  46
Summer Leasow (field)   45  6
Sundial House, Charlton Lane   35  31
Sunny Bank Farm   56  31;   57  58
Sunnymead, Cirencester Road   57  7
Survey – Visitation   5  10-11
Survey, Ashley Manor Court Roll 1824   59  23
Survey, Bafford – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  34,35
Survey, Bishop Benson 1735   63  13
Survey, Bishop Hooper’s Visitation 1551   5  10,11
Survey, Bishop of Gloucester 1740   60  40
Survey, Census, 1676, Compton   60  40
Survey, Census, 1801   52  42-44
Survey, Charlton Kings – Social change in 19th century   54  8-16;   54  8-16
Survey, Charlton Men, Muster, 1608   61  25
Survey, Charlton Park Estate Audit 1870   62  45
Survey, Charlton Park Terrier 1843   64  4
Survey, Cheltenham Manor 1604   65  3
Survey, Cheltenham Nordens’ Survey   18  35-40
Survey, Churchend – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  33,35,36
Survey, Churchwardens’ Accounts 1751-1801   4  19-22
Survey, Charlton Kings – C17 Survey (incl. closes, field names etc)   18  35-40
Survey, Charlton Kings – Early C20 economic state   21  16
Survey, Charlton Kings ~1560 – reference   7  57
Survey, Cottages, contents of (C17-18)   19  16-20
Survey, Cudnall – Land Tax and Poor Rate 1715   46  34-36
Survey, Deeds, C14 & C15   13  4-7
Survey, Deeds, Medieval   19  39-40;   23  26-29
Survey, Early Deeds 13th C   7  48-49
Survey, East End – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  35,36
Survey, Ham – Land Tax & Poor Rate, 1715   46  33,35,36;   46  33,35,36
Survey, Hearth Tax Exemption List, 1672   42  38;   41  18
Survey, Household Goods   4  8-16;   6  25 – 29
Survey, Inclosure Lists, C16   39  11
Survey, Land – Holdings, C16   31  4-5
Survey, Land – Price, C18   31  13
Survey, Land gifts, C12 & C13 (corr. of article in Bulletin 45)   51  33
Survey, Land Tax, 1715   46  32-36
Survey, Land Values, Agriculture   2  24-30
Survey, Land Values, Lloyd George Survey, 1909   57  4-13
Survey, Lay Subsidy 1327   7  35 – 37
Survey, Lay Subsidy, 1327   31  5
Survey, Llanthony Priory – possible 12th C landholdings   47  28-29
Survey, Llanthony Priory – recipient of land Charlton/ Ham   45  2-4
Survey, Malt Duty, C18   46  13-15
Survey, Manors – Ashley – Freeholders & Tenants, 1557 & 1564   30  16-24
Survey, Manors – Cheltenham Court Rolls C14-C16   55  48-53
Survey, Marriages 1640 – 1812   4  29 – 32
Survey, Military Survey of Glos., 1522   31  3-5
Survey, Militia Services   2  14 – 20
Survey, Mortality in Charlton Kings, 1891 & 1907   53  31,59
Survey, Muster 1608   1  7-11
Survey, National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 1   58  55-59
Survey, National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 2   59  41-46;   60  48-53
Survey, National Farm Survey (1941-3) Part 3   60  48-53
Survey, Nordens’ Survey   18  35-40
Survey, Occupations 1608   1  8-11
Survey, Occupations, Charlton Kings, 19th C   62  40
Survey, Owners of Land, Return, 1873   62  17, 18
Survey, Ownership of Land 1873   64  12-13
Survey, Population & Housing, 1712   41  19
Survey, Population Charlton Kings, incl birth & death rates, 1890s   36  36-38
Survey, Quarter Sessions: Records, C17-18   49  61
Survey, ref to Wakefield Collection of deeds, C17-20   49  61
Survey, Residents in Charlton Kings, 1665   44  35-36
Survey, Return of Owners of Land 1873   62  45
Survey, Settlement Examinations, 1815-1826   34  33-37
Survey, Solicitors: records relating to Charlton Kings in GRO, C19-21   49  61
Suttox Furlong   15  14
Sweetnells   35  16
Swimploes Orchard   34  18,20
Sword, Nayar Temple, found in Charlton Kings   25  36
Symes Grove   26  22
Syon House   33  32,35
Tall Trees (on Newcourt development) ,   54  34
Tantallon   33  33
Tanty’s (Cottage)   42  16,18;   43  1-5;   46  39
Tanty’s Cottage   24  22
Tanty’s Henlocks (field)   48  7
Tarlings   43  3
Taxation – 14th Century   13  3-4
Taxation – 17th Century   12  43
Taxes, C16   31  3-5
Teano (Lexham Lodge)   7  40
Teano House – see also Lexham Lodge    
Telling and Coates Nursery – see Shops    
Temperance Movement   22  33;   54  13
Temperance Tavern – Ryeworth   59  18
Temple Garth (also Fernclyffe, Hornby, q.v.)   45  30-31;   47  40
Ten Laynes (field)   48  7
Tewcacre   15  15
Thirlestaine House   12  1
Thirlestaine Road   8  20
Thirley, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Thirlmere, Cirencester Road   65  28
Thornton Piece/Place   57  28
Thornton(‘s) Row   34  2,25;   36  38
Thornton’s Piece   42  34
Thorntons Row   20  40-43
Thornton’s Row   15  35-36;   49  56;   56  30;   46  25
Thorntonville   13  38,41,43;   52  27-30;   29  20,22;   46  39
Three Acres (field)   48  11
Tickle Bees (house name, London Road)   39  28
Tight(s) Ground (field)   48  9,11
Tiles (possibly Minton) Co-op butcher’s shop, Lyefield Rd   49  28-34;   50  59
Timbercombe   8  20;   11  21;   23  21,23,25;   26  10;   26  18;   31  30;   33  33,34,37;   54  7;   1  18
Timbercombe – Brick Fields at T. Triangle   55  34
Timbercombe – Lane   33  9
Timbercombe – Wood – description & history   35  13-20
Timbercombe (Wood)   39  6,25;   40  1;   43  17,29;   45  26;   46  4;   47  33
Timbercombe area, early history   62  14
Timbercombe Farm   26  34
Timbercombe Lane   57  10
Timbercombe, Path   5  11
Tinkers Oven   38  26;   45  13,14
Tithe Barn (Moorend Street)   14  6
Tithe map – 1848, East End area   46  10
Tithes, (Tythingmen)   61  25
Tithes, Charlton Kings, 1598   65  3
Tithings – see also Bafford, Charlton Kings   15  10-18
Tithings (Ashley, Bafford, Charlton) in 1588   52  39-41
Tithings in Charlton Kings   44  36;   47  14-15
Title Deeds, Terms used in   46  7-8
Tobacco Close   9  6-7;   31  13;   43  4,5
Tobacco Growing, C.K.   9  6-7
Toll Houses (see also Turnpikes)   10  6
Trabon Hill   34  18,20
Trade Tokens   2  12-13;   3  57;   6  45 – 47;   56  51
Trades, see Shops    
Trams   12  35;   15  49ff;   19  21-22;   23  39;   39  26;   41  10;   49  28;   58  31-36;   33  2
Tramway Cottage   18  19,22
Transport – see Railways; Roads; Trams. Buses    
Transportation   51  24-25
Trees in Charlton Kings   25  41-42;   26  46;   27  50-51;   28  34;   29  27,28,47;   30  33;   33  37;   35  16,17;   37  38;   46  40
Trefaldwyn   33  1
Trefaldwyn, London Road   63  19-23
Trenance, London Road   63  44,46,47
Trevallyn, Sandy Lane (Road)   58  19
Trigmerry Lane – see also School Road    
Trigmerry Lane (later School Road, q.v.)   42  9
Trigmerry Lane (Mill lane, School Road)   49  56;   52  26,27
Tudor Clothing   53  13-20
Tully Field   62  6
Turnpike – Charlton Gate   33  9,10
Turnpike – Hewlett Gate (Shakel’s Pike)   10  6
Turnpike – Hewletts Gate   45  16
Turnpike – London Gate   10  6
Turnpike Road 1798 Reference   1  6
Turnpike, Charlton Park Gate   55  40
Turnpike, London Gate (London Road)   53  64
Turnpike, London Road   3  51 – 56;   38  19
Turnpike, Map, Cudnall, Six Ways   5  53,54
Turnpikes – Coach timetable, Chelt-Oxford. London, 1820s   46  9
Turnpikes, Charlton Kings and Cheltenham   33  7-13,24;   34  28-31
Tyborne Ticket, Sale of   42  36
Tytherley Villas   27  28
Tytherly, Hambrook Street   49  46
UDC – see Charlton Kings (UDC)    
Unemployment, C19   54  14
Union of the Parish, Charlton Kings   65  12
Up End   8  20,35
Up End (Road) (orig. Nupend, q.v.)   19  26;   23  21,23,24,25;   25  10
Up End Street   15  15;   24  23
Upend   32  10
Upend (Street)   48  3;   49  8
Upend Street (now part of Cirencester Road)   32  3
Uphatherley (lands held by F. Green of Charlton Kings)   46  13-14,16
Upper Field (Greatfield)   26  23
Upper Hill   45  13,14
Upper Hornfield   44  14;   45  10
Upper Park Street   51  27
Upper Park Street – see Park Street    
Upper Pilford (field)   48  7,11
Upper Pilley Cottage   30  13
Urban District Council, Charlton Kings – see Charlton Kings (UDC)    
Uroscopy in Charlton Kings   42  31
USA – The Cleevely Connection   15  53-54
USA – The Hamlett Connection   9  41,43
Veldure, Croft Road/ Okus Road   57  13
Veysons (= Pheasants, q.v.)   44  18
Vicarages, St. Mary’s Parish, C.K.   14  18ff
Vicar’s Alley (Pound Walk)   14  19
Victoria Cottage, Ryeworth Road   60  4
Victoria, Queen, Diamond Jubilee of   16  20
View from Church Tower 1888   6  8
Village Pump   23  38
Village pump   4  17-18
Village Redevelopment — see under Charlton Kings    
Village Stocks   4  17-18
Vine Coffee Shop, Church Street   48  36
Vine, The   15  27ff;   45  20
Vine, The (Coffee Shop)   57  3
Vineyard Cover   39  6
Vineyards   48  5;   54  9
Vineyards (Farm)   38  16;   39  6;   40  3;   42  29;   43  29;   45  16,26
Vineyards Bank   35  13
Vineyards Farm   7  10-13;   8  35;   20  37;   23  23;   32  31-32;   33  33;   35  20;   36  38;   55  33-35;   57  5;   60  44;   64  12;   64  36;   65  4,5,6,12
Vineyards Farm – Old Vineyards Farm   25  10-24
Vineyards Farm – Origin of Name   7  13
Vineyards Farm – Roman Occupation   11  44
Vineyards Farm – Roman site   25  1-10
Vineyards Farm – Vineyards Cottages   25  13
Visitation   5  10-11
Volunteer Engineers, Recruitment of, 1891   53  61
Volunteers, 1st Glos. R.E.   22  28-29
Wadley(s)   42  37;   44  13
Wadleys   33  2
Wager Court   1  12-15;   10  8;   11  44;   13  9,31;   35  12;   36  31,32;   21  35,36
Wagers Court   60  6
Wager’s Court   48  36;   49  12;   51  29;   52  54
Wages – see Rents    
Wakefield Collection of Deeds, C17-20   49  61
Walker’s Field   9  3
Walter’s (Cudnall)   46  1-4
Walters (House), Cudnall   1  5
Walters (site of Langton Lodge, Cudnall)   52 58  58
War Memorial   56  3;   57  25, 35;   62  53;   18  30-31,41
War Memorial Horsefair St/ Church St   60  3
War Memorial, Charlton Kings   61  52-60
War Time – see WW1, WW2    
Ward (Messuage)   43  4
Water Supplies & Sewerage   53  60;   54  13
Water supply   36  36-38;   51  54,56
Water Supply (Wells)   19  14-16
Waterloo Cottage   19  36;   21  32
Waverley Lodge   23  35
Waverley Lodge, Rosehill Street   17  32
Wayside (London Road/Sandford Mill Road corner)   54  39
Weather, 1890   53  59
Weavers (AKA Webbers)   30  2
Well Heads (land)   48  8
Welldon, East End Road   52  35
Welling Farm   39  21
Welling Hill (Farm)   39  25;   43  18,19,20;   46  9;   47  15
Wellinghay (Welynyay) (land)   50  55-56
Wellinghill Farm   13  28,31;   17  6;   23  6
Wells – bottle   24  34
Wells – Water Supply   24  21
Wellscot, Haywards Road   57  23
Welynhay   47  15
Westal1   32  9
Westall Green   8  20
Westmon Cottages, Ryeworth   50  28
Westmon House, Ryeworth   57  26-28
Whaleman’s Gate   50  56
Wharfedale, Oxford Terrace   51  28
Wheeler’s (Cudnall)   46  4
Wheelwrights   30  2
Whit home House   34  7-12,15-19
White Furlong   10  36;   45  13,15,16
White House (Ham)   43  18-19
Whitebreach, Whitebreach Corner (field)   48  7,11
Whitefriars – see Schools, also Oaklands    
Whithorne   21  21;   22  12
Whithorne (House)   39  24,25,33;   43  20;   44  34;   46  28-30
Whithorne House   64  12
Whithorne War Nursery School   52  33,36
Whithorne, London Road   52  33
Whittington Court   8  35
Widecombe (previously Glenview), Harp Hill   53  8-12
Wiggins – see Orchard House    
Willesdene, Cirencester Road   52  56
Wills – Alice Lynet, Vol 5, p7   6  62
Wills – see also Inventories   18  22-27
Wills (16th Century)   4  5-16;   5  7-10;   6  25 – 30
Wills 1828- Higgs Family   58  52
Wills and Bequests   38  12-16;   39  11
Wills and Inventories   10  36-39;   11  40-41,;   12  17-21,41;   17  6-11
Wills, C16   54  37-38
Willy House (Claremont), Haywards Road   57  24
Wilson’s Farm, Greenway Lane   27  32
Windarse (Lane) (also Highbreach Lane East, Sandy Lane)   48  5,8
Windarse Hill – see Charlton Common    
Windmill Piece   10  8
Windybrake, Sandy Lane   12  30
Windyridge, Gadshill Road   57  10
Winegards – see Vineyards Farm    
Wisley/Wistley Hill   39  25
Wistley Hill – Roman Site   7  10-12;   7  10-12
Withyholt   28  34,47;   31  11;   8  29;   10  6;   11  28
Withyholt (Farm) (= Charlton Park Home Farm)   48  5, 8.
Withyholt (W. Close, The W.)   44  25;   46  13-20
Withyholt Court   60  21
Withyholt Farm   62  45;   20  37-39;   22  35;   27  27;   46  16-18
Withyholt Flats   60  18, 20
Withyholt Park   46  18-20
Withyholt, The (also Withyholt Farm, Park, Cottage, Court)   54  48-54
Wold, The (areaa of land near Croft Road/ Cirencester Road)   49  9
Wold, The (St Mary’s Vicarage 1938-1965)   14  21
Wolthorp   54  43
Wood Yards   21  1-3
Woodbine Cottage   51  55
Woodbine Cottage, Church St   52  27
Woodend, Sandy Lane   12  30
Woodgate Close   43  18;   44  30
Woodland Farm   34  1
Woodland Villa   27  26
Woodlands (House)   7  16-34
Woodlands Farm   44  28,30
Woodlands, The   27  46
Woodmeade   19  14;   21  18;   42  12
Woodruff Cottages, Church Walk   31  11;   7  38
Wood’s Cottage (Over House), East End   51  54
Woods Cottages   39  21,24;   47  4
Wood’s Cottages   19  40-42;   20  45;   21  33;   13  24
Woods, Charlton Kings see Timbercombe    
Woodville, Lyefield Road West   60  36;   62  26
Woolen – Burials   59  58-59
Wraxal1 House   28  5-11
Wraxall House   23  42;   15  15;   17  6
Wraxall House, Brookway Lane   59  47-51
Wren’s Nest, The (bungalow, London Road area)   39  22
WW1   54  18-19;   56  58-59
WW1 – Boys’ School   35  21-24
WW1 – Boys School, Farming   61  21
WW1 – Boys’ School, Charlton Kings   61  20-23
WW1 – Burial with Military Honours   62  8
WW1 – Holy Apostles, Memorial Plaque   60  3
WW1 – Holy Apostles’ School   61  23
WW1 – Horse Chestnuts   61  23
WW1 – Machine Gun Corps   61  51
WW1 – Prisoner of War Grave   48  39
WW1 – Prisoners, Charlton House, Spirax Sarco   63  41,42
WW1 – Returning Soldiers   61  50
WW1 – St Marys, Memorial Plaque   60  3
WW1, WW2 – see also Reminiscences of Wartime    
WW2   5  36 – 37;   12  30-31
WW2 – Air Raid Precautions   51  56
WW2 – Air Raid Warden   62  53
WW2 – Billeting Official, UDC   62  49-52
WW2 – Bomb near Greenway Lane   43  23
WW2 – Boys’ School   37  30
WW2 – Civil Defence   64  46
WW2 – Civil Defence Group (photograph)   28  18
WW2 – Evacuees   37  30;   61  3-9
WW2 – Evacuees in Charlton Kings   52  31-36
WW2 – Evacuees in Charlton Kings, 1939-45   53  64;   52  31-36
WW2 – Home Guard   28  11-17
WW2 – Home Guard – Photographs   28  15;   30  34
WW2 – Preparations   51  56
WW2 – Souvenirs of 1945   36  23
WW2 – VE Day celebrations – photographs   36  24-26
WW2 – Victory Party   48  32-35
Wyd(d)ecombe’s   46  3,4-5
Wydecombes, Wydecombe Place   54  43
Wyesham, London Road   57  49
Wynyards Bushes   11  36
Wystcommes   54  43
Yeend’s Farm   34  21
Yew Tree Cottage   35  35
Yew Tree Cottage, School Lane   51  54
Yew Tree Farm (Cottage)   19  21;   23  44
Yoke Way   38  19
Yoket’s (Joket’s)   32  10
Yorkleigh   56  52
Younging(s) (Bafford)   32  8;   34  13
Younginghill   32  8
Youngings   44  18
Zirah Terrace   61  39